This project is part of the monorepo.
This package provides vector and matrix operations as plain functions and class wrappers with fluid interface. All functions support any array / typed array storage, incl. mapped views of larger buffers (e.g. for WebGL / WASM interop, pixel buffers). Additionally, vectors support flexible data layouts, incl. AOS / SOA, striped, interleaved, aligned etc.
In addition to arbitrary sized vectors, the library provides these optimized fixed-sized versions:
Note: Most functions are provided in different (optimized) versions,
depending on vector size. E.g. add
performs vector addition for
arbitrary sizes, add2
for 2D vectors, add3
for 3D, add4
for 4D...
All vector operations (regardless of size) operate on any array-like buffer and accept optional start indices and component strides (number of elements (+1) between individual vector components). This allows for zero-copy vector operations on sections of larger buffers. The default start index is 0, default stride 1. See examples below and tests.
Operation | GVec | Vec2 | Vec3 | Vec4 |
Get vector (dense copy) | get |
get2 |
get3 |
get4 |
Set vector components (vector) | set |
set2 |
set3 |
set4 |
Set vector components (uniform) | setN |
setN2 |
setN3 |
setN4 |
Set vector components (scalars) | setS2 |
setS3 |
setS4 |
Swizzle vector components | swizzle2 |
swizzle3 |
swizzle4 |
Equality (w/ epsilon) | eqDelta |
eqDelta2 |
eqDelta3 |
eqDelta4 |
Vector addition | add |
add2 |
add3 |
add4 |
Vector subtraction | sub |
sub2 |
sub3 |
sub4 |
Vector multiplication | mul |
mul2 |
mul3 |
mul4 |
Vector division | div |
div2 |
div3 |
div4 |
Uniform scalar addition | addN |
addN2 |
addN3 |
addN4 |
Uniform scalar subtraction | subN |
subN2 |
subN3 |
subN4 |
Uniform scalar multiply | mulN |
mulN2 |
mulN3 |
mulN4 |
Uniform scalar multiply | divN |
divN2 |
divN3 |
divN4 |
Vector negation | neg |
neg2 |
neg3 |
neg4 |
Multiply-add vectors | madd |
madd2 |
madd3 |
madd4 |
Multiply-add scalar | maddN |
maddN2 |
maddN3 |
maddN4 |
Linear interpolation (vector) | mix |
mix2 |
mix3 |
mix4 |
Linear interpolation (uniform) | mixN |
mixN2 |
mixN3 |
mixN4 |
Dot product | dot |
dot2 |
dot3 |
dot4 |
Cross product | cross2 |
cross3 |
Magnitude | mag |
mag2 |
mag3 |
mag4 |
Magnitude (squared) | magSq |
magSq2 |
magSq3 |
magSq4 |
Normalize (w/ opt length) | normalize |
normalize2 |
normalize3 |
normalize4 |
Limit to length | limit2 |
limit3 |
limit4 |
Distance | dist |
dist2 |
dist3 |
dist4 |
Distance (squared) | distSq |
distSq2 |
distSq3 |
distSq4 |
Manhattan distance | distManhattan2 |
distManhattan3 |
distManhattan4 |
Chebyshev distance | distChebyshev2 |
distChebyshev3 |
distChebyshev4 |
Reflection | reflect2 |
reflect3 |
reflect4 |
RotationX | rotateX3 |
RotationY | rotateY3 |
RotationZ | rotate2 |
rotateZ3 |
Heading XY | heading2 |
headingXY3 |
Heading XZ | headingXZ3 |
Heading YZ | headingYZ3 |
Cartesian -> Polar | toPolar2 |
toSpherical3 |
Polar -> Cartesian | toCartesian2 |
toCartesian3 |
Minor axis | minorAxis2 |
minorAxis3 |
minorAxis4 |
Major axis | majorAxis2 |
majorAxis3 |
majorAxis4 |
Minimum | min |
min2 |
min3 |
min4 |
Maximum | max |
max2 |
max3 |
max4 |
Range clamping | clamp |
clamp2 |
clamp3 |
clamp4 |
Step (like GLSL) | step |
step2 |
step3 |
step4 |
SmoothStep (like GLSL) | smoothStep |
smoothStep2 |
smoothStep3 |
smoothStep4 |
Absolute value | abs |
abs2 |
abs3 |
abs4 |
Sign (w/ opt epsilon) | sign |
sign2 |
sign3 |
sign4 |
Round down | floor |
floor2 |
floor3 |
floor4 |
Round up | ceil |
ceil2 |
ceil3 |
ceil4 |
Square root | sqrt |
sqrt2 |
sqrt3 |
sqrt4 |
Power (vector) | pow |
pow2 |
pow3 |
pow4 |
Power (uniform) | powN |
powN2 |
powN3 |
powN4 |
All matrix types are in WebGL layout (column major) and densely packed (stride always 1).
