"A collection of functional programming libraries that can be composed together. Unlike a framework, thi.ng is a suite of instruments and you (the user) must be the composer of. Geared towards versatility, not any specific type of music." — @loganpowell via Twitter
Please visit thi.ng for additional information & topic based search of packages relevant to your use cases...
This mono-repository is home to 164+ thi.ng TypeScript/ES6 projects, a wide and jointly developed collection of packages and building blocks for (non-exhaustive list of topics):
- Functional programming (ES6 iterators/generators, composition, memoization, transducers, multi-methods)
- Reactive programming, stream / transducer based dataflow graphs / pipelines
- Data structures & data transformations for wide range of use cases (maps, sets, heaps, queues, graphs etc.)
- 2D geometry generation, shape primitives, math, manipulation, intersections, conversions & visualizations
- Canvas abstractions, pixel buffers & SVG serialization/conversion
- Vector, matrix (dense & sparse), ECS implementations with optional support for strided memory layouts
- Semi-declarative WebGL 1/2 abstraction layer
- DSL for shader functions defined in TypeScript and cross-compilation to GLSL, JS, VEX etc.
- Value-based equivalence
- DSP building blocks: oscillators, noise generators, filters, 1D FFT/IFFT, muxers, rate converters
- Immutable data handling, state containers, transacted state updates, Undo-Redo history
- Data driven UI component toolkits (DOM-based, canvas-based, immediate-mode, multiple approaches...)
- Multi-format, multi-channel pixel buffers (int & float based), conversions, dithering, Porter-Duff alpha-blending operators
- Color space/format conversions, matrix based color manipulation, gradient generators, color palettes
- Date-time abstraction, relative dates, iterators, formatters, math
- WebWorker workflow abstractions
- PEG-style functional parser combinators w/ (optional) custom grammar definition language
- Forth-style pointfree DSL for functional composition and DSL development/extension
- S-expression parser & runtime (interpreter) infrastructure for custom DSL creation
- Low-level tooling for binary data, shared memory/WASM/WebGL interop
- SIMD batch-processing of vector data
- Various interpolations, math helpers, automatic differentiation (Dual numbers)
- etc. (see package overview below)
This project is NOT a framework, provides no turn-key, one-size-fits-all approach and instead encourages a mix & match philosophy for various key aspects of application design (in & outside the browser). Most customization points only expect certain interfaces/type signatures rather than concrete implementations.
All packages:
- are versioned independently
- distributed as ESM modules (ES2020 syntax) with export maps, TypeScript typings & change logs
- highly modular with largely only single function / class (only closely related functions) per file to help w/ selective imports and tree shaking
- provide re-exports of all their publics for full library imports
- have either none or only @thi.ng internal runtime dependencies
- declare public interfaces, enums & types in an
file (larger packages only) - have auto-generated online documentation at docs.thi.ng
- licensed under Apache Software License 2.0
The sheer number and varied nature & purpose of these packages makes it impossible to provide traditional "Getting started" tutorials. To compensate, this repo provides a large number of example projects, detailed readmes (at the very least for all the larger and/or more important packages) and smaller usage examples in the docstrings.
There's a steadily growing number (100+) of standalone examples (different complexities, often combining functionality from several packages) in the examples directory.
Example screenshots | (small selection) | |
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"Of umbrellas, transducers, reactive streams & mushrooms" (ongoing series):
Join our little community on our Discord server or get in touch via Twitter or the issue tracker. If you'd like to contribute, please first read this document.
In general, we welcome contributions of all kinds (docs, examples, bug fixes, feature requests, financial contributions etc.). You can find a fairly detailed overview for contributors here: CONTRIBUTING.md.
Note: The default branch for this repo is develop
and all PRs should be
created based on this branch. This too means, the README files on this branch
might refer to yet-unreleased features or packages. Please use the
main branch for viewing the most
recently released version(s)!.
Also please be sure to check the wiki for other project-wide information, tidbits, useful snippets etc.
All packages are now only published in ESM format (ES2020 syntax) with TypeScript typings. You can find more details & rationale in issue #315.
As a result (and opportunity), many packages have undergone internal restructuring, some have been split up. All are now fully supporting deep-imports (based on declared export maps), leading to drastically smaller userland bundle sizes.
Previously we also created & published CommonJS & UMD formats, but deemed them an unnecessary burden & hindrance, since all important JS tooling/platforms do support ES modules by now.
