A simple QTPy RP2040-based
synth to experiment with synthio
- Mono audio output circuit, converting PWM to audio, as per RP2040 design guidelines
- Optoisolated MIDI Input via MIDI TRS-A 3.5mm jack
- Two pots for controlling parameters
- One switch for controlling parameters
- Four capsense touch buttons for synth triggering
- USB MIDI in/out of course too
Some programs written specifically for this board:
hwtest - test out the hardware with a simple synth
simpletouchsynth - play with filters using touch sensors
wavesynth - larger general two-osc synth that can also do wavetables
- early video demo: "Wavetable synth w/ CircuitPython synthio on QTPy RP2040"
- another demo: "More Wavetable synth w/ CircuitPython synthio on QTPy RP2040"
For many other synthio examples that can work with this synth with minimal changes, see: https://github.com/todbot/circuitpython-synthio-tricks