Learn the basics of sensors and actuators in mBot using mBlock coding blocks. The following scripts match their counterpart in native Arduino, i.e., 01_RG_LED.sb2 match 01_RG_LED.ino in repository mBot_Arduino_samples:
- 01_RG_LED.sb2
- 02_DC_motors.sb2
- 03_Buzzer.sb2
- 04_Black_Line_Finder_Sensor.sb2
- 05_Light_Intensity_Sensor.sb2
- 06_Ultrasonic_Distance_Sensor.sb2
- 07_Button_On_board.sb2
- 08_Infrared_Sensor_from_IR_Remote.sb2
- 09_Basic_Line_Following.sb2
- 10_Ultrasonic_Lap_Timer_for_timing-MBot_Race.sb2
Rest of the scripts are named according to session number and script number: 1.01 means session 1-script 1, and so on.