As of: 2022-05-18
Status | Project | Version | Changelog |
@thi.ng/date |
changelog | ||
@thi.ng/file-io |
changelog |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/args |
changelog | Declarative & functional CLI arg parsing & coercions | |
@thi.ng/api |
changelog | Common types, decorators, mixins | |
@thi.ng/bench |
changelog | Basic benchmarking helpers | |
@thi.ng/checks |
changelog | Type & value checks | |
@thi.ng/compare |
changelog | Comparators | |
@thi.ng/compose |
changelog | Functional composition helpers | |
@thi.ng/date |
changelog | Date/time iterators, formatters, rounding | |
@thi.ng/defmulti |
changelog | Dynamic multiple dispatch | |
@thi.ng/distance |
changelog | n-D distance metrics & K-nearest neighborhoods | |
@thi.ng/equiv |
changelog | Deep value equivalence checking | |
@thi.ng/errors |
changelog | Custom error types | |
@thi.ng/expose |
changelog | Conditional global variable exposition | |
@thi.ng/hex |
changelog | Hex value formatters for U4-64 words | |
@thi.ng/logger |
changelog | Basis infrastructure for arbitrary logging | |
@thi.ng/memoize |
changelog | Function memoization w/ customizable caching | |
@thi.ng/oquery |
changelog | Pattern based query engine for JS objects | |
@thi.ng/parse |
changelog | Parser combinators & AST generator/transformer | |
@thi.ng/paths |
changelog | Immutable nested object accessors | |
@thi.ng/strings |
changelog | Higher-order string formatting utils | |
@thi.ng/system |
changelog | Minimal life cycle container for stateful app components | |
@thi.ng/testament |
changelog | Minimal test runner |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/dual-algebra |
changelog | Dual number algebra / automatic differentiation | |
@thi.ng/dsp |
changelog | DSP utils, composable signal gens/processors | |
@thi.ng/fuzzy |
changelog | Fuzzy logic primitives & rule inference engine | |
@thi.ng/intervals |
changelog | Open/closed intervals, queries, set ops | |
@thi.ng/math |
changelog | Assorted common math functions & utilities | |
@thi.ng/matrices |
changelog | Matrix operations | |
@thi.ng/sparse |
changelog | Sparse matrix & vector impls | |
@thi.ng/vectors |
changelog | Fixed & arbitrary-length vector ops |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/colored-noise |
changelog | 1D colored noise generators | |
@thi.ng/ksuid |
changelog | K-sortable unique identifiers, binary & base-N encoded | |
@thi.ng/lowdisc |
changelog | n-D Low discrepancy sequence generators | |
@thi.ng/random |
changelog | Seedable PRNG implementations, distributions & utilities |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/bencode |
changelog | Bencode binary format encoding | |
@thi.ng/csv |
changelog | Customizable CSV parser/object mapper | |
@thi.ng/file-io |
changelog | Assorted file I/O utils for NodeJS | |
@thi.ng/dot |
changelog | Graphviz DOM & export | |
@thi.ng/dsp-io-wav |
changelog | WAV file format exporter | |
@thi.ng/geom-io-obj |
changelog | Wavefront OBJ model parser | |
@thi.ng/hiccup-css |
changelog | CSS from nested JS data structures | |
@thi.ng/hiccup-html |
changelog | Type-checked HTML5 element wrappers for hiccup | |
@thi.ng/hiccup-markdown |
changelog | Hiccup-to-Markdown serialization | |
@thi.ng/hiccup-svg |
changelog | hiccup based SVG vocab | |
@thi.ng/iges |
changelog | IGES format geometry serialization | |
@thi.ng/markdown-table |
changelog | Markdown table generator / formatter | |
@thi.ng/mime |
changelog | File extension to MIME type mappings | |
@thi.ng/pixel-io-netpbm |
changelog | 1/8/16/24bit NetPBM image format reader/writer | |
@thi.ng/prefixes |
changelog | Linked Data, RDF & xmlns prefixes/URLs | |
@thi.ng/sax |
changelog | SAX-like XML parser / transducer |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/csp |
changelog | Channel based async ops | |
@thi.ng/fsm |
changelog | FSM / parser primitives | |
@thi.ng/grid-iterators |
changelog | 2D grid iterator strategies | |
@thi.ng/iterators |
changelog | ES6 generators / iterators | |
@thi.ng/seq |
changelog | Lisp/Clojure-style sequence abstraction | |
@thi.ng/transducers |
changelog | Composable data transformations | |
@thi.ng/transducers-binary |
changelog | Binary data related transducers | |
@thi.ng/transducers-fsm |
