This project is part of the monorepo and anti-framework.
- About
- Status
- Related packages
- Installation
- Dependencies
- butLast
- cached
- concat
- constantly
- consume
- cycle
- dedupe
- dedupeWith
- dense
- drop
- dropNth
- dropWhile
- every
- filter
- flatten
- flattenWith
- fnil
- fork
- frequencies
- groupBy
- identity
- indexed
- interleave
- interpose
- iterate
- iterator
- juxt
- last
- map
- mapcat
- mapIndexed
- maybeIterator
- maybeObjectIterator
- objectIterator
- partition
- partitionBy
- randomSample
- range
- reduce
- reductions
- reduced
- repeat
- repeatedly
- reverse
- some
- take
- takeNth
- takeWhile
- takeLast
- walk
- walkIterator
- zip
- Authors
- License
Clojure inspired, composable ES6 iterators & generators.
Most of the provided functionality here is also available in the form of more composable & efficient transducers via
DEPRECATED - superseded by other package(s)
Search or submit any issues for this package
- - Lightweight transducer implementations for ES6 / TypeScript
yarn add
ES module import:
<script type="module" src=""></script>
For Node.js REPL:
const iterators = await import("");
Package sizes (brotli'd, pre-treeshake): ESM: 2.46 KB
In alphabetical order:
Signature: butLast<T>(input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Yields iterator of all but the last value of input.
// []
// []
// [ 1 ]
// [ 1, 2 ]
// [ "h", "e", "l", "l" ]
// [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
Signature: cached<T>(input: Iterable<T>) => CachedIterableIterator<T>
Consumes and lazily caches values of a finite input and returns a no-arg function, which when called return new iterator. These iterator instances always start from the beginning of the cache and allows for separate states and sharing of cached results among arbitrary number of iterators. The original input is only consumed when attempting to read beyond current cache boundary.
c = ti.cached(ti.range(10));
a = c();
b = c();;
// { done: false, value: 0 } -> from original;
// { done: false, value: 0 } -> from cache;
// { done: false, value: 1 } -> from original;
// { done: false, value: 1 } -> from cache
angles = ti.cached(ti.range(0, 360, 45));
// [ 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315 ]
ti.juxt(Math.sin, Math.cos),
(x)=> x * 180 / Math.PI,
// { "0": [ 0, 1 ],
// "45": [ 0.8060754911159176, -0.5918127259718502 ],
// "90": [ -0.9540914674728181, -0.2995153947555356 ],
// "135": [ 0.3232114532680857, 0.9463267704531728 ],
// "180": [ 0.5715301650260188, -0.8205810566088714 ],
// "225": [ -0.9996891031455815, 0.02493385353255689 ],
// "270": [ 0.6117273014893283, 0.7910687129526641 ],
// "315": [ 0.27563309945482667, -0.9612629164203338 ] }
Signature: concat<T>(...inputs: Iterable<T>[]) => IterableIterator<T>
Produces iterator yielding lazy concatenation of given iterables.
For practical purposes none but the last input should be infinite. Any
or undefined
input arguments are skipped in the output.
[... ti.concat([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30], [100, 200, 300])]
// [ 1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 30, 100, 200, 300 ]
[...ti.concat.apply(null, ["abc", null, [1, 2, 3]])]
// [ "a", "b", "c", 1, 2, 3 ]
Signature: constantly<T>(x: T) => (...args: any[]) => T
Helper function returning a new fn which takes any number of args and
always returns x
// define an iterable of unknown size
iter = ti.takeWhile(x => x < 0.98, ti.repeatedly(()=> Math.random()));
// use map & reduce to determine size of iterable:
// `constantly` as mapping fn maps all values to 1
// then reduce is used to sum
ti.reduce((a, b)=> a + b, 0,, iter))
// 241 (varying)
// some complex data transformation
times10 = (flt, coll) => [ => x * 10, ti.filter(flt, coll))];
// some user selectable config
filterModes = {
odd: x => (x % 2) == 1,
even: x => (x % 2) == 0,
all: ti.constantly(true)
// use `constantly` as pluggable bypass filter predicate fn
times10(filterModes[???], [1, 2, 3]);
// [10, 30] (odd)
// [20] (even)
// [10, 20, 30] (all)
Signature: consume(input: Iterator<any>, n?: number) => void
Helper function. Consumes & discards items from iterator (possibly for side effects) and optionally only up to the given number of steps.
