A B-tree based persistent sorted set for Clojure/Script.
PersistentSortedSet supports:
- transients,
- custom comparators,
- fast iteration,
- efficient slices (iterator over a part of the set)
- efficient
on slices.
Almost a drop-in replacement for clojure.core/sorted-set
, the only difference being this one can’t store nil
Implementations are provided for Clojure and ClojureScript.
[persistent-sorted-set "0.1.0"]
(require '[me.tonsky.persistent-sorted-set :as set])
(set/sorted-set 3 2 1)
;=> #{1 2 3}
(-> (set/sorted-set 1 2 3 4)
(conj 2.5))
;=> #{1 2 2.5 3 4}
(-> (set/sorted-set 1 2 3 4)
(disj 3))
;=> #{1 2 4}
(-> (set/sorted-set 1 2 3 4)
(contains? 3))
;=> true
(-> (apply set/sorted-set (range 10000))
(set/slice 5000 5010))
;=> (5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010)
(-> (apply set/sorted-set (range 10000))
(set/rslice 5010 5000))
;=> (5010 5009 5008 5007 5006 5005 5004 5003 5002 5001 5000)
(set/sorted-set-by > 1 2 3)
;=> #{3 2 1}
To reproduce:
- Install
[com.datomic/datomic-free "0.9.5703"]
locally. - Run
lein bench
is Clojure’s Red-black tree based sorted-set.
is Datomic’s B-tree based sorted set (no transients, no disjoins).
is this implementation.
Numbers I get on my 3.2 GHz i7-8700B:
PersistentTreeSet 143..165ms
BTSet 125..141ms
PersistentSortedSet 105..121ms
PersistentSortedSet (transient) 50..54ms
PersistentTreeSet 51..54ms
BTSet 45..47ms
PersistentSortedSet 46..47ms
PersistentTreeSet 70..77ms
PersistentSortedSet 10..11ms
PersistentTreeSet 116..124ms
BTSet 92..105ms
PersistentSortedSet 56..68ms
For PersistentTreeSet
we use ISeq produced by (take-while #(<= % 999999) (.seqFrom set 1 true))
For PersistentSortedSet
we use (.slice set 1 999999)
PersistentTreeSet 238..256ms
PersistentSortedSet 70..91ms
PersistentTreeSet 151..155ms
PersistentSortedSet 91..98ms
PersistentSortedSet (transient) 47..50ms
- Datascript, persistent in-memory database
Copyright © 2019 Nikita Prokopov
Licensed under MIT (see LICENSE).