This project is part of the monorepo.
Closed/open/semi-open interval data type, queries & operations.
Supports point & range queries and set operations with other intervals (union, intersection, difference).
Furthermore, a parser for ISO 80000-2 / ISO 31-11 interval
notation is provided. See
for details.
STABLE - used in production
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// ES module
<script type="module" src="" crossorigin></script>
// UMD
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
Package sizes (gzipped, pre-treeshake): ESM: 1.50 KB / CJS: 1.56 KB / UMD: 1.65 KB
import { interval, Interval } from "";
// [0 .. +∞] (fully closed)
a = Interval.withMin(0);
// [-∞ .. 1) (open on RHS)
b = Interval.withMax(1, true);
i = a.intersection(b);
// [0 .. 1)
// parse from string
interval("[0 .. 1)")
// Interval { l: 0, r: 1, lopen: false, ropen: true }
// false (because interval is open on RHS)
// true
// classify interval relative to point (true if RHS < x)
// false
// true
// classify interval relative to point (true if LHS > x)
// true
// false
// grow interval to include 2 => [0 ... 2]
i2 = i.include(2);
// sort order: LHS -> RHS;
// -1
// classify WRT given interval arg
// 3 (aka Classifier.SUBSET)
// create transformed interval
// (here scaled around centroid) => x + (x - i.centroid()) * 2).toString();
// [-1 .. 2)
// iterator of decimated interval values
// [ 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 ]
// close RHS
i.ropen = false;
// [ 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 ] => now includes 1
// constrain values to interval (taking openness into account)
// 0.000001
// if given value is outside interval, uses opt epsilon value
// to return closest inside value (default: 1e-6)...
interval("(0..1)").max(-2, 1e-3)
// 0.001
interval("(0..1)").min(2, 1e-3)
// 0.999
// clamp on both sides
interval("[0..1)").clamp(-2, 1e-3)
// 0
interval("[0..1)").clamp(2, 1e-3)
// 0.999
- Karsten Schmidt (@postspectacular)
© 2018 - 2020 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0