Signature: cycle<T>(input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Produces iterator which lazily caches & infinitely repeats
sequence of input. Important: Input MUST be finite, use take
truncate input or output if necessary.
[... ti.take(10, ti.cycle(ti.range(3)))]
// [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0]
Signature: dedupe<T>(input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Produces iterator which discards successive duplicate values from input.
Important: Uses ===
for equality checks.
[... ti.dedupe([1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3])]
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 3]
Signature: dedupeWith<T>(equiv: (a:T, b: T) => boolean, input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Like dedupe
, but uses given function equiv
to determine equivalence
of successive values.
var coll = [{ a: 1 }, { a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 2, b: 2 }, { a: 2, b: 2 }, { a: 3 }];
var eq = (a, b) => a.a === b.a;
[...ti.dedupeWith(eq, coll)]
// [ { a: 1 }, { a: 2, b: 2 }, { a: 3 } ]
Signature: dense<T>(input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Yields iterator of all non-null
and non-undefined
values of input
(e.g. a sparse array).
var a = []
a[10] = 1;
a[20] = 2;
// [1, 2]
Signature: drop<T>(n: number, input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Consumes & discards up to n
items from input and returns remaining
(possibly exhausted) iterator.
[... ti.drop(5, ti.range(10))]
// [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[... ti.drop(5, ti.range(3))]
// []
[... ti.take(5, ti.drop(5, ti.range()))]
// [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
Signature: dropNth<T>(n: number, input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Produces iterator which drops every n
th item from input.
[... ti.dropNth(2, ti.range(10))]
// [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
[... ti.dropNth(3, ti.range(10))]
// [ 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 ]
Signature: dropWhile<T>(pred: (x: T) => boolean, input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Consumes input and calls pred
for each item. Discards all items whilst
returns true
, then returns remaining (possibly exhausted)
[... ti.dropWhile((x) => x < 5, ti.range(10))]
// [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Signature: every<T>(pred: (x: T) => boolean, input: Iterable<T>) => boolean
Consumes input and calls pred
for each item. When pred
returns not
, process stops and returns false
itself. When all items pass
the predicate, the function returns true
If input is empty/exhausted prior to execution, every
will return
var nums = ti.iterator([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]);
ti.every((x) => (x % 2) === 0, nums);
// true, all passed
// { value: undefined, done: true }
nums = ti.iterator([2, 3, 4]);
ti.every((x) => (x % 2) === 0, nums);
// false, `every` stopped at `3`
// { value: 4, done: false }
ti.every((x) => true, [])
// false (empty input)
Signature: filter<T>(pred: (x: T) => boolean, input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Consumes input and calls pred
for each item. Yields iterator of items
for which pred
returned true
var multOf3 = (x) => (x % 3) === 0;
[... ti.filter(multOf3, ti.range(10))];
// [ 0, 3, 6, 9 ]
Signature: flatten(input: Iterable<any>, flatObjects = true) => IterableIterator<any>
Produces iterator which recursively flattens input (using
). Important: Recursion only applies to iterable types
(excluding strings) and objects (enabled by default, using
, see below).
[... ti.flatten([1, [2, 3], [4, [5, ["abc"]]]])]
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "abc" ]
[...ti.flatten([{ a: 1 }, { a: 23, b: 42, c: [1, 2, 3] }])]
// ["a", 1, "a", 23, "b", 42, "c", 1, 2, 3]
// don't flatten objects
[...ti.flatten([{ a: 1 }, [1, 2, 3], { a: 23, b: 42, c: [1, 2, 3] }], false)]
// [ { a: 1 }, 1, 2, 3, { a: 23, b: 42, c: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } ]
Signature: flattenWith(tx: (x: any) => any, input: Iterable<any>) => IterableIterator<any>
Produces iterator which selectively & recursively flattens input. The
first arg tx
is a transformation fn called for each
value taken from the input. It's used to check and
possibly obtain an iteratable value for further flattening. The
transformer must return undefined
if the value can't or shouldn't be
flattened. If a value is returned it MUST be iterable.
