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Text based canvas, drawing, tables with arbitrary formatting (incl. ANSI/HTML).


STABLE - used in production

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yarn add

ES module import:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Skypack documentation

For Node.js REPL:

# with flag only for < v16
node --experimental-repl-await

> const textCanvas = await import("");

Package sizes (gzipped, pre-treeshake): ESM: 5.65 KB


Usage examples

Several demos in this repo's /examples directory are using this package.

A selection:

Screenshot Description Live demo Source
3D wireframe textmode demo Demo Source
Textmode image warping w/ 16bit color output Demo Source


Generated API docs

Canvas creation

const c = canvas(width, height, format?, style?);

Format identifiers

The text canvas stores all characters in a Uint32Array with the lower 16 bits used for the UTF-16 code and the upper 16 bits for abitrary formatting data. The package utilizes format identifier constants and formatters from the package, which are tailored for the included ANSI & HTML formatters, but users are free to choose use any other system (but then will also need to implement a custom string formatter impl).

The default format ID layout used by text canvas is as shown:

format bit layout

Most drawing functions accept an optional format arg, but a default format can also be set via setFormat(canvas, formatID).

The format IDs defined in are only compatible with these formatters (also supplied by that package):

  • FMT_ANSI16

All constants and other formatters are also discussed in detail in the readme.


These color IDs MUST be prefixed with either FG_ (foreground) or BG_ (background):

  • RED
  • BLUE
  • CYAN
  • GRAY


  • BOLD
  • DIM

Combined formats

Format IDs can be combined via the binary OR operator (|), e.g.:


String conversion format presets

Canvas-to-string conversion is completely customizable via the StringFormat interface. Currently the following presets are supplied (in the package):

  • FMT_ANSI16 - translate built-in format IDs to 4-bit ANSI escape sequences
  • FMT_ANSI256 - uses all 16 format bits for fg & bg colors (ANSI esc sequences)
  • FMT_ANSI565 - uses all 16 format bits for RGB565 fg colors (ANSI esc sequences)
  • FMT_ANSI_RAW - verbatim use of format IDs to ANSI sequences
  • FMT_HTML_INLINE_CSS - HTML <span> elements with inline CSS
  • FMT_HTML_TACHYONS - HTML <span> elements with Tachyons CSS class names
  • FMT_HTML565 - HTML <span> elements with RGB565 color coding
  • FMT_NONE - dummy formatter outputting plain text only (all format information discarded, e.g. for NO_COLOR support)
// Terminal
console.log(formatCanvas(canvas, FMT_ANSI16));
// or
console.log(formatCanvas(canvas, FMT_ANSI256));

// Browser
const el = document.createElement("pre");
el.innerHTML = formatCanvas(canvas, FMT_HTML_TACHYONS);

Stroke styles

Built-in style presets:



  • beginStyle(canvas, style)
  • endStyle(canvas)


All drawing operations are constrained to the currently active clipping rect (by default full canvas). The canvas maintains a stack of such clipping regions, each newly pushed one being intersected with the previous top-of-stack rect:

  • beginClip(canvas, x, y, w, h) - push new clip rect
  • endClip(canvas) - restore previous clip rect
│ A                │
│         ╔════════╗─────────┐
│         ║        ║         │
│         ║ A & B  ║         │
│         ║        ║         │
└─────────╚════════╝         │
          │                B │

Drawing functions

  • line

  • hline

  • vline

  • circle

  • clear

  • fillRect

  • strokeRect

Image functions

  • blit
  • resize
  • extract
  • scrollV
  • image / imageRaw / imageCanvas565 / imageString565
  • imageBraille / imageCanvasBraille / imageStringBraille
import { RGB565 } from "";
import { read } from "";

// resize non-proportionally (to compensate
// for character aspect ratio, YMMV)
const img = read(readFileSync("chroma-rings.ppm"))
  .resize(32, 32 / 2.25)

// requires an ANSI 24bit compatible terminal

example image output in NodeJS REPL

Text functions

  • textLine
  • textLines
  • textColumn (word wrapped)
  • textBox (word wrapped)

Bars & bar charts

The following are string builders only, draw result via text functions:

  • barHorizontal
  • barVertical
  • barChartHStr
  • barChartVStr


Tables support individual column width, automatic (or user defined) row heights, cell padding, as well as global and per-cell formats and the following border style options:

Border style Result
Border.ALL table
Border.NONE table
Border.H table
Border.V table
Border.FRAME table
Border.FRAME_H table
Border.FRAME_V table

Table cell contents will be word-wrapped. By default, individual words longer than the configured cell width will be truncated, but can be forced to wrap by enabling the hard option (see example below).

import { repeatedly } from "";
import * as tc from "";
import * as tf from "";

// generate 20 random values
const data = repeatedly(() => Math.random(), 20)
// format as bar chart string
const chart = tc.barChartHStr(4, data, 0, 1);

