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select(bf) is a Battelfield 1942/Vietnam log-file parsing and statistics generating tool. It's goal is to run on different environments and give extensive statistics about your Battelfield games. It also works with every BF1942- or BFV-based modification.

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select(bf) A Battlefield 1942 XML Log Parsing Tool and Statistics generator

Foreword / Disclaimer

This project is from 2005. It has NOT been maintained or properly developed for about 10 years now. It has several servere ⚠️ security issues like SQL-injection problem that have not been fixed. Use at you own discretion. Know this especially when you are still running an instance of select(bf). We are happy to include fixes for these problems, if YOU would still like to contribute.

That time I had to set up a Battlefield server for a LAN-Party and I wanted to have some Stats for the players to see. Unfortunately I found nothing that came close to what I was searching for. So I decided to create a tool of my own. Having features that people are used to from watching CounterStrike-statistic pages. The Battlefield Logs at the time anyhow contained some more information, so that it is possible to even keeptrack of specific games and round infos. But see for yourself.

For your consideration

Please note: The Battlefield XML Log Format itself does not seem to be very bugfree. I had lots of files during the testing that showed either flaws in the XML-structure or contained errors on the <bf:event>-level so that an event is not always written the same. I tried to make this little tool as tolerant as possible but still it sometimes rejects files because of flaws in the XML-Log itself.


First of all Thanks to Andy Abshagen who joined this little project here in the meantime and provided an openly accessible CVS for everybody. Also he contributed lots of idea and codes to enhance our little tool here. Also to Gary Chiu, who contributed his Clan Stats !!

Also I'd like to thank all the guys that joined to select(bf) forums and gave their cheers for this project. That's what makes the OpenSource-World go round :)!

Also thx to the people (actually 2 up til now g) who donated a little amount of money to my Paypal-Account. Especially to that guy, who's donation was worth more than two completely new Battlefields :)!

Thanks to Andreas Fredriksson of DICE of the Battlefield development team who wrote the XML Logging system and supplied some valuable answers on this one.

Thanks to everybody else that submitted errors and suggestions at Especially to the guys who modded s(bf) to fit their needs and some that wrote little code-bits to help others making good use of this little thing.

Thanks to the creators of the three freesoftware-projects I used to create select(bf). Without them making their software freely available this could never have been done.


About Updating and Changes in 0.5 beta

Since the last release of select(bf) times have changed and even MySQL has gotten better ;) There it is more strict regarding values that are written into typed columns. Since the older releases of s(bf) had very strict column-settings, which were not very tightly matched by the data in the log-files, those settings have been losened in this release. So you either have to recreate your database using the _setup.php OR update your datamodell using the _setup.php. This method is undestructive, but your should always have a backup handy :)!

Due to the popular demand I have added or updated a few things to select(bf) in this little release. First of all: All MySQL-errors should be fixed. Means that all of the "Unexpected End of input-stream" and 'mod'-issues are hopefully gone. If not, let me know, we'll track down those stupid little glitches. Perhaps even some FTP-issues are gone now, cause I added a new FTP-library version. I cannot test that, so plz give me feedback how the outcome is for you guys! Additionally I have added PHP-output caching to select(bf). For all of you guys out there, who have CPU-trouble during database-requests. Sadly this means A LITTLE(!) more configuration work for you to do, but believe me, I tried that today, the outcome is really good (also, there are defaults in place, which should work from the start). The default caching time of the stats is 15 minutes. Therefore new data will NOT pop up immidiately. But you can disable caching completely through the config. See below.

What you need to run this thing


  • Java Runtime Environment 1.4 or higher installed it is available freely at Be aware to download their offline-installations. The online-installations are somewhat creepy. You can also install the Java Software Development Kit 1.4 or higher it comes with the JRE.


  • PHP 4.3.2 NOTICE: This the version that select(bf) has been tested with. It will probably work with earlier versions also.


  • MySQL 4.0.13 NOTICE: This the version that select(bf) has been tested with. It will probably work with earlier versions also.

How you run this thing

Step One

First uncompress the contents of the archive you downloaded to a desired directory.

Archive structure: bin - Contains the binaries of select(bf), the config-file and batch-files to run it. lib - Contains the "connector/j", "jdom" and "commons-net" libraries needed to run the selectbf-parser. php - Contains all the files that you later shoot into your webserver src - Contains the source-files of the select(bf)-parser doc - Contains the documentation and readme-files, but you already know that

Step Two

Create a database for the data that select(bf) collects, or gather choose one that you already have. You'll need the authentication and connect information.

