I found this vim package in Here and I modify some of the configurations and Add two registry file to add two entry (open in gvim tab
and Open with gvim
) in Windows right click context menu.
- After clone the this repo, move this repo directory to where you want to place.
- Add the path to system environment variable[path], if you want to using the ctags and cscope.
- Modify the path string where store the gvim.exe in registry file
. The default isD:\\software\\gVimPortable\\vim73\\gvim.exe\
- Double click the registry files to merge them to system. As the registry file name imply, each of them will add a enty in right click context menu.
- Clone this repo.
- Install the vim(or gvim) using the proper commands, for example in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install vim
- Install the cscope, ctags and taglist plugin.
- Move the _vimrc file to you home directory, and rename it to .vimrc
- Move the vimfiles directory to you home directory, and rename it to .vim,then clone the vundle:
git clone http://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
These is no much different between cygwin and linux to use vim.