This project is part of the monorepo.
Customizable nD polyline interpolation, re-sampling, splitting & nearest point computation. This is a support package for
Also includes an implementation of Douglas-Peucker polyline / polygon simplification.
Current implementations partially based on toxiclibs (Java) and Clojure version of
STABLE - used in production
Search or submit any issues for this package
yarn add
ES module import:
<script type="module" src=""></script>
For NodeJS (v14.6+):
node --experimental-specifier-resolution=node --experimental-repl-await
> const geomResample = await import("");
Package sizes (gzipped, pre-treeshake): ESM: 1.25 KB
Several demos in this repo's /examples directory are using this package.
A selection:
Screenshot | Description | Live demo | Source |
Animated Voronoi diagram, cubic splines & SVG download | Demo | Source |
import { resample, simplify } from "";
// resample polygon w/ uniform distance
const pts = resample([[0,0], [100,0], [100,100], [0,100]], { dist: 25 }, true)
// [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 25, 0 ], [ 50, 0 ], [ 75, 0 ],
// [ 100, 0 ], [ 100, 25 ], [ 100, 50 ], [ 100, 75 ],
// [ 100, 100 ], [ 75, 100 ], [ 50, 100 ], [ 25, 100 ],
// [ 0, 100 ], [ 0, 75 ], [ 0, 50 ], [ 0, 25 ] ]
// simply polygon
// (epsilon = 0 only removes co-linear points, increase if necessary)
simplify(pts, 0, true)
// [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 100, 0 ], [ 100, 100 ], [ 0, 100 ] ]
Karsten Schmidt
If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:
title = "",
author = "Karsten Schmidt",
note = "",
year = 2013
© 2013 - 2021 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0