changelog | Finite state transducer | |
@thi.ng/transducers-hdom |
changelog | Transducer based hdom UI updates | |
@thi.ng/transducers-patch |
changelog | Patch-based, array & object editing | |
@thi.ng/transducers-stats |
changelog | Technical / statistical analysis |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/rstream |
changelog | Push-based, reactive event stream primitves | |
@thi.ng/rstream-csp |
changelog | Adapter bridge CSP -> rstream | |
@thi.ng/rstream-dot |
changelog | Graphviz visualization of rstream topologies | |
@thi.ng/rstream-gestures |
changelog | Mouse & touch event stream abstraction | |
@thi.ng/rstream-graph |
changelog | Declarative dataflow graph construction | |
@thi.ng/rstream-log |
changelog | Hierarchical structured data logging | |
@thi.ng/rstream-log-file |
changelog | Log-file output handler | |
@thi.ng/rstream-query |
changelog | Triple store & query engine |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/adjacency |
changelog | Adjacency matrices & graph algorithms | |
@thi.ng/arrays |
changelog | Array utilities | |
@thi.ng/associative |
changelog | Alt Set & Map implementations | |
@thi.ng/atom |
changelog | Immutable value wrappers, views, history | |
@thi.ng/bitfield |
changelog | 1D/2D bit field implementations | |
@thi.ng/cache |
changelog | In-memory caches / strategies | |
@thi.ng/dcons |
changelog | Doubly-linked list | |
@thi.ng/diff |
changelog | Array & object diffing | |
@thi.ng/dgraph |
changelog | Dependency graph | |
@thi.ng/ecs |
changelog | Entity-Component System | |
@thi.ng/egf |
changelog | Extensible Graph Format | |
@thi.ng/gp |
changelog | Genetic programming helpers / AST gen | |
@thi.ng/heaps |
changelog | Binary & d-ary heap impls | |
@thi.ng/idgen |
changelog | Versioned ID generation / free-list | |
@thi.ng/k-means |
changelog | K-means clustering of n-D data | |
@thi.ng/ramp |
changelog | Parametric, interpolated lookup tables | |
@thi.ng/quad-edge |
changelog | Quad-edge, dual-graph data structure | |
@thi.ng/resolve-map |
changelog | DAG computations & value resolution | |
@thi.ng/vclock |
changelog | Vector clock functions / comparators | |
@thi.ng/zipper |
changelog | Immutable tree editing / navigation |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/adapt-dpi |
changelog | HDPI canvas adaptation / styling util | |
@thi.ng/dl-asset |
changelog | Asset/canvas/file download helpers | |
@thi.ng/hdiff |
changelog | String diffing w/ hiccup output (includes CLI) | |
@thi.ng/hdom |
changelog | Hiccup based VDOM & diffing | |
@thi.ng/hdom-canvas |
changelog | hdom adapter for hiccup-canvas | |
@thi.ng/hdom-components |
changelog | hdom based UI components | |
@thi.ng/hdom-mock |
changelog | hdom mock implementation (testing / prototyping) | |
@thi.ng/hiccup |
changelog | S-expression based HTML/XML serialization | |
@thi.ng/hiccup-canvas |
changelog | hiccup interpreter for canvas api | |
@thi.ng/hiccup-carbon-icons |
changelog | IBM Carbon icons in hiccup format | |
@thi.ng/imgui |
changelog | Immediate mode GUI | |
@thi.ng/interceptors |
changelog | Composable event handlers & processor | |
@thi.ng/rdom |
changelog | Reactive, diff-less, async UI components | |
@thi.ng/rdom-canvas |
changelog | rdom component wrapper for thi.ng/hiccup-canvas | |
@thi.ng/rdom-components |
changelog | Unstyled, customizable component collection | |
@thi.ng/router |
changelog | Customizable browser & non-browser router | |
@thi.ng/text-canvas |
changelog | Text-mode canvas, drawing, tables, charts | |
@thi.ng/text-format |
changelog | Color text formatting w/ ANSI & HTML presets |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/color |
changelog | Color conversions, gradients | |
@thi.ng/color-palettes |
changelog | Collection of image-based color palettes | |
@thi.ng/dgraph-dot |
changelog | Dependency graph -> Graphviz | |
@thi.ng/distance-transform |
changelog | Image based distance field generation | |
@thi.ng/fuzzy-viz |
changelog | Visualization, instrumentation for @thi.ng/fuzzy | |
@thi.ng/geom |
changelog | 2D only geometry types & ops | |
@thi.ng/geom-accel |
changelog | Spatial indexing data structures | |
@thi.ng/geom-api |
changelog | Shared types & interfaces | |
@thi.ng/geom-arc |
changelog | 2D elliptic arc utils | |