The default transformer used by flatten
let defaultTx = x =>
(typeof x !== "string" && (maybeIterator(x) || maybeObjectIterator(x))) ||
// transformer allowing any iterable and strings
// if `x` is a string, return its numeric charcode sequence for flattening
let tx = x => typeof x == "string" ? => x.charCodeAt(0), x) : ti.maybeIterator(x);
[...ti.flattenWith(tx, ["ROOT", undefined, ["CHILD_1", null, ["CHILD_2"]]])]
// [ 82, 79, 79, 84, undefined, 67, 72, 73, 76, 68, 95, 49, null, 67, 72, 73, 76, 68, 95, 50 ]
Signature: fnil(fn: (...args: any[]) => any, ...ctors: (() => any)[]) => (...args: any[]) => any
Takes a function fn
and up to 3 ctor
functions. Produces a new
function that calls fn
, replacing a null
or undefined
arg with the
value obtained by calling its related positional ctor
fn (e.g. the
first ctor is used to supply first arg, etc.).
The function fn
can take any number of arguments, however only the
first 3 are being potentially patched, how many depends on the number of
fns supplied.
hello = (greet, name) => `${greet}, ${name}!`;
helloEN = ti.fnil(hello, () => "Hi", () => "user");
helloDE = ti.fnil(hello, () => "Hallo", () => `Teilnehmer #${(Math.random()*100)|0}`);
helloEN(); // "Hi, user!"
helleEN(null,"toxi"); // "Hi, toxi!"
helloEN("Howdy","toxi"); // "Howdy, toxi!"
helloDE(); // "Hallo, Teilnehmer #42!"
inc = x => x + 1
// build new fn which calls ctor to supply 0 if arg is null or undefined
adder = ti.fnil(inc, () => 0);
// 1 => returns 0 (from ctor fn) + 1
// 1 => same as above
// 11 => arg was given, so 10 + 1
// generic object prop updater using given fn `f`
updateWith = f => (obj, id) => { return obj[id] = f(obj[id]), obj; }
// accumulate letter frequencies of string into object
// fnil is used here to avoid `NaN` each time an yet unknown letter is encountered
ti.reduce(updateWith(adder), {}, "abracadabra");
// { a: 5, b: 2, r: 2, c: 1, d: 1 }
Signature: fork<T>(input: Iterable<T>, cacheLimit = 16) => () => IterableIterator<T>
Similar to cached
, this function allows multiple consumers of a single
input, however is only using a sliding window of N cached values
stores the entire input).
returns a no-arg function, which returns a new forked iterator
when called. There's no limit to the number of active forks.
Important: The use case for fork
is synchronized consumption at
similar speeds (up to cacheLimit
divergence). The cache is shared by
all forks. If one of the forks consumes the input faster than the
given cacheLimit
, the other forks will lose intermediate values. If in
doubt, increase the cache limit to a higher value (default 16). The
cache uses
to avoid unnecessary copying during window sliding.
// stream of random numbers, as sliding partitions of 5 values
src = ti.partition(5, 1, ti.repeatedly(()=> (Math.random() * 100) | 0, 10));
// setup forking, only caching single value
f = ti.fork(src, 1);
// create 4 forks (by calling f()), each with their own transformer:
raw = f();
// simple moving average
sma => ti.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0, part) / part.length, f());
// minimum
min => ti.reduce((a, b) => Math.min(a, b), 100, part), f());
// maximum
max => ti.reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b), -1, part), f());
// consume the forks in synchronized manner
for(let part of raw) {
console.log(`part: ${part}, avg: ${}, min: ${}, ${}`);
// part: 81,29,46,94,38, avg: 57.6, min: 29, 94
// part: 29,46,94,38,93, avg: 60, min: 29, 94
// part: 46,94,38,93,67, avg: 67.6, min: 38, 94
// part: 94,38,93,67,33, avg: 65, min: 33, 94
// part: 38,93,67,33,59, avg: 58, min: 33, 93
// part: 93,67,33,59,76, avg: 65.6, min: 33, 93
Signature: frequencies<T>(input: Iterable<T>, key?: (v: T) => any): IterableIterator<FrequencyPair<T>[]>
Consumes input, applies key
fn (if given) to each item and yields
iterator of 2-element tuples, each [key, freq]
(where freq
is the
number of times the item occurred). Important: The input MUST be
finite. Implementation uses JSON.stringify
to determine key equality.
