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This project is part of the monorepo.


Basic, but configurable and extensible S-Expression tokenizer, parser, AST builder and runtime / interpreter skeleton for custom, sandboxed DSL implementations.

The following default syntax rules are used:

  • whitespace: space, tab, newline, comma
  • expression delimiters: (, )
  • numbers: any float notation valid in JS, hex ints prefixed w/ 0x
  • string delimiters: "

Everything else is parsed as is, i.e. as symbol.




yarn add


Usage examples

import { tokenize, parse, runtime } from "";

Tokenize only (iterator)

[...tokenize(`(* (+ 3 5) 10)`)];
// [ '(', '*', '(', '+', '3', '5', ')', '10', ')']

AST generation

parse(tokenize(`(* (+ 3 5) 10)`));
  "type": "root",
  "children": [
      "type": "expr",
      "value": "(",
      "children": [
          "type": "sym",
          "value": "*"
          "type": "expr",
          "value": "(",
          "children": [
              "type": "sym",
              "value": "+"
              "type": "num",
              "value": 3
              "type": "num",
              "value": 5
          "type": "num",
          "value": 10


import { Fn2 } from "";
import { defmulti, DEFAULT } from "";
import { ASTNode, Implementations, Sym } from "";

// multi-dispatch fn for DSL builtins
// we will call this function for each S-expression
// and will delegate to the actual implementation based on
// the expression's first item (a symbol name)
const builtins = defmulti<Sym, ASTNode[], any>((x) => x.value);

// build runtime w/ impls for all AST node types
// the generics are the types of: the custom environment (if used)
// and the result type(s)
const rt = runtime<Implementations<any,any>, any, any>({
    // delegate to builtins
    expr: (x, env) => builtins(<Sym>x.children[0], x.children, env),
    // lookup symbol in environment
    sym: (x, env) => env[x.value],
    // strings and numbers evaluate verbatim
    str: (x) => x.value,
    num: (x) => x.value

// helper HOF for math ops
const op = (fn: Fn2<number, number, number>) =>
    (_: ASTNode, vals: ASTNode[], env: any) =>
            (acc, x) => fn(acc, rt(x, env)),
            rt(vals[1], env)

// add builtins
    "+": op((acc, x) => acc + x),
    "*": op((acc, x) => acc * x),
    "-": op((acc, x) => acc - x),
    "/": op((acc, x) => acc / x),
    count: (_, [__, x]) => rt(x).length

// add default/fallback implementation
// to allow calling functions stored in environment
builtins.add(DEFAULT, (x, [_, ...args], env) => {
    const f = env[(<Sym>x).value];
    assert(!!f, "missing impl");
    return f.apply(null, => rt(a, env)));

// evaluator
const $eval = (src: string, env: any = {}) =>
    rt(parse(tokenize(src)).children[0], env);

// evaluate expression w/ given env bindings
$eval(`(* foo (+ 1 2 3 (count "abcd")))`, { foo: 10 });
// 100
// i.e. 100 = 10 * (1 + 2 + 3 + 4)

// call env function
    `(join (+ 1 2) (* 3 4))`,
    { join: (...xs: any[]) => xs.join(",") }
// "3,12"

See test/ for a more in-depth version of this example...

Custom syntax

// define syntax overrides (keep default whitespace rules)
const syntax = { scopes: [["<", ">"], ["{", "}"]], string: "'" };

parse(tokenize(`<nest { a '2' b 3 }>`, syntax), syntax);
  "type": "root",
  "children": [
      "type": "expr",
      "value": "<",
      "children": [
          "type": "sym",
          "value": "nest"
          "type": "expr",
          "value": "{",
          "children": [
              "type": "sym",
              "value": "a"
              "type": "str",
              "value": "2"
              "type": "sym",
              "value": "b"
              "type": "num",
              "value": 3


  • Karsten Schmidt


© 2016 - 2019 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0