Operation | Mat23 | Mat33 | Mat44 |
Set identity | identity23 |
identity33 |
identity44 |
Get matrix components (dense copy) | get23 |
get33 |
get44 |
Set matrix components (matrix) | set23 |
set33 |
set44 |
Set matrix components (scalars) | setS23 |
setS33 |
setS44 |
Create rotation matrix | rotationX33 |
rotationX44 |
rotationY33 |
rotationY44 |
rotation23 |
rotationZ33 |
rotationZ44 |
rotationAroundPoint23 |
Create scale matrix (vector) | scaleV23 |
scaleV33 |
scaleV44 |
Create scale matrix (uniform) | scaleN23 |
scaleN33 |
scaleN44 |
Create scale matrix (scalars) | scaleS23 |
scaleS33 |
scaleS44 |
scaleWithCenter23 |
scaleWithCenter44 |
Create translation matrix (vector) | translationV23 |
translationV44 |
Create translation matrix (scalars) | translationS23 |
translationS44 |
Create skew matrix | skewX23 / shearX23 |
skewY23 / shearY23 |
Create projection matrix | projection |
ortho |
frustum |
Create camera matrix | lookAt |
Matrix multiply | mul23 |
mul33 |
mul44 |
Matrix concatenation (multiple) | concat23 |
concat33 |
concat44 |
Matrix vector multiply | mulV23 |
mulV33 |
mulV44 (Vec4) |
mulV344 (Vec3) |
Determinant | det23 |
det33 |
det44 |
Matrix inversion | invert23 |
invert33 |
invert44 |
Matrix transpose | transpose33 |
transpose44 |
yarn add
import * as v from "";
// raw vector addition
v.add4([1, 2, 3, 4], [10, 20, 30, 40]);
// [ 11, 22, 33, 44 ]
// with custom layout
// here 3x 3D vectors in SOA layout:
// [x, x, x, y, y, y, z, z, z]
points = [1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9];
// specify start indices and stride lengths
// update 1st vector
v.add3(points, [100, 200, 300], 0, 0, 3, 1);
// [ 101, 4, 7, 202, 5, 8, 303, 6, 9 ]
// update 2nd vector
v.add3(points, [100, 200, 300], 1, 0, 3, 1);
// [ 101, 104, 7, 202, 205, 8, 303, 306, 9 ]
// update 3rd vector
v.add3(points, [100, 200, 300], 2, 0, 3, 1);
// [ 101, 104, 107, 202, 205, 208, 303, 306, 309 ]
// add 1st and 3rd vector and extract result
v.get3(v.add3(points, points, 0, 2, 3, 3), 0, 3);
// [ 208, 410, 612 ]
// re-arrange vector components into new vector
// the last 4 args define component order:
v.swizzle4([], [10, 20, 30, 40], 1, 0, 3, 2);
// [ 20, 10, 40, 30 ]
v.swizzle4([], [10, 20, 30, 40], 0, 0, 2, 2);
// [ 10, 10, 30, 30 ]
// arbitrary length vectors
norm = v.normalize([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6, 4]);
// [ 0.0625, 0.125, 0.1875, 0.25, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.5, 0.375, 0.25 ]
// 1
// element stride 3 + 2 + 4 = 9
buf = [
// pos uv color (rgba)
0,0,0, 0,0, 1,0,0,1,
100,0,0, 1,0, 1,1,0,1,
100,100,0, 1,1, 1,0,1,1,
0,100,0, 0,1, 0,1,1,1,
// create memory mapped vector instances (using Vec3 class)
pos = v.Vec3.mapBuffer(buf, 4, 0, 1, 9); // offset = 0
uv = v.Vec2.mapBuffer(buf, 4, 3, 1, 9); // offset = 3
col = v.Vec4.mapBuffer(buf, 4, 5, 1, 9); // offset = 5
console.log(`pos: ${pos[1]}, uv: ${uv[1]}, color: ${col[1]}`);
// pos: [100, 0, 0], uv: [1, 0], color: [1, 1, 0, 1]
// compute centroid
centroid = pos.reduce((c, p) => c.add(p), v.vec3()).divN(pos.length);
// Vec3 { buf: [ 50, 50, 0 ], i: 0, s: 1 }
// build matrix to transform geometry
tx = v.Mat44.concat(
// apply transform to all positions
pos.forEach((p) => tx.mulV3(p));
canvas = document.getElementById("main");
img = canvas.getContext("2d").getImageData(0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// multiply each RGB vector w/ weights
// then use result for all 3 color channels
(a, b, ia, ib, sa, sb) =>
v.setN3(a, v.dot3(a, b, ia, ib, sa, sb), ia, sa),
// pixel buffer
// RGB weight coefficients
[0.29, 0.6, 0.11],
// num pixels (RGBA vectors)
canvas.width * canvas.height,
// start indices
0, 0,
// component strides
1, 1,
// pixel stride
- Karsten Schmidt
© 2016 - 2018 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0