Expected Behavior
The Pinterest social share link generated for each post should:
- Use the page title as the
. - Use the URL of the
for themedia
parameter. - Properly encode all fields (e.g., no special characters causing issues).
Example of expected Pinterest share link:
For the site:
Current Behavior
The generated Pinterest share link incorrectly:
- Uses the page summary as the
, which is often verbose and unsuitable. - Uses the permalink URL as the
, which should be the featured image URL. - This results in an error when attempting to share on Pinterest
Example of generated link:
Possible Solution
Update the getShareLink.html
partial to correctly extract and encode the required fields when working with Pinterest:
- Use
for thedescription
. - Use
for themedia
(fall back to a default if not set). Or utilize the getpartial "func/GetFeaturedImage.html"
- Properly encode URLs and descriptions.
Proposed code update:
{{- $title := $context.Title | transform.Plainify | transform.HTMLEscape -}}
{{- $description := $context.Title | transform.Plainify | transform.HTMLEscape -}}
{{- $permalink := $context.Permalink | transform.HTMLEscape -}}
{{- $media := $context.Params.featured_image | default "default-image-url" | transform.AbsURL | transform.HTMLEscape -}}
{{- $link := fmt.Printf "%s?" $ -}}
{{- $link = fmt.Printf "%surl=%s" $link $permalink -}}
{{- $link = fmt.Printf "%s&media=%s" $link $media -}}
{{- $link = fmt.Printf "%s&description=%s" $link $description -}}
{{- return $link -}}
Steps to Reproduce
- Use the Pinterest share button on a post with a featured image and summary.
- Inspect the generated Pinterest URL.
- Note the issues with the description and media parameters.
- Attempt to share a post on Pinterest
The bigger picture (we need context)
Running MacOS 15.2
Also Running in CloudFlare pages.
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