A port of ahmetb/kubectx for the Fish shell.
Install with Fisher
fisher install thphuong/kubectx.fish
Usage: kubectx [OPTIONS] [NAME]
Change or list Kubernetes contexts
--cache-dir Set the cache directory
-e --cache-expires-in Set the cache expiration time
-c, --current Show the current context
--no-cache Do not use existing cache for context
-g, --global Set context globally (write to ~/.kube/config)
-h, --help This message
-i, --interactive Select context interactively
-l, --list Show all kubeconfig files
-p, --path Show the kubeconfig path variable
-s, --show Show the kubeconfig for a context
Usage: kubens [OPTIONS] [NAME]
Change or list Kubernetes namespaces
-c, --current Show the current namespace
-h, --help This message
-i, --interactive Select namespace interactively