This project is part of the monorepo.
Benchmarking utilities w/ optional statistics.
Though no public API change (only additions), since v2.0.0 this library
internally attempts to use high-res ES
timestamps (in Node via
If BigInt
is not available in the target environment, timestamps are
still only sourced via
STABLE - used in production
yarn add
Package sizes (gzipped): ESM: 0.7KB / CJS: 0.7KB / UMD: 0.8KB
Several demos in this repo's /examples directory are using this package.
A selection:
Screenshot | Description | Live demo | Source |
![]() |
Fork-join worker-based raymarch renderer | Demo | Source |
import { timed, bench, benchmark } from "";
// test functions
const fib = (n) => n > 2 ? fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) : n > 0 ? 1 : 0;
const fib2 = (n) => {
const res = [0, 1];
for(let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
res[i] = res[i - 1] + res[i - 2];
return res[n];
// measure single execution time
timed(() => fib(40));
// 714ms
// 102334155
timed(() => fib2(40));
// 0ms
// 102334155
// measure 1mil iterations (default)
bench(() => fib(10), 1e6);
// 395ms
// 55
bench(() => fib2(10), 1e6);
// 53ms
// 55
The benchmark()
function executes a number of warmup runs, before
executing the main measurement and producing a number of useful
statistics: mean, median, min/max, 1st/3rd quartile, standard deviation
(as percentage)...
See api.ts for configuration options.
benchmark(() => fib(40), { title: "fib", iter: 10, warmup: 5 });
// benchmarking: fib
// warmup... 3707.17ms (5 runs)
// executing...
// total: 7333.72ms, runs: 10
// mean: 733.37ms, median: 733.79ms, range: [728.58..743.43]
// q1: 730.98ms, q3: 735.03ms
// sd: 0.54%
// also returns results:
// {
// iter: 10,
// total: 7333.72402,
// mean: 733.372402,
// median: 733.794194,
// min: 728.5808,
// max: 743.432538,
// q1: 730.980115,
// q3: 735.025314,
// sd: 0.542200865574415
// }
Karsten Schmidt
© 2018 - 2020 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0