This project is part of the monorepo.
For the Clojure version, please visit:
Functional, polymorphic API for 2D geometry types & SVG generation.
This project is a partially ported from the Clojure version of the same name. All polymorphic operations built on
The following operations are provided (many also applicable to shape groups directly and/or perform automatic resampling/conversion if needed):
Operation | Description |
arcLength() |
compute arc length / perimeter of shape boundary |
area() |
signed/unsigned surface area |
asCubic() |
convert shape boundary to cubic bezier segments |
asPath() |
convert shape to path |
asPolygon() |
convert shape to polygon |
asPolyline() |
convert shape to polyline |
asSvg() |
serialize shape/group/hierarchy to SVG |
bounds() |
compute bounding box |
center() |
center shape around origin or point |
centroid() |
compute shape centroid |
classifyPoint() |
classify point in relation to shape boundary (in/out) |
clipConvex() |
clip shape against convex boundary |
closestPoint() |
compute closest point on shape boundary |
convexHull() |
compute convex hull (2d only) |
edges() |
extract edges |
fitIntoBounds() |
rescale/reposition shapes into a destination boundary |
flip() |
reverse order (vertices or direction) |
intersects() |
pairwise shape intersection (various types) |
mapPoint() |
transform world space point into local shape space |
offset() |
shape/path offsetting |
pointAt() |
compute point on shape boundary at parametric position |
pointInside() |
check if point is inside shape |
resample() |
resample/convert shape |
rotate() |
rotate shape |
scale() |
scale shape (uniformly/non-uniformly) |
scatter() |
create random points inside a shape boundary |
simplify() |
simplify shape/boundary (Douglas-Peucker) |
splitAt() |
split shape/boundary at parametric position |
splitNear() |
split shape/boundary near world position |
subdivCurve() |
recursively apply curve subdivision kernel |
tangentAt() |
compute tangent at parametric position |
tessellate() |
(recursively) tessellate shape |
transformVertices() |
apply custom function to each vertex |
transform() |
apply transformation matrix |
translate() |
translate shape |
union() |
compute shape union |
vertices() |
extract/sample vertices from shape boundary |
volume() |
compute shape volume (3D only) |
warpPoints() |
transfer points between the local spaces defined by 2 shapes |
This package acts as a higher-level frontend for most of the following related packages (which are more low-level, lightweight and usable by themselves too):
- - n-D spatial indexing data structures with a shared ES6 Map/Set-like API
- - Shared type & interface declarations for packages
- - 2D circular / elliptic arc operations
- - 2D line clipping (Liang-Barsky)
- - 2D polygon clipping / offsetting (Sutherland-Hodgeman, Grainer-Hormann)
- - 2D / 3D closest point / proximity helpers
- - Highly configurable, fuzzy line & polygon creation with presets and composable fill & stroke styles. Canvas & SVG support
- - Fast 2D convex hull (Graham Scan)
- - Wavefront OBJ parser (& exporter soon)
- - 2D/3D shape intersection checks
- - Fast 2D contour line extraction / generation
- - 2D polygon/polyline analysis & processing utilities
- - Customizable nD polyline interpolation, re-sampling, splitting & nearest point computation
- - 2D Signed Distance Field creation from shapes, conversions, sampling, combinators
- - nD cubic & quadratic curve analysis, conversion, interpolation, splitting
- - Freely customizable, iterative nD subdivision curves for open / closed geometries
- - 2D/3D convex polygon tessellators
- - Fast, incremental 2D Delaunay & Voronoi mesh implementation
STABLE - used in production
Search or submit any issues for this package
yarn add
ES module import:
<script type="module" src=""></script>
For Node.js REPL:
# with flag only for < v16
node --experimental-repl-await
> const geom = await import("");
Package sizes (gzipped, pre-treeshake): ESM: 13.50 KB
Several demos in this repo's /examples directory are using this package.
A selection:
Screenshot | Description | Live demo | Source |
Convex hull & shape clipping of 2D polygons | Demo | Source | |
geom-fuzz basic shape & fill examples | Demo | Source | |
Animated, recursive polygon tessellations | Demo | Source | |
Poisson-disk shape-aware sampling, Voronoi & Minimum Spanning Tree visualization | Demo | Source | |
Mouse gesture / stroke analysis, simplification, corner detection | Demo | Source | |
2D Bezier curve-guided particle system | Demo | Source | |
Animated arcs & drawing using hiccup-canvas | Demo | Source | |
Canvas based Immediate Mode GUI components | Demo | Source | |
Animated sine plasma effect visualized using contour lines | Demo | Source | |
2D Poisson-disc sampler with procedural gradient map | Demo | Source | |
Polygon to cubic curve conversion & visualization | Demo | Source | |
Animated Voronoi diagram, cubic splines & SVG download | Demo | Source | |
2D scenegraph & shape picking | Demo | Source | |
2D scenegraph & image map based geometry manipulation | Demo | Source | |
Compute cubic spline position & tangent using Dual Numbers | Demo | Source | |
SVG path parsing & dynamic resampling | Demo | Source | |
3D wireframe textmode demo | Demo | Source |
Karsten Schmidt
If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:
title = "",
author = "Karsten Schmidt",
note = "",
year = 2013
© 2013 - 2022 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0