If no key
fn is given, the original values will be used as key.
// without key fn
[... ti.frequencies([[1,2], [2,3], [1,2], [2,4]])]
// [ [[1, 2], 2],
// [[2, 3], 1],
// [[2, 4], 1] ]
// with key fn
[... ti.frequencies([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 3], (x) => x & ~1)]
// [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 4, 2 ], [ 8, 1 ] ]
// letter frequencies
var isLetter = (x) => /[a-z]/i.test(x);
[... ti.frequencies(ti.filter(isLetter, "hello world!"))].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])
// [ ["l", 3], ["o", 2], ["h", 1], ["e", 1], ["w", 1], ["r", 1], ["d", 1] ]
Signature: groupBy<T>(key: (v) => any, input: Iterable<T>) => { [id: string]: T[] }
Consumes input, applies key
fn to each item and returns object of
items grouped by result of key
fn. Important: The input MUST be
finite. Implementation uses JSON.stringify
to determine key equality.
// group into multiples of 2
groupBy((x) => x & ~1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 3])
// { '0': [ 1 ], '2': [ 2, 3, 3 ], '4': [ 4, 5 ], '8': [ 9 ] }
groupBy((x) => x.toUpperCase(), "AbRaCadaBra")
// { '"A"': [ 'A', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a' ],
// '"B"': [ 'b', 'B' ],
// '"R"': [ 'R', 'r' ],
// '"C"': [ 'C' ],
// '"D"': [ 'd' ] }
Signature: identity<T>(x: T) => T
Helper function. Simply returns its argument.
ti.identity() // undefined
ti.identity(null) // null
ti.identity(42) // 42
tests = [true, true, undefined, true]
// all tests succeeded?
ti.every(ti.identity, tests);
// false
// mark missing test results as success
ti.every(ti.fnil(ti.identity, () => true), tests);
// true
Signature: indexed<T>(input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<[number, T]>
Yields iterator producing [index, value]
pairs of input.
// [ [ 0, "h" ], [ 1, "e" ], [ 2, "l" ], [ 3, "l" ], [ 4, "o" ] ]
Signature: interleave(...inputs: Iterable<any>[]) => IterableIterator<any>
Takes an arbitrary number of iterators and yields iterator of interleaved items from each input. Terminates as soon as one of the inputs is exhausted.
[... ti.interleave(ti.range(), ti.range(100, 200), ti.range(200, 205))]
// [ 0, 100, 200, 1, 101, 201, 2, 102, 202, 3, 103, 203, 4, 104, 204 ]
Signature: interpose(x: any, input: Iterable<any>) => IterableIterator<any>
Produces an iterator which injects x
between each item from input
[... ti.interpose("/", ti.range(5))]
// [ 0, "/", 1, "/", 2, "/", 3, "/", 4 ]
Signature: iterate<T>(fn: (x: T) => T, seed: T) => IterableIterator<T>
Produces an iterator of the infinite results of iteratively applying
to seed
Important: Use take
to truncate sequence.
[... ti.take(10, ti.iterate((x) => x * 2, 1))]
// [ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 ]
Signature: iterator<T>(x: Iterable<T>) => Iterator<T>
Syntax sugar. Returns x[Symbol.iterator]()
. Most functions in this
module call this automatically for each input.
Signature: juxt<T>(...fns: ((x: T) => any)[]) => (x: T) => any[]
Takes arbitrary number of functions and returns new function, which
takes single argument x
and produces array of result values of
applying each input function to x
(juxtoposition of the given
transformation functions).
var kernel = ti.juxt(
(x) => x - 1,
(x) => x,
(x) => x + 1
// [0, 1, 2]
[..., ti.range(3))]
// [ [-1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3] ]
Signature: last<T>(input: Iterable<T>) => T
Consumes a finite iterator and returns last item.
Important: Never attempt to use with an infinite input!
