This project is part of the monorepo.
Configurable K-sortable unique identifiers, binary & base-N encoded.
Idea based on segmentio/ksuid, though with added flexibility in terms of configuration & implementation:
- Configurable bit size (default: 128bits)
- Base-N encoding scheme (default: base62, see for alternatives)
- Epoch start time offset
- Time-only base ID generation (optional)
- KSUID parsing / decomposition
- Configurable RNG source (default:
KSUIDs generated w/ this package consist of the lower 32bits of an Unix epoch
(potentially time shifted to free up bits for future timestamps) and N bits of a
random payload (from a configurable source). IDs can be generated as byte arrays
or base-N encoded strings. For the latter, the JS runtime MUST support
ALPHA - bleeding edge / work-in-progress
Search or submit any issues for this package
- - Arbitrary base-n conversions w/ presets for base16/32/36/58/62/64/85, support for arrays & bigints
- - Pseudo-random number generators w/ unified API, distributions, weighted choices, ID generation
yarn add
// ES module
<script type="module" src="" crossorigin></script>
// UMD
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
Package sizes (gzipped, pre-treeshake): ESM: 563 bytes / CJS: 620 bytes / UMD: 743 bytes
import { defKSUID } from "";
// init w/ defaults
const id = defKSUID();;
// '05XCWbXa3akRqLDBUw4ogCVKGkd'
const a = id.nextBinary()
// Uint8Array(20) [
// 0, 160, 48, 77, 101, 251,
// 244, 17, 155, 97, 24, 101,
// 70, 71, 207, 23, 32, 21,
// 244, 116
// ]
// format a binary KSUID
// '05XCZ32AaDZfZt0SWE2C22o6cqK'
// {
// epoch: 1610498125000,
// id: Uint8Array(16) [
// 101, 251, 244, 17, 155, 97,
// 24, 101, 70, 71, 207, 23,
// 32, 21, 244, 116
// ]
// }
new Date(1610498125000).toISOString()
// '2021-01-13T00:35:25.000Z'
Creating custom IDs:
import { BASE36 } from "";
// no time shift, 64bit random
const id36 = defKSUID({ base: BASE36, epoch: 0, bytes: 8 });
yarn bench
benchmarking: b62, 128bit, n=10000
warmup... 659.22ms (10 runs)
total: 6402.18ms, runs: 100
mean: 64.02ms, median: 63.50ms, range: [59.98..96.15]
q1: 62.64ms, q3: 64.41ms
sd: 6.93%
benchmarking: b62, 64bit, n=10000
warmup... 363.35ms (10 runs)
total: 3469.28ms, runs: 100
mean: 34.69ms, median: 34.41ms, range: [32.61..56.58]
q1: 33.35ms, q3: 35.41ms
sd: 7.47%
benchmarking: b62, 32bit, n=10000
warmup... 218.78ms (10 runs)
total: 2118.93ms, runs: 100
mean: 21.19ms, median: 20.95ms, range: [20.20..25.74]
q1: 20.71ms, q3: 21.30ms
sd: 4.14%
Karsten Schmidt
If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:
title = "",
author = "Karsten Schmidt",
note = "",
year = 2020
© 2020 - 2021 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0