This project is part of the monorepo.
Generic router for browser & non-browser based applications.
- Declarative route definitions
- Parametric routes, each param with optional value coercion & validation
- Route authentication handler to enable/disable routes based on other state factors
- Fallback route
- Enforced initial route (optional)
- Route formatting (with params)
- HTML5 history & hash fragment support
Partially based on the Clojure implementation in
STABLE - used in production
yarn add
// ES module
<script type="module" src="" crossorigin></script>
// UMD
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
Package sizes (gzipped, pre-treeshake): ESM: 1.50 KB / CJS: 1.57 KB / UMD: 1.65 KB
Several demos in this repo's /examples directory are using this package.
A selection:
Screenshot | Description | Live demo | Source |
Complete mini SPA app w/ router & async content loading | Demo | Source |
import { HTMLRouter, EVENT_ROUTE_CHANGED } from "";
// router configuration
const config = {
// use hash fragment for routes
useFragment: true,
// fallback route (when no other matches)
defaultRouteID: "home",
// optional enforced route when router starts
initialRouteID: "home",
// Optional route path component separator. Default: `/`
separator: "/",
// Route prefix. Default: `/`. All routes to be parsed by `route()`
// are assumed to have this prefix. All routes returned by
// `format()` will include this prefix.
prefix: "/",
// actual route defs
// these are checked in given order
// IMPORTANT: rules with common prefixes MUST be specified in
// order of highest precision / longest path
routes: [
// each route MUST have an ID
id: "home",
// optional title for UI purposes (no internal function)
title: "Home page",
// this array defines the route path items
match: ["home"]
id: "user-profile",
// this rule is parametric
// variable items are prefixed with `?`
match: ["users", "?id"],
// coercion & validation handlers for "?id" param
// coercion fn is applied BEFORE validator
validate: {
id: {
coerce: (x) => parseInt(x),
check: (x)=> x > 0 && x < 100
id: "image",
// this route has 2 params and matches (for example):
// "/images/07a9d87b-c07a-42e3-82cf-baea2f94facc/xl"
match: ["images", "?id", "?size"],
validate: {
id: {
check: (x)=> isUUID(x)
size: {
check: (x)=> /^(s|m|l|xl)$/.test(x)
// enable auth for this route
// (see info about authenticator functions below)
auth: true
id: "group-list",
// matches only: "/users" or "/images"
match: ["?type"],
validate: {
type: {
check: (x) => /^(users|images)$/.test(x)
auth: true
// `HTMLRouter` ONLY works in browser environments
// for non-browser use cases use `BasicRouter`
const router = new HTMLRouter(config);
router.addListener(EVENT_ROUTE_CHANGED, console.log);
See further comments in source code
Karsten Schmidt
© 2014 - 2020 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0