Adjusting the parser-config (whatever you do in here. Don't mess up the config-files XML structure or the parser will not be able to read it)

  • Open the config.xml file in the bin-directory.

  • Now you'll have to set the options you want in this file (its the config for the parser)

    • Set all database connection information to those of the database you want the parser to use.

    • Set die after-parsing to one of the following values: remain - for leaving the files where they are after parse rename - to add .parsed to the end of every parsed file delete - to delete the file after parsing archive - to have the files moved to a different directory

    • Set the archive-folder to where you want the files moved to

    • Set die after-download to one of the following values: remain - for leaving the files where they are after download rename - to add .downloaded to the end of every downloaded file delete - to delete the file after downloading
      This determines what happens to log files, after they have been download by the select(bf)-parser through FTP. Please take care that the certain rights for this actions are allowed on the FTP-Server.

    • Set the delete-decompressed-xml-files to one of the following values: true - for deleting files that were decompressed zxmls after processing false - for leaving them where they are after processing

    • Set the rename-at-error to one of the following values: true - for renaming files that showed errors to \*.error false - for don't doing that

    • Set the log-bots to one of the following values: true - for accounting bots to your stats BE AWARE: select(bf) will only log bots if they have createPlayer events in the log files, which is not the case at the moment (at least in vanilla BF1942). This little restriction came with the tracking down of changing Player-IDs during a round. false - for leaving them out

    • Set the trim-database values You can set the value between the -tags to true if you want the datbase to be trimmed at the end of parsing. By default, only outdated games will be removed days - you should set the -tag attribute to the number of days you want to keep in the database keep-players - this value can either be true or false You should set it to true if you want to keep players even if they haven't played on the server within the given time. Otherwise they are also removed. BE AWARE: If you plan to keep you database trimmed to a certain amount of days, I URGENTLY advise you to reset your stats first. Also choose a very small interval of adding new logs to your database. You have to know: deleting events from the database can be as time-consuming as selecting data from it. So if you have a large amount of games in there that are outdated it will take a certain amount of time to trim them down. If you REALLY have a HUGE amount of outdated games, this trimming procedure will take a HUGE amount of time!!

    • Set the skip-empty-rounds to one of the following values: true - to not import empty rounds from the logs false - to import all rounds from the logs

    • Set the lan-mode to one of the following values: true - if player should be tracked by their nickname false - if player should be tracked by their CD-KEY BE AWARE: Don't mix both modes. That can get itchy!

    • Set the consistency-check to one of the following values: true - for enabling the consistency checker false - for disabling BE AWARE: The consistency checker might change your XML-files. It checks the files for probable inconsistency in the XML-structure. Corrections/Changes made to the log file are marked with a comment so that you can find them in case something goes wrong. Also the consistency-check takes a bit more time than simple parsing.

    • Set the memory-safer to one of the following values: true - for enabling the memory safer false - for disabling BE AWARE: The memory safer clears up unused memory after every file parsed. Therefore the complete parsing process might take longer.

    • Adjust the <log> section of the XML-file

      • Configuring directories You can open a <dir> tag for every directory that contains log files and that you want the parser to go through. The examples should lead you the way. Also you can set the special attribute live of the dirs to one of the following values: true - for considering this dir as a live-server dir (this will always leave out the most actual file in the dir because this is probably the file under BF1942 server-access) BE AWARE: Don't place any newer files in the dir cause in that case this file will be considered most actual. There is no better solution for this because under Windows the log under server-access is not locked in any way false - for not doing the above described Between the <dir> and </dir> tag, please write the name of the directory that holds the log files. NOTICE: Only use ABSOLUTE dir names. In any other case select(bf) will not be able to find them.

      • Configuring FTP You can also add a <ftp> tag for every FTP-location you want to gather logs from. Please take care that you also set the following values for the <ftp>-tag: host - containg either the DNS-name of the FTP-server that you want to get the files from or a valid IP-address port - the port that the FTP-server is on user - the FTP-user you'd like to use, to access the logs password - the password for this FTP-user live - please see the

        -part for the explanation of this value Between the and tag, please write the directory on the FTP-server that holds the log-files. Please consider, that you'll have to use a directory-path that originates from the directory that the user you configured starts in. For example if you use a user who starts in c:\program files\battlefield server\ and your logs files reside in c:\program files\battlefield server\mods\bf1942\logs the tags would look like this <ftp ...>mods/bf1942/logs</ftp. NOTICE: If the user you use already starts in the right directory, simply write nothing between the tags (<ftp ...>)


    and tags are not mandatory. If there is something that you don't need, then simply delete it!

