is a security mechanism that can be applied on top of a
Git-based code review system to ensure the integrity of the code review process
and provide verifiable guarantees that the code review process followed the
intended review policy.
To achieve this goal, SecureReview
provides three main features:
- Sing Code Review Policy:
allows the project owner to compute a digital signature over the code review policy and store it on the code review server so it can be later retrieved from the server to verify the integrity of the code review policy. In order to store the signature, a check status and a code review label are defined on Github and Gerrit, respectively. - Sing Code Reviews:
encapsulates each review in a review unit and embeds it in a Git commit message. Each review unit contains the relevant information in the review, such as the reviewer’s rating, reviewer's comment and a signature over the entire review unit. - Create a Verifable Chain of Reviews per Code Change: Each review unit depends on the prior review unit (i.e., includes the signature field of the previous review). This property prevents unauthorized changes in the middle of the chain.
can be installed as an unpacked extension in the Chrome browser
as follows:
Download the latest version of the extension at the releases section.
Unzip the extension.
On your Chrome browser, go to
. -
Enable the
Developer mode
. -
Click on
Load Unpacked
and select the Unzip folder.
To the best use of SecureReview
, it is recommended that you take a look
at the issue tracker
before trying it out.
Security issues, bugs and feature requests can be reported through GitHub issue tracker. Ideally, an issue documented as follows:
- Description of issue or feature request
- Current behavior
- Expected behavior
Contributions can be made by submitting GitHub Pull Requests.
Use of this source code is governed by the Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 that can be found in the LICENSE file.
This project is managed by Prof. Reza Curtmola and other members of the NJIT Cybersecurity Research Center at NJIT and the Secure Systems Lab at NYU.