This project is part of the monorepo.
WIP (currently 2D only) geometry types & polymorphic operations, built on
Up-to-date feature matrix spreadsheet
This package acts as a higher-level frontend for the following related packages:
- - shared types & interfaces
- - spatial indexing data structures
- - elliptic arc utils
- - Sutherland-Hodgeman / Liang-Barsky clipping
- - line-point proximity queries
- - convex hull functions
- - shape intersection tests
- - 2D polygon helpers
- - nD polyline resampling
- - nD cubic / quadratic spline utils
- - nD subdivision curve utils
- - nD convex polygon tessellators
- - 2D incremental Delaunay/Voronoi mesh
yarn add
import * as g from "";
- Karsten Schmidt
© 2018 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0