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bug: Pinterest social share link not generated correctly. #812




Expected Behavior

The Pinterest social share link generated for each post should:

  1. Use the page title as the description.
  2. Use the URL of the featured_image for the media parameter.
  3. Properly encode all fields (e.g., no special characters causing issues).

Example of expected Pinterest share link:
For the site:

Current Behavior

The generated Pinterest share link incorrectly:

  1. Uses the page summary as the description, which is often verbose and unsuitable.
  2. Uses the permalink URL as the media, which should be the featured image URL.
  3. This results in an error when attempting to share on Pinterest

Example of generated link:

Possible Solution

Update the getShareLink.html partial to correctly extract and encode the required fields when working with Pinterest:

  1. Use .Title for the description.
  2. Use .Params.featured_image for the media (fall back to a default if not set). Or utilize the get partial "func/GetFeaturedImage.html"
  3. Properly encode URLs and descriptions.

Proposed code update:

{{- $title := $context.Title | transform.Plainify | transform.HTMLEscape -}}
{{- $description := $context.Title | transform.Plainify | transform.HTMLEscape -}}
{{- $permalink := $context.Permalink | transform.HTMLEscape -}}
{{- $media := $context.Params.featured_image | default "default-image-url" | transform.AbsURL | transform.HTMLEscape -}}

{{- $link := fmt.Printf "%s?" $ -}}
{{- $link = fmt.Printf "%surl=%s" $link $permalink -}}
{{- $link = fmt.Printf "%s&media=%s" $link $media -}}
{{- $link = fmt.Printf "%s&description=%s" $link $description -}}

{{- return $link -}}

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Use the Pinterest share button on a post with a featured image and summary.
  2. Inspect the generated Pinterest URL.
  3. Note the issues with the description and media parameters.
  4. Attempt to share a post on Pinterest

The bigger picture (we need context)

  • Running MacOS 15.2

  • Also Running in CloudFlare pages.

  • hugo v0.139.3+extended+withdeploy darwin/amd64 BuildDate=2024-11-29T15:36:56Z VendorInfo=brew

  • go version go1.23.4 darwin/amd64

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Hugo Config

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