This project is part of the monorepo.
Lightweight reactive multi-tap streams and transducer based transformation pipeline constructs, written in TypeScript.
This library provides & uses three key building blocks for reactive programming:
- Stream sources: event targets, iterables, timers, promises, watches, workers, CSP channels, custom...
- Subscriptions: chained stream processors, each subscribable (one-to-many) itself
- Transducers: stream transformers, either as individual subscription or to transform values for a single subscription. See for 90+ composable operators.
- Recursive teardown: Whenever possible, any unsubscription initiates cleanup and propagates to parent(s).
Using these building blocks, a growing number of high-level operations are provided too:
- fromAtom() - streams from value changes in atoms/cursors
- fromChannel() - CSP channel to stream conversion
- fromEvent() - DOM events
- fromInterval() - interval based counters
- fromIterable() - arrays, iterators / generators
- fromPromise() - single value stream from promis
- fromPromises() - results from multiple promise
- fromRAF() - requestAnimationFrame() counter (w/ node fallback)
- fromView() - derived view changes (see
- fromWorker() - messages received from worker
- manual / custom - anything else
- merge - unsorted merge from multiple inputs (dynamic add/remove)
- sync - synchronized merge and labeled tuple objects
- pubsub - topic based splitting
- bisect - split via predicate
- sidechainPartition - emits chunks from source, controlled by sidechain stream
- sidechainToggle - toggles source based on signals from sidechain
- postWorker - send values to workers (incl. optional worker instantiation)
- resolve - resolve on-stream promises
- trace - debug helper
- transduce - transduce or just reduce an entire stream into a promise
- Subscriptions implement's
interface and therefore can be used directly in UI components based on
- - CSP channel-to-stream adapter
- - GraphViz DOT conversion of rstream dataflow graph topologies
- - unified mouse, single-touch & wheel event stream
- - declarative dataflow graph construction
- - extensible multi-level, multi-target structured logging
- - triple store & reactive query engine
(No value judgements implied - there's room for both approaches!)
- Streams are not the same as Observables: I.e. stream sources are NOT (often just cannot) re-run for each new sub added. Only the first sub is guaranteed to receive all values. Subs added at a later time MIGHT not receive earlier emitted values, but only the most recent emitted and any future values)
- Every subscription supports any number of subscribers, which can be added/removed at any time
- Every unsubscription recursively triggers upstream unsubscriptions (provided a parent has no other active child subscriptions)
- Every subscription can have its own transducer transforming incoming values (possibly into multiple new ones)
- Transducers can create streams themselves (only for
) - Transducers can cause early stream termination and subsequent unwinding
- Values can be manually injected into the stream pipeline / graph at any point
- Every Stream also is a subscription
- Unhandled errors in subscriptions will move subscription into error state and cause unsubscription from parent (if any). Unhandled errors in stream sources will cancel the stream.
- Much smaller API surface since most common & custom operations can be solved via available transducers. Therefore less need to provide specialized functions (map / filter etc.) and more flexibility in terms of composing new operations.
- IMHO less confusing naming / terminology (only streams (producers) & subscriptions (consumers))
yarn add
There're several examples using this package in the /examples
directory of this repo:
Interactive demo is utilizing the support package to compute a SVG grid.
This demo is utilizing the support package.
The FPS counter canvas component used in this benchmark is driven by this package and based on the barebones version shown below.
import * as rs from "";
import * as tx from "";
// requestAnimationFrame() event stream (counter)
// (in Node falls back to `fromInterval(16)`)
const raf = rs.fromRAF();
// add subscription w/ a composed transducer computing
// average FPS of last 10 frames
next(x) {
console.log(x.toFixed(1), "fps");
tx.movingAverage(10), => 1000 / x)
// add another subscription (untransformed)
// stop stream after 10 secs
setTimeout(()=> raf.done(), 10000);
See for a related, but more highlevel approach.
src: [
rs.fromEvent(document, "mousemove"),
rs.fromEvent(document, "mousedown"),
rs.fromEvent(document, "mouseup"),
// add event transformer
.subscribe( => [e.type, [e.clientX, e.clientY]]))
// add debug subscription
// ["mousedown", [472, 195]]
// ["mousemove", [472, 197]]
// ["mouseup", [473, 198]]
// ["mousemove", [485, 204]]
// ...
