This project is part of the monorepo.
This package provides both a customizable Markdown-to-Hiccup parser and an extensible Hiccup-to-Markdown serializer.
yarn add
Try out the Markdown editor demo (Source code)
The parser itself is not aimed at supporting all of Markdown's quirky syntax features, but restricts itself to a sane subset of features:
Feature | Comments |
Heading | ATX only (# line prefix), levels 1-6, then downgrade to paragraph |
Paragraph | no support for \ line breaks |
Blockquote | Respects newlines |
Format | bold, emphasis, code , |
Link | no support for inline formats in label |
Image | no image links |
List | only unordered (- line prefix), no nesting, supports line breaks |
Table | no support for column alignment |
Code block | GFM only (triple backtick prefix), w/ optional language hint |
Horiz. Rule | only dash supported (e.g. --- ), min 3 chars required |
Note: Currently, the last heading, paragraph, blockquote, list or table requires an additional newline.
These MD features (and probably many more) are not supported:
- inline HTML
- nested inline formats (e.g. bold inside italic)
- inline formats within link labels
- image links
- footnotes
- link references
- nested / ordered / numbered / todo lists
Some of these are considered, though currently not high priority... Pull requests are welcome, though!
- Functional: parser entirely built using transducers & function composition. Use the parser in a transducer pipeline to easily apply post-processing of the emitted results
- Declarative: parsing rules defined declaratively with only minimal state/context handling needed
- No regex: consumes input character-wise and produces an iterator of hiccup-style tree nodes, ready to be used with, or the serializer of this package for back conversion to MD
- Customizable: supports custom tag factory functions to override default behavior / representation of each parsed result element
- Fast (enough): parses this markdown file (5.8KB) in ~5ms on MBP2016 / Chrome 71
- Small: minified + gzipped ~2.6KB (parser sub-module incl. deps)
import { iterator } from "";
import { serialize } from "";
import { parse } from "";
const src = `
# Hello world
[This]( is a _test_.
// convert to hiccup tree
[...iterator(parse(), src)]
// [ [ 'h1', ' Hello world ' ],
// [ 'p',
// [ 'a', { href: '' }, 'This' ],
// ' is a ',
// [ 'em', 'test' ],
// '. ' ] ]
// or serialize to HTML
serialize(iterator(parse(), src));
// <h1>Hello world</h1><p>
// <a href="">This</a> is a <em>test</em>. </p>
The following interface defines factory functions for all supported
elements. User implementations / overrides can be given to the
transducer to customize output.
interface TagFactories {
blockquote(...children: any[]): any[];
code(body: string): any[];
codeblock(lang: string, body: string): any[];
em(body: string): any[];
heading(level, children: any[]): any[];
hr(): any[];
img(src: string, alt: string): any[];
li(children: any[]): any[];
link(href: string, body: string): any[];
list(type: string, items: any[]): any[];
paragraph(children: any[]): any[];
strike(body: string): any[];
strong(body: string): any[];
table(rows: any[]): any[];
td(i: number, children: any[]): any[];
tr(i: number, cells: any[]): any[];
Example with custom link elements:
const tags = {
link: (href, body) => ["", { href }, body]
serialize(iterator(parse(tags), src));
// <h1>Hello world</h1>
// <p><a href="" class="link blue">This</a> is a <em>test</em>. </p>
For the reverse operation, the serialize()
function can be used to
convert an hiccup component tree into Markdown. Currently supports most
standard (applicable) Markdown features:
- ATX-style headings (level 1-6)
- Paragraphs
- Forced line breaks
- Inline styles: strong, italic, code
- Images (w/ optional alt attrib)
- Links, image links
- Code blocks w/ language hint (GFM output)
- Blockquotes
- Nested lists (ordered & unordered)
- Horizontal rule / separator
- Inline HTML
Not (yet) supported:
- Tables
- Nested blockquotes
- Link refs
- Wordwrapped output
- Unless needed for serialization, all other hiccup element attribs are ignored
- Code blocks are always output in GFM flavor w/ optional language hint
attrib) - Images use the optional
attrib as label - Forced line breaks are realized via
elements in the hiccup tree - Headings, blockquotes, list items and link labels can contain inline formatting
Also, other element types can be supported by adding a new tag specific
implementation to the exported serializeElement
See source code for reference.
import { serialize } from "";
// list component
// the 1st arg is the optional user context object
// passed to `serialize()` (ignored here)
// the 2nd arg is the list tag (ul/ol)
// rest args are converted to list items
const list = (_, type, ...xs) =>
[type, => Array.isArray(x) ? x : ["li", x])];
// code block component w/ lang hint
const codeblock = (_, lang, body) =>
["pre", { lang }, ["code", body]];
// link component for URLs
const thingLink = (_, id, label) =>
["a", { href: `${id}` }, label];
// Note: the same hiccup tree can be serialized to HTML via or
// used interactively in the browser w/
["h1", "Hello Markdown"],
"This is a test: ",
["strong", "I am strong and ", ["em", "italic"]],
// anon component fn to demo context lookup
[(ctx) => ["p", `My magic number is: ${ctx.magic}`]],
// codeblock w/ language hint
[codeblock, "ts",
`import { serialize } from "";`],
// nested lists
[list, "ul",
[list, "ol", "b1", "b2", "b3"],
"So long and thanks for all the fish."],
"More info ",
[thingLink, "hiccup-markdown", "here"], "."]],
// optional context object passed to all component functions
{ magic: 42 }
Resulting Markdown:
(Note: the GFM codeblock fences are only shown escaped here to avoid GH layout breakage)
# Hello Markdown
This is a test: **I am strong and _italic_**...
My magic number is: 42
import { serialize } from "";
- foo
- bar
1. b1
2. b2
3. b3
- baz
> So long and thanks for all the fish.
More info [here](
Realized result:
This is a test: I am strong and italic...
My magic number is: 42
import { serialize } from "";
- foo
- bar
- b1
- b2
- b3
- baz
So long and thanks for all the fish.
More info here.
- Karsten Schmidt
© 2018 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0