// create text canvas
const canvas = new tc.Canvas(64, 20);

// create table
        // column defs
        cols: [{ width: 4 }, { width: 20 }, { width: 8 }],
        // default cell format
        format: tf.FG_BLACK | tf.BG_LIGHT_CYAN,
        // default format for header cells (1st row)
        formatHead: tf.FG_RED | tf.BG_LIGHT_CYAN | tf.BOLD | tf.UNDERLINE,
        // border line style
        style: tc.STYLE_DASHED_ROUNDED,
        // border mode
        border: tc.Border.ALL,
        // internal cell padding [h,v]
        padding: [1, 0],
        // hard word wrap
        hard: true,
    // table contents (row major)
    // each cell either a string or RawCell object
        ["ID", "Main", "Comment"],
            { body: chart, format: tf.FG_BLUE | tf.BG_LIGHT_CYAN },
            "This is a test!"
        ["0002", "Random data plot", "Word wrapped content"],
        ["0003", { body: "More details...", height: 4 }, ""]

// output as ANSI formatted string
console.log(tc.formatCanvas(canvas, tf.FMT_ANSI16));

For even more detailed control, tables can also be pre-initialized prior to creation of the canvas via initTable() and then drawn via drawTable(). The initTable function returns an object also containing the computed table size (width, height keys) which can then be used to create a canvas with the required size...

For convenience, the tableCanvas() function can be used to combine these steps and to create an auto-sized canvas with the rendered table as content.

3D wireframe cube example

  │  │
  │ wireframe cube       │++++++++++
  │                      │          +++++++++++    ┌───┐
  │ x: 0.42              │                     ++++│ 6 │
  │ y: 0.30              │        ┌───┐ ++++++++   └───┘
  └──────────────────────┘++++++++│ 7 │+           +
           +         └───┘        └───┘            +
            +          +           +              +
            +          +           +              +
             +         +           +             +
             +         +          +              +
             +          +         +              +
              +         +         +             +
              +         +         +             +
               +        +        ┌───┐         +
               +         +      +│ 3 │         +
                +       ┌───┐+++ └───┘        +
                +       │ 0 │       +         +
                 +      └───┘        +        +
                 +       +            +      +
                 +       +             +     +
                  +     +               +   +
                  +     +                +  +
                   +    +                 ┌───┐
                   +    +                 │ 2 │
                    +   +               ++└───┘
                    +   +            +++
                     + +           ++
                     + +        +++
                      ++      ++

Code for this above example output (CLI version):

import * as geom from "";
import * as mat from "";
import * as tc from "";
import * as tf from "";

const W = 64;
const H = 32;

// create text canvas
const canvas = new tc.Canvas(W, H, tf.BG_BLACK, tf.STYLE_THIN);

// cube corner vertices
const cube = geom.vertices(!);

// edge list (vertex indices)
const edges = [
    [0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 0], [4, 5], [5, 6],
    [6, 7], [7, 4], [0, 4], [1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7]

// animated parameters
let rotx = 0;
let roty = 0;

// 3D transformation matrices
const view = mat.lookAt([], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]);
const proj = mat.perspective([], 90, W / H, 0.1, 10);
const viewp = mat.viewport([], 0, W, H, 0);

setInterval(() => {
    tc.clear(canvas, true);
    // model rotation matrix
    const model = mat.concat(
        mat.rotationX44([], rotx += 0.01),
        mat.rotationY44([], roty += 0.03)
    // combined model-view-projection matrix
    const mvp = mat.concat([], proj, view, model);
    // draw cube instances
    // project 3D points to 2D viewport (canvas coords)
    const pts = => mat.project3([], mvp, viewp, p)!);
    // draw cube edges
    for (let e of edges) {
        const a = pts[e[0]];
        const b = pts[e[1]];
        tc.line(canvas, a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], "+", tf.FG_WHITE | tf.BG_RED);
    // draw vertex labels
    canvas.format = tf.FG_WHITE | tf.BG_BLUE;
    for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        const p = pts[i];
        tc.textBox(canvas, p[0] - 1, p[1] - 1, 5, 3, ` ${i} `);
        2, 1, 24, -1,
        ` wireframe cube\n\nx: ${rotx.toFixed(2)}\ny: ${roty.toFixed(2)}`,
            format: tf.FG_BLACK | tf.BG_LIGHT_CYAN,
            padding: [1, 0]
    // draw canvas
    // output as ANSI formatted string
    console.log(tc.formatCanvas(canvas, tf.FMT_ANSI16));
    // output as plain text
    // console.log(tc.formatCanvas(canvas));
}, 15);


Karsten Schmidt

If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:

  title = "",
  author = "Karsten Schmidt",
  note = "",
  year = 2020


© 2020 - 2022 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0