This project is part of the monorepo.
WebGL & GLSL abstraction layer.
Largely declarative WebGL 1.0 / 2.0 abstraction layer, partially ported & updated from Clojure/ClojureScript versions of
- Extensive set of WebGL related types & interfaces
- Declarative shader definition
- option to fully define shaders in TypeScript and transpile to GLSL (via
- attribute, varying, uniform & output type declarations via a simple config object
- GLSL code generation of data type declarations
- automatic support for GLSL ES 1.0 & 3.0
- optional layout attrib layout support for GLES 3 (WebGL2)
- automatic & typed uniform setters
- pre-declared desired GL draw state flags / settings
- customizable shader presets
- Declarative geometry, attribute & index buffer specs
- Declarative instancing (always available in WebGL2, or via ANGLE ext in WebGL1)
- Texture wrapper, declarative config
- Comprehensive texture format info (channels, strides, renderable, filterable etc.)
- FBO support with multiple attachments & render buffers
- Multi-pass shader pipeline (e.g. for GPGPU tasks)
- Pixel reading from main color buffer and textures
- Geometry & texture generators
- WebGL extension helpers & semi-automatic extension enabling
- WebGL canvas creation / setup
BETA - possibly breaking changes forthcoming
Search or submit any issues for this package
- - Multi-channel SDF font rendering & basic text layout for WebGL
- - Basic WebGL scaffolding for running interactive fragment shaders via
- - Entity Component System based around typed arrays & sparse sets
- - Functional, polymorphic API for 2D geometry types & SVG generation
- - Immediate mode GUI with flexible state handling & data only shape output
- - Matrix & quaternion operations for 2D/3D geometry processing
- - DSL to define shader code in TypeScript and cross-compile to GLSL, JS and other targets
- - SOA & AOS memory mapped structured views with optional & extensible serialization
- - Optimized 2d/3d/4d and arbitrary length vector operations
- - Data structures for managing & working with strided, memory mapped vectors
yarn add
// ES module
<script type="module" src="" crossorigin></script>
// UMD
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
Package sizes (gzipped, pre-treeshake): ESM: 11.79 KB / CJS: 11.96 KB / UMD: 11.76 KB
Several demos in this repo's /examples directory are using this package.
A selection:
Screenshot | Description | Live demo | Source |
Evolutionary shader generation using genetic programming | Demo | Source | |
HOF shader procedural noise function composition | Demo | Source | |
WebGL & JS canvas2D raymarch shader cross-compilation | Demo | Source | |
WebGL & JS canvas 2D SDF | Demo | Source | |
WebGL & Canvas2D textured tunnel shader | Demo | Source | |
Minimal shader graph developed during livestream #2 | Demo | Source | |
Entity Component System w/ 100k 3D particles | Demo | Source | |
WebGL multi-colored cube mesh | Demo | Source | |
WebGL cube maps with async texture loading | Demo | Source | |
WebGL instancing, animated grid | Demo | Source | |
WebGL MSDF text rendering & particle system | Demo | Source | |
Minimal multi-pass / GPGPU example | Demo | Source | |
Shadertoy-like WebGL setup | Demo | Source | |
WebGL screenspace ambient occlusion | Demo | Source |
- Karsten Schmidt (@postspectacular)
If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:
title = "",
author = "Karsten Schmidt and others",
note = "",
year = 2014
© 2014 - 2021 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0