@thi.ng/geom-clip-line |
changelog | 2D line clipping | |
@thi.ng/geom-clip-poly |
changelog | 2D convex polygon clipping | |
@thi.ng/geom-closest-point |
changelog | Closest point helpers | |
@thi.ng/geom-fuzz |
changelog | Fuzzy 2D shape drawing / filling | |
@thi.ng/geom-hull |
changelog | 2D convex hull (Graham scan) | |
@thi.ng/geom-isec |
changelog | Point & shape intersection tests | |
@thi.ng/geom-isoline |
changelog | 2D contour line extraction | |
@thi.ng/geom-poly-utils |
changelog | 2D polygon helpers | |
@thi.ng/geom-resample |
changelog | nD polyline / curve resampling | |
@thi.ng/geom-splines |
changelog | nD cubic / quadratic spline ops | |
@thi.ng/geom-subdiv-curve |
changelog | nD iterative subdivision curves | |
@thi.ng/geom-tessellate |
changelog | nD convex polygon tessellators | |
@thi.ng/geom-voronoi |
changelog | 2D iterative delaunay/voronoi | |
@thi.ng/lsys |
changelog | Extensible L-System architecture | |
@thi.ng/pixel |
changelog | Multi-format pixel buffers | |
@thi.ng/pixel-dither |
changelog | Image dithering w/ various algorithm presets | |
@thi.ng/poisson |
changelog | nD Poisson disk sampling | |
@thi.ng/porter-duff |
changelog | Alpha blending / compositing ops | |
@thi.ng/rasterize |
changelog | Shape drawing, filling & rasterization | |
@thi.ng/scenegraph |
changelog | Extensible 2D/3D scenegraph | |
@thi.ng/simd |
changelog | WebAssembly SIMD vector batch processing | |
@thi.ng/viz |
changelog | Declarative & functional data visualization toolkit |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/shader-ast |
changelog | AST DSL for x-platform shader code | |
@thi.ng/shader-ast-glsl |
changelog | GLSL code generator | |
@thi.ng/shader-ast-js |
changelog | JS code generator | |
@thi.ng/shader-ast-optimize |
changelog | AST code optimization strategies | |
@thi.ng/shader-ast-stdlib |
changelog | 100+ useful AST shader functions | |
@thi.ng/webgl |
changelog | WebGL 1/2 / GPGPU facilities | |
@thi.ng/webgl-msdf |
changelog | MSDF font rendering | |
@thi.ng/webgl-shadertoy |
changelog | Shadertoy-like WebGL setup |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/base-n |
changelog | Arbitrary base-n encoding/decoding with presets | |
@thi.ng/binary |
changelog | Assorted binary / bitwise ops, utilities | |
@thi.ng/bitstream |
changelog | Bitwise input / output streams | |
@thi.ng/dlogic |
changelog | Digital logic ops / constructs | |
@thi.ng/leb128 |
changelog | WASM based LEB128 varint encoder / decoder | |
@thi.ng/malloc |
changelog | Raw & typed array memory pool & allocator | |
@thi.ng/morton |
changelog | Z-order-curve / Morton coding | |
@thi.ng/range-coder |
changelog | Binary data Range encoder / decoder | |
@thi.ng/rle-pack |
changelog | Run-length encoding data compression | |
@thi.ng/soa |
changelog | Memory mapped data structures & serialization | |
@thi.ng/unionstruct |
changelog | Wrapper for C-like structs / unions | |
@thi.ng/vector-pools |
changelog | Data structures for memory mapped vectors |
Project | Version | Changelog | Description |
@thi.ng/pointfree |
changelog | Stack-based DSL & functional composition | |
@thi.ng/pointfree-lang |
changelog | Forth-like syntax layer for @thi.ng/pointfree | |
@thi.ng/sexpr |
changelog | S-Expression parser & runtime infrastructure |
git clone https://github.com/thi-ng/umbrella.git
cd umbrella
yarn install
yarn build
Once the entire mono-repo has been fully built at least once before, individual packages can then be (re)built like so:
yarn workspace @thi.ng/transducers run build
# or
(cd packages/transducers && yarn build)
Please see the example build instructions in the wiki for further details.
(Most, but not all packages have tests)
Due to various build/config issues/complexities, we're now using our own minimal test runner @thi.ng/testament
yarn test
# or individually
yarn workspace @thi.ng/rstream run test
Autogenerated documentation (using
TypeDoc) will be saved under
and is also available at docs.thi.ng.
yarn doc
Furthermore, an experimental tsdoc-based documentation repo provides an alternative markdown output including cross-references between all packages, but currently isn't frequently updated (only every few months):
© 2015 - 2022 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!