PowerShell module to assist with Group Policy
PoShGroupPolicy can be downloaded or inspected at the PowerShellGallery.
Have you ever need to update a script that you knew was configured in a group policy, but you just didn't know which GPO? This module helps the by parsing the group policy and returning key pieces of data for several GP extension types.
C:\PS> Get-GPO 'Workstation Scripts' | Get-GPSetting -Type Script | Sort-Object -Property Type,Order | Format-Table -AutoSize
Name ConfigurationGroup Script Type Parameters Order PSRunOrder
---- ------------------ ------ ---- ---------- ----- ----------
Workstation Scripts Computer CleanTempFiles.cmd Shutdown 0 PSNotConfigured
Workstation Scripts Computer ComputerInventory.ps1 Startup 0 RunPSFirst
Workstation Scripts Computer InstallApps.cmd Startup 1 RunPSFirst
Workstation Scripts Computer ClearAppCache.vbs Startup 2 RunPSFirst
This is my first public module on GitHub and I'm eager to learn. Feel free to submit suggestions and especially any
corrections. Please watch or Find-Module -Name PoshGroupPolicy
occasionally to see if I've published any updates.