import { mapIndexed } from "";
pub = rs.pubsub({ topic: (x) => x[0], xform: mapIndexed((i,x) => [x, i]) });
pub.subscribeTopic("e", rs.trace("topic E:"));
pub.subscribeTopic("o", rs.trace("topic O:"));
rs.fromIterable("hello world").subscribe(pub);
// topic E: [ 'e', 1 ]
// topic O: [ 'o', 4 ]
// topic O: [ 'o', 7 ]
// topic E: done
// topic O: done
This example uses synchronized stream merging to implement a dataflow graph whose leaf inputs (and their changes) are sourced from a central immutable atom.
import { Atom } from "";
import { map } from "";
import * as rs from "";
// create mutable/watchable container for graph inputs
const graph = new Atom<any>({
a1: { ports: { a: 1, b: 2 } },
a2: { ports: { b: 10 } },
a3: { ports: { c: 0 } },
// create a synchronized stream merge from given inputs
const adder = (src) =>
// define transducer for merged tuple objects
// summing all values in each tuple
// (i.e. the values from the input streams)
xform: map((ports) => {
let sum = 0;
for (let p in ports) {
sum += ports[p];
return sum;
// reset=false will only synchronize *all* inputs for the
// very 1st merged tuple, then emit updated ones when *any*
// input has changed with other input values in the tuple
// remaining the same
reset: false
// define first dataflow node
// `fromView()` creates a stream of value changes
// for given value path in the above atom
const a1 = adder([
rs.fromView(graph, "a1.ports.a"),
rs.fromView(graph, "a1.ports.b"),
// this node computes sum of:
// - prev node
// - view of a2.ports.b value in atom
// - for fun, another external stream (iterable)
const a2 = adder([
rs.fromView(graph, "a2.ports.b"),
rs.fromIterable([0, 1, 2]),
// last node computes sum of the other 2 nodes
const a3 = adder([a1, a2]);
// add a console.log sub to see results
// result: 16
// result: 17
// result: 18
// value update in atom triggers recomputation
// of impacted graph nodes (and only those!)
setTimeout(() => graph.resetIn("a2.ports.b", 100), 100);
// result: 108
import * as atom from "";
import * as tx from "";
// central app state / single source of truth
const app = new atom.Atom({ ui: { theme: "dark", mode: false}, foo: "bar" });
// define some cursors for different UI params
const theme = new atom.Cursor(app, "ui.theme");
const mode = new atom.Cursor(app, "ui.mode");
// create streams of cursor value changes
// with transducer
rs.fromAtom(mode).subscribe(rs.trace("mode:"), => mode ? "advanced" : "basic"));
// another one for an hitherto unknown value in app state (via derived view)
rs.fromView(app, "session.user").subscribe(rs.trace("user:"));
// attach history only to `ui` branch
// undo/redo will not record/change other keys in the atom
const hist = new atom.History(new atom.Cursor(app, "ui"));
hist.record(); // record current snapshot
// theme: light
mode.swap(mode => !mode); // toggle mode
// mode: advanced
hist.undo(); // 1st
// mode: basic
// { theme: 'light', mode: false }
hist.undo(); // 2nd
// theme: dark
// { theme: 'dark', mode: false }
hist.redo(); // 1st
// theme: light
// { theme: 'light', mode: false }
// update another part of the app state (DON'T MUTATE!)
app.swap((state) => atom.setIn(state, "session.user", "asterix"));
// user: asterix
// { ui: { theme: 'light', mode: false },
// foo: 'bar',
// session: { user: 'asterix' } }
hist.redo(); // redo 2nd time
// mode: advanced
// { theme: 'light', mode: true }
// verify history redo did not destroy other keys
// { ui: { theme: 'light', mode: true },
// foo: 'bar',
// session: { user: 'asterix' } }
TODO more to come... see tests for now!
- Karsten Schmidt
© 2017 - 2018 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0