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Profiling agent design documents

This directory contains design documents that discuss major additions of changes to the profiling agent's architecture.

When to write a design document?

Invoking the design document process can be beneficial if

  • you are proposing changes that have significant impact on multiple sub-components of the profiling agent.
  • you are proposing a major addition and want to make sure that it will actually be accepted upstream the way that you plan to implement it without writing the code first (and thus risking need for major reworks later).
  • your proposed changes require a significant amount of context to understand for reviewers. A short design document can help to clarify the current state and the state that you'd like to move towards in these cases.
  • you'd like to incrementally apply reworks over the course of multiple PRs, to provide extra context for reviewers to understand what the end goal is supposed to look like. In simpler cases that can also be achieved with a tracking issue.

The above are guidelines: there is no hard rule on when a design document is necessary. When in doubt, please feel free to create an issue and quickly outline what you want to do in order to clarify whether a document is needed or not!

Creating a New Document

  • Create a new git branch forking from latest main
  • Create a directory in the design-docs folder
    • The directory name should follow a format like 00000-my-doc-title
    • The intention for creating a directory per document is to allow bundling media (images, diagrams, drawings) with the document
    • The 5 digit number is included to make it easy to spot recent documents and to order the documents by their recentness when viewed in the GitHub UI
    • When initially writing the document, the ID is set to 00000
  • Copy one of the templates for design documents from the (00000-templates)[./00000-templates] directory into into the newly created directory, naming it
  • Write the design document by following the instructions in the template
  • Once reaching draft quality, create a draft PR
    • Add the design-document label
    • Include a link to the rendered document. GitHub hides away the ability to properly view rendered documents behind multiple clicks, so adding a direct link spares others some work. After creating the PR, this link can be obtained by clicking "Files changed", searching the file, clicking the three dots on the right, selecting "View file" and then switching the current view to track your branch via the drop-down to the left of the file path. The last step ensures that the link automatically tracks updates when you push fixup commits later.
  • Rename the directory according to the PR ID that was allocated, e.g. if the allocated PR ID is 1234 then 00000-my-doc-title becomes 01234-my-doc-title
  • Once you're happy with the state of the document:
    • Mark the PR as ready for review and tag at least 2 maintainers for review
    • Additional people who should be aware of the document but whose review isn't mandatory can be notified by mentioning their username in the PR's description as CC @username