This project is divided into three parts: API , web client and mobile client.
Project that helps users make appointments with barbers (mobile) and allows barbers to view their schedule each day (web).
This project was developed using the following technologies:
- NodeJS
- TypeScript
- Express
- Multer
- TypeORM
- JWT-token
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- Redis
- date-fns
- Jest
- Yup
- Bcrypt
- Click in the button below and import the file .json on Insomnia App
- Node.js
- yarn or npm
- One instance of PostgreSQL, MongoDB and Redis (suggestion: in docker)
# clonar o repositório
$ git clone
# Enter in reposi
$ cd goBarber
# Instalar as dependências
$ yarn install
# Iniciar o projeto
$ yarn dev:server
# This application is running on port 3333 - acess <http://localhost:3333>
#Para rodar os testes
$ yarn test
This project was developed using the following technologies:
# clonar o repositório
$ git clone
# Enter in reposi
$ cd goBarber
# Instalar as dependências
$ yarn install
# Iniciar o projeto
$ yarn start
# This application is running on port 3000 - acess <http://localhost:3000>
#Para rodar os testes
$ yarn test
This project was developed using the following technologies:
# clonar o repositório
$ git clone
# Enter in reposi
$ cd goBarber
# Instalar as dependências
$ yarn install
# Iniciar o projeto
$ yarn start
# This application is running on port 3000 - acess <http://localhost:3000>
# necessary to have an emulator or physical device to run the project, I used Android Studio for development
#Para rodar os testes
$ yarn test
Este projeto esta sobe a licença MIT.