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This project is part of the monorepo.


Comparators with optional support for types implementing the ICompare interface.

Since v1.2.0 additional higher-order comparators are included, e.g. to reverse the ordering of an existing comparator and allow hierarchical sorting by multiple keys/dimensions, each with their own optional comparator. See examples below.


STABLE - used in production


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Package sizes (gzipped): ESM: 0.3KB / CJS: 0.4KB / UMD: 0.5KB


Usage examples

Several demos in this repo's /examples directory are using this package.

A selection:


Live demo | Source


Generated API docs

ICompare support

import { ICompare } from "";
import { compare } from "";

class Foo implements ICompare<Foo> {

    x: number;

    constructor(x: number) {
        this.x = x;

    compare(o: Foo) {
        return compare(this.x, o.x);

compare(new Foo(1), new Foo(2));
// -1

Cluster sort w/ multiple sort keys

Key-based object comparison is supported for 1 - 4 keys / dimensions.

import * as cmp from "";

const src = [
    { id: "charlie", age: 66 },
    { id: "bart", age: 42 },
    { id: "alice", age: 23 },
    { id: "dora", age: 11 },

// cluster sort by id -> age (default comparators)
[...src].sort(cmp.compareByKeys2("id", "age"));
// [
//   { id: 'alice', age: 23 },
//   { id: 'bart', age: 42 },
//   { id: 'charlie', age: 66 },
//   { id: 'dora', age: 11 }
// ]

// cluster sort by age -> id (default comparators)
[...src].sort(cmp.compareByKeys2("age", "id"));
// [
//   { id: 'dora', age: 11 },
//   { id: 'alice', age: 23 },
//   { id: 'bart', age: 42 },
//   { id: 'charlie', age: 66 }
// ]

// cluster sort by age -> id
// (custom comparator for `age` key)
[...src].sort(cmp.compareByKeys2("age", "id", cmp.compareNumDesc));
// [
//   { id: 'charlie', age: 66 },
//   { id: 'bart', age: 42 },
//   { id: 'alice', age: 23 },
//   { id: 'dora', age: 11 }
// ]

// using `reverse()` comparator for `id`
[...src].sort(cmp.compareByKeys2("age", "id",, cmp.reverse(;
// [
//   { id: 'dora', age: 11 },
//   { id: 'alice', age: 23 },
//   { id: 'bart', age: 42 },
//   { id: 'charlie', age: 66 }
// ]


Karsten Schmidt


© 2016 - 2020 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0