Tags: the-lay/tiler
Toggle v0.5.7's commit message
Explicitly defining package, this should fix conda-forge builds
Toggle v0.5.6's commit message
Toggle v0.5.5's commit message
Merge pull request #19 from jaimergp/patch-1
Exclude tests from packaged distribution
Toggle v0.5.4's commit message
Merge pull request #18 from alisterburt/expanded-tile-shape
Expand tile shape according to numpy broadcasting semantics
Toggle v0.5.3's commit message
Fixed float/int mismatch when generating windows
Toggle v0.5.2's commit message
Weights data type now also specifies window data type
Toggle v0.5.1's commit message
Added Merger data and weights dtype keyword, this can be useful to sa…
…ve memory
Toggle v0.5.0's commit message
Toggle v0.4.1's commit message
Fixing pip publishing workflow
Toggle v0.4's commit message
Merge pull request #7 from renerichter/RL
Added padding calculation and normalization by weights
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