// 9
// last item of truncated infinite input
ti.last(ti.take(10, ti.range()))
// 9
Signature: map<T>(fn: (...args: any[]) => T, ...inputs: Iterable<any>[]) => IterableIterator<T>
Consumes an arbitrary number of iterators and applies fn
to each of
their values. Produces iterator of results. Iteration stops as soon as
one of the inputs is exhausted. The mapping fn
should accept as many
arguments as there are inputs to map
. Provides a fast path for single
input mapping.
[...> x*10, ti.range(10))]
// [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
[..., y, z) => [x, y, z], ti.range(5), ti.range(0, 100, 10), ti.range(0, 1000, 100))]
// [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 10, 100], [2, 20, 200], [3, 30, 300], [4, 40, 400] ]
Signature: mapcat<T>(fn: (...args: any[]) => Iterable<T>, ...inputs: Iterable<any>[]) => IterableIterator<T>
Like map
, but expects mapping fn to return an iterable result and
produces iterator which yields the flat concatenation of results (only
the first level of nesting is removed). null
or undefined
returned by the mapping fn are skipped in the output.
[... ti.mapcat((x) => ti.repeat(x, 3), "hello")]
// [ "h", "h", "h", "e", "e", "e", "l", "l", "l", "l", "l", "l", "o", "o", "o" ]
[...ti.mapcat((x) => x < 5 ? ti.repeat(x,x) : null, ti.range(10))]
// [ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
Signature: mapIndexed<T>(fn: (i: number, ...args: any[]) => T[], ...inputs: Iterable<any>[]) => IterableIterator<T>
Like map
, but too passes a monotonically increasing index
as first
argument to mapping fn.
[... ti.mapIndexed((i, a, b) => [i, a, b], "hello", "there")]
// [ [0, "h", "t"],
// [1, "e", "h"],
// [2, "l", "e"],
// [3, "l", "r"],
// [4, "o", "e"] ]
Signature: maybeIterator(x: any) => any
Helper function, returning arg's iterator (if present) or else
Signature: maybeObjectIterator(x: any) => any
Helper function, checks if x
is object-like (but no generator) and
returns objectIterator(x)
or else undefined
Signature: objectIterator(x: any) => IterableIterator<any[]>
Produces iterator of an object"s key/value pairs.
[... ti.objectIterator({a: 23, b: 42, c: [1, 2, 3]})]
// [ ["a", 23], ["b", 42], ["c", [1, 2, 3]] ]
Signature: partition<T>(n: number, step: number, input: Iterable<T>, all = false) => IterableIterator<T[]>
Produces iterator of fixed size partitions/chunks of input values.
Produces overlapping partitions, if step
< partition size n
. Unless
the optional all
flag is enabled, returns only completely filled
partitions. If all = true
, the last partition produced may have less
than n
items (though never empty).
[... ti.partition(3, 3, ti.range(10))]
// [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8] ]
[... ti.partition(3, 3, ti.range(10), true)]
// [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9] ]
[... ti.partition(3, 1, ti.range(10))]
// [ [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5],
// [4, 5, 6], [5, 6, 7], [6, 7, 8], [7, 8, 9] ]
[... ti.partition(3, 5, ti.range(10))]
// [ [0, 1, 2], [5, 6, 7] ]
Signature: partitionBy<T>(fn: (x: T) => any, input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T[]>
Produces iterator of partitions/chunks of input values. Applies fn
each item and starts new partition each time fn
returns new result.
[... ti.partitionBy((x) => x / 5 | 0, ti.range(11))]
// [ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10] ]
Signature: randomSample<T>(prob: number, input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Produces iterator which consumes input and yields values with given probability (0 .. 1 range).
[... ti.randomSample(0.1, ti.range(100))]
// [ 10, 13, 16, 21, 22, 24, 32, 35, 37, 81, 93 ]
Signature: range(from?: number, to?: number, step?: number) => IterableIterator<number>
Produces iterator of monotonically increasing or decreasing values with
optional step
- If called without arguments, produces values from 0 .. +∞.
- If called with 1 arg: 0 ... n (exclusive)
- If called with 2 arg:
If from
> to
and no step
is given, a step
of -1
is used.