Now you need to adjust one php-file so that the viewing pages can find the database

  • Go to the php/include-directory and open sql_setting.php And adjust ONLY the following values: $SQL_host = <host's address>; $SQL_user = <user name>; $SQL_datenbank = <database name>; `$SQL_password = ";

  • [NEW in 0.5] Configure the caching: The location of the configuration of the PHP-cache is set to sensible defaults from the begining, and should work instantly. BUT IF you should receive completely white pages after install or see PHP-errors in the page mentioning jpcache. Got about an do the following.

    Go to the php/include/jpcache-directory and open jpcache.php Adjust the value for $includedir = "<jpcache-path>"; to the path, where the JPCACHE-files are.

    After that you need to open the jpcache-config.php-file and adjust the settings there. This is the configuration for the Cache that select(bf) uses. You may simply read the jpcache/readme-file in order to get detailed information about what you can to with the cache. I myself used the file-caching where you only need to uncomment the line with $JPCACHE_TYPE = "file"; and put some value in $JPCACHE_DIR = "<some valid directory, you created>"; But if I understand the thing correctly, you may also use MySQL-based caching.

    After all, you can completely disable caching in the jpcache-config.php!

Step Three

Shoot the PHP-Files to the desired dir of your webserver.

After that open your browser and goto http://your-selectbf-website/\_setup.php!

Now choose a desired password for the Admin-Mode. Now push the "Create Tables" to create all the tables needed by select(bf).

The "Drop Tables" Button is for deleting all select(bf) tables from your database. NOTICE: During public access better remove the _setup.php from your webserver!

Step Four

Run the parser. Therefore you can either use

run-selectbf.bat: For full select(bf)-output to the console run-selectbf-slient.bat: For running select(bf) silent and write the output to "selectbf.out"

For our Unix friends there are similar files. Simply look in the bin :)!

Step Five

Watch your stats at http://your-selectbf-website

Parser behaviour


The parser will determine the files to parser from their extensions. Meaning that he will try to parser EVERY .xml in a log-dir for a simple BF1942-log and tries to decompress every .zxml-file first. So please take care that you have every file properly named. This is the same for FTP. The parser will only download files that are either named .xml or .zxml


Please note that the Parser somehow depends on the original BF1942-filenames for you log-files. Meaning that you better not change them, or you risk a non-conclusive outcome. The parser uses the original filename to determine the start of the game that this log was written for. If this is not possible, meaning that the filename is not BF-conform anymore, then the parser will take the Last-Modified Date of the file as the game-starttime to at least get as close as possible to the original starttime.

For our UNIX-Friends

Even though select(bf) is developed under a pure Windows environment, all the technics used are platform independed. Meaning that the Java-Parser is working without any new compilation for Linux also. You'll just have to use the other set of batch-files. For full select(bf)-output to the console For running select(bf) silent and write the output to "selectbf.out"

There should be no problems and/or differences in the outcome comparing to the Windows-usage. But still you'll have to download a Linux-JRE for running Java, but you guessed that right ;-)?


There are sometimes troubles with the data-structure or logic of some log-files. This is because Battlefield is not very consistent with it's log writing. There are sometimes heavy XML-errors or missing informations (missing informations should only appear in very small files). I can't do something about that because the errors are made on BF-side and s(bf) skips those files to keep the data consistent. If you experience anything that doesn't look like it should be or you have any suggestions, feel free to post them at


select(bf) is published under the conditions of the General Public License (GPL) Therefore this program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

select(bf) makes use of some other projects that are believed to be be freely available. They are either packed with select(bf) as a library or integrated with the code. There to mention:

Connector/J available under GPL (

JDOM available under Apache-style open source license (

JZLIB available under GPL (

Jakarta Commons/Net available under Apache Software License, Version 1.3 ( Jakarta Commons/ORO available under Apache Software License, Version 2.0.8 (

vLib Template ( [Dunno where that page has gone]) jpcache v2 for PHP available under GPL (

Please see further below for license informations regarding the above products!

NOTICE: No license harm is intended with select(bf) so. Please contact us if you do not aggree how select(bf) does things.


select(bf) is a Battelfield 1942/Vietnam log-file parsing and statistics generating tool. It's goal is to run on different environments and give extensive statistics about your Battelfield games. It also works with every BF1942- or BFV-based modification.







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