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ES6 iterator based read/write bit streams with support for variable word widths.
STABLE - used in production
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- - Binary data range encoder / decoder
- - Binary run-length encoding packer w/ flexible repeat bit widths
yarn add
ES module import:
<script type="module" src=""></script>
For Node.js REPL:
# with flag only for < v16
node --experimental-repl-await
> const bitstream = await import("");
Package sizes (gzipped, pre-treeshake): ESM: 1.31 KB
backed, bitwise output stream abstraction (big endian
order). Individual word sizes can range between 1-52 bits (in practice)
and are not fixed (each word can have a different size).
The constructor accepts an optional initial Uint8Array
buffer or
buffer size (in bytes) and an optional write start position (in
bits). The buffer will only be written to starting from the given bit
position (even if in the middle of a byte). Default buffer size is 16
bytes, but the array is resized (x2) automatically each time capacity is
Note: The max. word size of 52 bits is not enforced by the library,
but JS can only represent integers (w/o loss of precision) up to
. If you're willing to accept lossy precision for larger values,
technically the max. supported word width is 64 bits.
out = new BitOutputStream();
// write 3-bit number (only the lowest 3 bits are used, here 0x05)
out.write(0xf5, 3);
// write 7-bit number
out.write(0x66, 7);
// write 32-bit number
out.write(0xdecafbad, 32);
// write values from given iterable (w/ fixed word size, here 16 bits)
out.writeWords([0xaaaa, 0x5555], 16);
// get bytes (only up to current write position)
// Uint8Array [ 185, 183, 178, 190, 235, 106, 170, 149, 85, 64 ]
In addition to the generic write()
method, there's also the slightly
faster writeBit()
for writing single bits (the arg MUST be 0
or 1
Using seek(pos)
, the write position can be repositioned within current
limits (does not attempt to resize backing buffer).
backed bitwise input stream abstraction (big endian order)
with optional start position and read limit (both in bits). All
readers are independent instances, but if obtained from
will share the same backing buffer as the writer. An
auto-configured input stream can also be obtained via output.reader()
The class too implements the ES6 Iterator API for bitwise read
access, as well as a read()
method to read bitfields.
Note: Attempting to read beyond capacity will throw an EOF error.
, the read position can be repositioned within
stream limits.
// get input from output stream...
// (for reference, the ^ indicate the start of each bit field)
// "10111001101101111011001010111110111010110110101010101010100101010101010101"
// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
// obtain new reader
input = out.reader();
// sequentially read bit fields of varying sizes
out.reader().readFields([3, 7, 32, 16, 16]).map(x => x.toString(16))
// [ "5", "66", "decafbad", "aaaa", "5555" ]
// or read fields into object
out.reader().readStruct([["a", 3], ["b", 7], ["c", 32], ["d", 16], ["e", 16]]);
// { a: 5, b: 102, c: 3737844653, d: 43690, e: 21845 }
// or read a number of fixed size words (here also from given pos)
out.reader().seek(10).readWords(4, 16).map(x=>x.toString(16));
// [ 'deca', 'fbad', 'aaaa', '5555' ]
src = new Uint8Array([0xf1,0xe2,0xd3,0xc4,0xb5,0xa6,0x97,0x88]);
// create stream from bit 36
input = new BitInputStream(src, 36);;
// 5a6
// 9
// 7 // or use input.readBit()
// 1 => msb of last byte (0x88)
// 8 => low nibble of last byte
In addition to the generic read()
method, there's also the slightly
faster readBit()
for reading single bits.
For use cases requiring only word sizes <=8 bits and none of the advanced features provided by the above implementations, the package also provides functional barebones alternatives in the form of bitWriter()
and bitReader()
import { bitReader, bitWriter } from "";
const writer = bitWriter();
// write single bit
// write unsigned value (up to 8 bits)
writer.write(31, 5);
// retrieve buffer
const bytes = writer.bytes();
// Uint8Array(1) [ 252 ]
// create reader from byte buffer
const reader = bitReader(bytes);
// read single bit
// 1
// read n-bit unsigned value
// 31
Karsten Schmidt
If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:
title = "",
author = "Karsten Schmidt",
note = "",
year = 2016
© 2016 - 2022 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0