[... ti.take(5, ti.range())]
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[... ti.range(5)]
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[... ti.range(100, 105)]
// [100, 101, 102, 103, 104]
[... ti.range(5,0)]
// [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
[... ti.range(0, 50, 10)]
// [0, 10, 20, 30, 40]
[... ti.range(50, -1, -10)]
// [50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 0]
Signature: reduce<A, B>(rfn: (acc: B, x: A) => B | ReducedValue<B>, acc: B, input: Iterable<A>) => B
Consumes and reduces input using reduction function rfn
, then returns
reduced result value. rfn
can abort reduction process by returning a
value wrapped using reduced(x)
. If this is done, then this value is
unwrapped and returned as final result.
If input is empty, returns initial acc
umulator arg.
ti.reduce((acc, x) => acc + x, 0, ti.range(10))
// 45
// infinite input with early termination
ti.reduce((acc, x) => { return acc += x, acc >= 15 ? ti.reduced(acc) : acc }, 0, ti.range())
// 15
Signature: reductions<A, B>(rfn: (acc: B, x: A) => B | ReducedValue<B>, acc: B, input: Iterable<A>) => IterableIterator<B[]>
Like reduce
, but yields an iterator of all intermediate reduction
results. Always yields at least initial acc
umulator arg, even if input
is empty.
Thus, the result is the equivalent of an exclusive scan
(with the exception of possible early bail out via reduced
[... ti.reductions((acc, x) => acc + x, 0, ti.range(10))]
// [ 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45 ]
// with early termination
[... ti.reductions((acc, x) => { return acc += x, acc >= 15 ? ti.reduced(acc) : acc }, 0, ti.range())]
// [ 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 ]
Signature: reduced<T>(x: T) => ReducedValue<T>
For use inside reduction functions only. Wraps result in marker type to cause early termination of reduction (see example above).
Signature: repeat<T>(x: T, n?: number) => IterableIterator<T>
Produces an iterator of infinite (by default) repetitions of value x
If n
is given, produces only that many values.
[... ti.take(5, ti.repeat(42))]
// [42, 42, 42, 42, 42]
[... ti.repeat(42, 5)]
// [42, 42, 42, 42, 42]
Signature: repeatedly<T>(fn: () => T, n?: number) => IterableIterator<T>
Produces an iterator of infinite (by default) results of calling the
no-arg fn
repeatedly. If n
is given, produces only that many values.
[... ti.take(3, ti.repeatedly(() => Math.random()))]
// [ 0.9620186971807614, 0.8191901643942394, 0.5964328949163533 ]
[... ti.repeatedly(() => Math.random(), 3)]
// [ 0.46381477224416057, 0.22568030685532992, 0.5494769470662977 ]
Signature: reverse<T>(input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Yields iterator lazily producing reverse result order of input (must be finite). If input is not already array-like (strings are for this purpose), the function first consumes & caches input as array.
[...ti.reverse([1, 2, 3])]
// [3, 2, 1]
// [ "o", "l", "l", "e", "h" ]
[...ti.reverse(ti.take(10, ti.iterate(x => x * 2, 1)))]
// [ 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 ]
Signature: some<T>(pred: (x: T) => boolean, input: Iterable<T>) => T
Consumes iterator and calls pred
for each item. When pred
, process stops and returns this first successful item. When none
of the items pass the predicate, the function returns undefined
var nums = ti.iterator([1, 2, 3]);
ti.some((x) => (x % 2) === 0, nums);
// 2, the 1st value which passed
// { value: 3, done: false }
nums = ti.iterator([1, 2, 3]);
ti.some((x) => x > 3, nums);
// undefined
// { value: undefined, done: true }
Signature: take<T>(n: number, input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Produces iterator of the first n
values of input (or less than n
, if
input is too short...)
[... ti.take(3, ti.range())]
// [ 0, 1, 2 ]
Signature: takeNth<T>(n: number, input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Produces an iterator only yielding every n
th item from input.
[... ti.takeNth(3, ti.range(10))]
// [ 0, 3, 6, 9 ]
Signature: takeWhile<T>(pred: (x: T) => boolean, input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Produces iterator which calls pred
for each item of input and
terminates as soon as pred
returns false
Important: Due to lack of look-ahead in the ES6 iterator API, the
value failing the given pred
will be lost when working with the
original iterator after takeWhile
var input = ti.range(10);
[... ti.takeWhile((x)=> x < 5, input)]
// [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
[... input]
// note: `5` is missing (the value which failed takeWhile)
// [ 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
Signature: takeLast<T>(n: number, input: Iterable<T>) => IterableIterator<T>
Consumes input and produces iterator of the last n
values of input (or
less than n
, if input is too short...)
