- Change line 8, myhostname to your hostname.
- Run command: python /18749-project/replica_manager/replicate_manager.py
- Run on the same machine with GFD and clients.
- Change line 12, myhostname to your hostname
- Run command: python /18749-project/global_fault_detector/global_fault_detector.py
- Run on the same machine with RM and Clients
- Take care of line 8, rm_ip before running the code
- Run command: python /18749-project/client/client.py <client_id>
- Run on the same machine with RM and GFD
- Multiple clients can be launched with different <client_id> in the run command.
- Change line 12, gfd_ip_address to your the Machine-1 IP
- Run command: python /18749-project/server/localfaultdetector/lfd.py
- Run on the same machine with its server
- Change line 287, 289 and 290, change the hostname to yours
- Change the IP address in line 129 to your IP address
- Run command: python /18749-project/server/newversion.py
- Run on the same machine with its LFD
- Launch the RM
- Launch the GFD
- Launch LFD-1 and Server-1
- Launch LFD-2 and Server-2
- Launch LFD-3 and Server-3
------ End of Fault-free Testing ------
------ Start Fault Testing ------
- Kill one of the server
- Wait for some time
- Bring back the dead server
- Clients and the other two server should work normally and consistently during these steps and the membership changes should be broadcasted to all clients and existing servers