My name's Thomas, and I like to code. I love programming, computers, and learning about both.
🔭 I’m currently working on ...
- Contributing to analyzing AI responses for DataAnnotation
- Gradually improving some of my school projects for general purpose use, such as:
- A music maker for NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) that lets you customize a song and then it builds you a NES cartridge file (.NES) you can download and listen to! (
- Writing (or editing) my documentation for the tutorials I made for how to learn ASM6502/NES programming, available here:
🌱 I’m currently learning ... so many things! Here's a few:
- Going to Athabasca University (part-time, honours student). I've loved every course so far. It's been a great experience!
- Reading through The Art of Computer Programming Vol I, by Donald Knuth (and apparently learning the MIX assembly language); (page 120/463)
- Reading through The Art of Computer Programming Vol II, by Donald Knuth; (page 313/515)
- Reading through The Art of Computer Programming Vol III, by Donald Knuth; (page 64/570)
- Reading through Algorithms, by Robert Sedgewick (and apparently learning a bit of Pascal!); (page 376/536)
Finished Reading:
JavaScript For Web Professionals, by Barrett, Livingston, and Brown; (Mar 2025)
Effective Java Programming Language Guide, by Joshua Bloch; (Feb 2025)
JavaScript Pocket Reference, by David Flanagan; (Jan 2025)
The Practice of Programming, by Kernighan and Pike; (Dec 2024)
The C Programming Language (2nd Edition), by Kernigan and Ritchie; (Oct 2023)
📫 How to reach me: Send me an email! shikisha at hotmail dot com is my main e-mail address. I'd love to speak with you about all things code.