Important: Never attempt to use with infinite inputs!
[... ti.takeLast(5, ti.range(1000))]
// [ 995, 996, 997, 998, 999 ]
[... ti.takeLast(5, ti.range(3))]
// [ 0, 1, 2 ]
- Signature:
walk(fn: (x: any) => void, input: Iterable<any>, postOrder = false) => void
- Signature:
walk(fn: (x: any) => void, children: (x: any) => any, input: Iterable<any>, postOrder = false) => void
Recursively walks input and applies fn
to each element (for in-place
editing or side effects). Only iterable values and objects (but not
strings) are traversed further. Traversal is pre-order by default, but
can be changed to post-order via last arg.
Note: Object traversal is done via objectIterator()
and so will
include pairs of [k, v]
The optional children
fn can be used to select child values of the
currently visited value. If this function is given then only its return
values will be traversed further (with the same constraint as mentioned
above). If the fn returns null
or undefined
, no children will be
// dummy SVG document
let doc = {
tag: "svg",
content: [
tag: "g",
content: [
{ tag: "rect" },
{ tag: "circle" }
{ tag: "circle", attr: { fill: "red" } }
// transformer fn for circle tags
// injects/overrides certain attribs
let circleTX = x => {
if (x.tag === "circle") {
x.attr = x.attr || {};
x.attr.x = Math.random()*100;
x.attr.y = Math.random()*100;
x.attr.r = 5;
// transform doc
ti.walk(circleTX, (x) => x.content, doc);
// { tag: "circle", attr: { x: 83.9269, y: 31.129, r: 5 } }
// { tag: "circle", attr: { fill: "red", x: 37.963, y: 87.521, r: 5 } }
- Signature:
walkIterator(input: Iterable<any>, postOrder = false) => IterableIterator<any>
- Signature:
walkIterator(input: Iterable<any>, children: (x: any) => any, postOrder = false) => IterableIterator<any>
Yields an iterator performing either pre-order (default) or post-order traversal of input. Only iterable values and objects (but not strings) are traversed further.
Note: Object traversal is done via objectIterator()
and so will
include pairs of [k, v]
The optional children
fn can be used to select child values of the
currently visited value. If this function is given then only its return
values will be traversed further (with the same constraint as mentioned
above). If the fn returns null
or undefined
, no children will be
// pre-order traversal
[, ti.walkIterator([[[1, [2]], [3, [4]]], [5]], false))]
// [ "[[[1,[2]],[3,[4]]],[5]]",
// "[[1,[2]],[3,[4]]]",
// "[1,[2]]",
// "1",
// "[2]",
// "2",
// "[3,[4]]",
// "3",
// "[4]",
// "4",
// "[5]",
// "5" ]
// post-order traversal
[, ti.walkIterator([[[1, [2]], [3, [4]]], [5]], true))]
// [ "1",
// "2",
// "[2]",
// "[1,[2]]",
// "3",
// "4",
// "[4]",
// "[3,[4]]",
// "[[1,[2]],[3,[4]]]",
// "5",
// "[5]",
// "[[[1,[2]],[3,[4]]],[5]]" ]
Signature: zip(keys: Iterable<any>, vals: Iterable<any>, target?: any) => any
Takes an iterator of keys and iterator of values, pairwise combines
items from each input and associates them as key-value mappings in a
given target object (if target
is missing, returns new object). Stops
as soon as either input is exhausted."abcdef", ti.range())
// { a: 0, b: 1, c: 2, d: 3, e: 4, f: 5 },10), ti.range(100,200), new Uint8Array(16))
// [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
var langs=[
{id: "js", name: "JavaScript"},
{id: "clj", name: "Clojure"},
{id: "ts", name: "TypeScript"}
];>, langs), langs)
// { js: { id: "js", name: "JavaScript" },
// clj: { id: "clj", name: "Clojure" },
// ts: { id: "ts", name: "TypeScript" } }
If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:
title = "",
author = "Karsten Schmidt",
note = "",
year = 2017
© 2017 - 2023 Karsten Schmidt // Apache License 2.0