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Transducers for statistical / technical analysis. This is a support package for

This package provides a set of transducers for technical (financial) and statistical analysis and replaces the older package.

The transducers provided here accept an optional input iterable, which allows them them to be used directly instead of having to wrap their call in one of the transducer execution functions (i.e. transduce(), iterator()). If executed this way, the functions will return a transforming ES6 iterator (generator) instead of a transducer.

Supported indicators


STABLE - used in production


yarn add

Package sizes (gzipped): ESM: 1.15 KB / CJS: 1.27 KB / UMD: 1.29 KB


Usage examples

Several demos in this repo's /examples directory are using this package.

A selection:

Screenshot Description Live demo Source
Basic crypto-currency candle chart with multiple moving averages plots Demo Source
Fork-join worker-based raymarch renderer Demo Source


Generated API docs

import * as tx from "";
import * as stats from "";

// Simple moving average (SMA) (sliding window size 5)
// if an input is given (as is the case here), then returns
// a transforming iterator instead of transducer
[...stats.sma(5, [1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13,14,9,8,7,6,5])]
// [ 3, 4.8, 6.6, 8.4, 10.2, 12, 11.8, 11.2, 10.2, 8.8, 7 ]

// compute multiple stats at once
            sma: stats.sma(5),
            ema: stats.ema(5),
            wma: stats.wma(5)
        // ignore first `period-1` values
        // (because MAs require at least `period` inputs to warm up)
// [ { wma: 3.6666666666666665, ema: 3, sma: 3 },
//   { wma: 6, ema: 5.333333333333333, sma: 4.8 },
//   { wma: 8.066666666666666, ema: 7.222222222222221, sma: 6.6 },
//   { wma: 9.866666666666667, ema: 8.814814814814815, sma: 8.4 },
//   { wma: 11.4, ema: 10.209876543209877, sma: 10.2 },
//   { wma: 12.666666666666666, ema: 11.473251028806585, sma: 12 },
//   { wma: 11.666666666666666, ema: 10.64883401920439, sma: 11.8 },
//   { wma: 10.4, ema: 9.76588934613626, sma: 11.2 },
//   { wma: 9, ema: 8.843926230757507, sma: 10.2 },
//   { wma: 7.6, ema: 7.895950820505004, sma: 8.8 },
//   { wma: 6.333333333333333, ema: 6.93063388033667, sma: 7 } ]


Karsten Schmidt


© 2017 - 2020 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0