The unreleased
folder contains all changelog entries that haven't been release yet.
At the release time, all unreleased entries are combined into final file.
Under changelogs/unreleased
, create a new file.
The file is expected to be a YAML file in the following format:
title: Some text
type: feature
description: |
some description here
with more details.
And some details about breaking changes
and migrations steps.
$ find -iregex ".*domains.*.xml" | xargs -l sed -i 's|cachable="|cacheable="|g'
The title
describe the entry.
The type
can be :
- feature for new features.
- change for changes in existing functionality.
- deprecate for soon-to-be removed features.
- remove for now removed features.
- fix for any bug fixes.
- security in case of vulnerabilities.
The description
is optional and should provide detail description about the changes including
migration steps if any.
Except in some rare cases, you do not have to add a changelog entry for a fix made in a wip branch.
A changelog needs to list the change from previous version to current version. When the version is in development, new features are creating regression. If we fix these regressions before the version is released, then these bugs will never appear on any released version, so the fix stays out of the changelog. Now if we are fixing a released version in which the bug appeared, then we must add the changelog entry.
- If you are on a dev branch, most of the time the type is either
. - If you are on a wip branch, the type can be
(see above).
A change
is current "Improvements" section: adding a simple field in
existing class is not a feature, but a change.
Special cases of feature in dev branch and fix in wip can exist, but it is supposed to happen only in rare cases.
Do not use technical field name. You must write what is the consequence of the change for the user of the application. Any technical information about the change can go if needed to the commit message, but should be avoided in the changelog.
For example, instead of
Update hidden attribute of typeSelect to true when statusSelect is equal to
In invoice form view, hide the type for canceled invoices.
To generate the
with unreleased entries, run following gradle task:
./gradlew generateChangeLog
The unreleased entries are also automatically removed from changelogs/unreleased
arguments can also be used to preview the generated change log without deleting/updating files.