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omop-cdm provides SQLAlchemy declarative table definitions that can be used to interact with an OMOP CDM via Python. This can be to more easily create all tables in your database, but also to use them for data manipulation (see SQLAlchemy data manipulation).


Before creating the OMOP CDM tables, the following must be available:

  • Target database
  • Schema (or schemas) in which to create the tables


omop-cdm uses placeholders for the schema names, which are intended to be replaced by the desired schema names. This can be done via the schema_translate_map property of SQLAlchemy. By default, the vocabulary tables have a different schema than the other tables, but both placeholders can be mapped to the same target schema, to make sure all tables are in a single schema (recommended).

This example shows how to set a single schema "cdm54" via the SQLAlchemy engine:

from omop_cdm.constants import CDM_SCHEMA, VOCAB_SCHEMA
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

OMOP_SCHEMA = "cdm54"

schema_map = {

engine = create_engine("postgresql://postgres@localhost/mydb")
engine = engine.execution_options(schema_translate_map=schema_map)

Regular vs Dynamic CDM

The CDM table definitions of a particular CDM release can be imported in two different ways.


To use a standard set of CDM tables, you can import the module containing the definitions as follows:

from omop_cdm.regular import cdm54

In this regular fashion, all tables are already bound to a SQLAlchemy DeclarativeBase class. This approach leaves fewer options for CDM modification, but is slightly simpler to use.

E.g. once the engine is defined, creating all the tables in a database can be done by simply running the following:

with engine.begin() as conn:


Alternatively, you can use the dynamic CDM definitions. Here tables have not been bound to a SQLAlchemy DeclarativeBase class yet, but are defined as regular classes, which can then be used as mixins.

To use these, the classes must first be bound to a Base:

from omop_cdm.dynamic import cdm54
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase

class Base(DeclarativeBase):

class Person(cdm54.BasePersonCdm54, Base):

# Etc. for all other tables

This approach allows for the greatest customization possibilities.

Additionally, the dynamic version includes two additional tables which can optionally be added to your CDM. These are the StemTable (intermediate table for mapping purposes) and the StcmVersion table (to allow versioning of STCM source vocabulary mappings).

Legacy tables

Apart from the standard CDM tables, the following legacy table classes can be added to your CDM by binding them to your DeclarativeBase:

  • AttributeDefinition
  • Cohort
  • CohortAttribute
  • CohortDefinition

These tables have been part of the standard CDM in previous releases, but have since been moved to the results schema or removed entirely.

They can be imported from omop_cdm.dynamic.legacy.

Customizing the CDM

NOTE: When adding or replacing columns, you can determine the position of the column in the table by setting a sort_order value inside mapped_column(). The default CDM table columns have a sort_order value pre-assigned with increments of 100 (column1 = 100, column2 = 200, etc.). This only works for tables imported from the dynamic module.

New columns

If desired, you can add custom fields to existing CDM tables. For dynamic tables, define the table class as normal, but add additional mapped_column fields with the data types of choice. E.g. to add an integer column to the person table:

class Person(BasePersonCdm54, Base):
    favorite_number: Mapped[Optional[int]] = mapped_column(Integer)

For tables from the regular modules, use the following syntax:

Person.favorite_number = Column(Integer, nullable=True)

Replace columns

NOTE: Replacing columns is only possible with dynamic table definitions.

Although not recommended, you can replace existing CDM table columns with a different type of column. E.g. removing the character limit of the ethnicity_source_value column in the person table, by replacing it with a Text data type, can be done as follows:

from typing import Optional

from omop_cdm.dynamic import cdm54 as cdm
from sqlalchemy import Text
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column

class Person(cdm.BasePersonCdm54, Base):
    ethnicity_source_value: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(Text)

It's important to note that replacing columns can only be done if the replacement doesn't break relationships with other tables. For example, replacing the Integer person_id column with BigInteger in the person table is possible. Replacing it with a column of type Text is not, as it breaks FK relationships that other CDM tables have with this field.

Replace whole table

NOTE: Replacing tables is only possible with dynamic table definitions.

Instead of adding or replacing individual columns, it's also possible to replace an entire table. To do that, remove the inherited table base class from your table class and define all fields yourself. E.g. for the person table:

from omop_cdm.constants import CDM_SCHEMA

class Person(Base):
    __tablename__ = "person"
    __table_args__ = {"schema": CDM_SCHEMA}
    # Define all columns here

Just like with modifying individual columns, this will only work if no violations occur in relationships with other CDM tables.

Add new tables

In addition to the default CDM tables, you can also add your own custom tables to the model.

By adding these tables to the same DeclarativeBase as the regular tables, they will become part of the ORM. For example:

from omop_cdm.constants import CDM_SCHEMA
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, Boolean
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column, relationship

class Narcissus(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'narcissus'
    __table_args__ = {'schema': CDM_SCHEMA}

    person_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey('cdm_schema.person.person_id'))
    loved_by_narcissus: Mapped[bool] = mapped_column(Boolean, default=False)

    person: Mapped["Person"] = relationship("Person")

Schema name

When adding your own tables, it's a good practice to specify a schema name via __table_args__ (see example above). If the schema will always be the same, there is no harm in hard coding the name. Otherwise, it's better to provide the schema placeholder name, and let the runtime schema name be determined by your schema_translate_map.