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Create Flutter Project.

Flutter project can be createde using mutiple ways. here we will creating using terminal

flutter create <project_name>

it will create a new project in the current directory.

Project Stucture

Project Stucture

As flutter is the cross platform mobile app development framework, for making apps for andriod configuration is required, and that is done in andriod folder, you can also find gradle file in this folder.which is package manager for andriod.

for making apps for ios configuration is required, and that is done in ios folder, even here you can find xcode project file, for packages and plugins.

this is the main folder for all the code, which is used for creating the app, everything start's from here in flutter.

same stuff for windows and web

Here is every information regarding your application from name:, description, version, what other packages your are using.

Packages What you they ?

Packages are the libraries which can be used in your application. In simple words, here people, organisation, even other open source communtities have build and you can use then

it is similar to NPM for nodejs, pip for python, and so on

Package Manager for Flutter(dart)🎯 is the package manager for flutter, it is used for installing packages, and for managing packages

see and sample flutter project here repolink: @github

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