This project is part of the monorepo.
Freely customizable, iterative nD subdivision curves for open / closed geometries.
Based in principle on:
- Generating subdivision curves with L−systems on a GPU
- Clojure version of
Supplied / implemented subdivision schemes:
- Split @ midpoints (open / closed)
- Split @ thirds (open / closed)
- Chaikin (open / closed)
- Cubic (closed only)
Chaikin (closed) | Chaikin (open) |
STABLE - used in production
yarn add
Package sizes (gzipped): ESM: 0.6KB / CJS: 0.7KB / UMD: 0.7KB
import * as gsc from "";
gsc.subdivide([[0,0], [100,0], [100,100], [0,100]], gsc.SUBDIV_CHAIKIN_CLOSED, 4)
Karsten Schmidt
© 2016 - 2020 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0