Clojure inspired mutable wrappers for (usually) immutable values, with support for watches.
yarn add
import * as atom from "";
const a = new atom.Atom(23);
// obtain value via deref()
// 23
// add watch to observe value changes
a.addWatch("foo", (id, prev, curr) => console.log(`${id}: ${prev} -> ${curr}`));
// true
a.swap((val)=> val + 1);
// foo: 23 -> 24
// foo: 24 -> 42
// main state
main = new atom.Atom({ a: { b: { c: 23 }, d: { e: 42 } }, f: 66 });
// cursor to `c` value
cursor = new atom.Cursor(main, "a.b.c");
// or
cursor = new atom.Cursor(main, ["a","b","c"]);
// alternatively provide path implicitly via lookup & update functions
// both fns will be called with cursor's parent state
// this allows the cursor implementation to work with any data structure
// as long as the updater DOES NOT mutate in place
cursor = new atom.Cursor(
(s) => s.a.b.c,
(s, x) => ({...s, a: {...s.a, b: {...s.a.b, c: x}}})
// add watch just as with Atom
cursor.addWatch("foo", console.log);
// 23
cursor.swap(x => x + 1);
// foo 23 24
// { a: 24, b: 42 }
- Karsten Schmidt
© 2018 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0