- 💻 I am a full-stack developer
- 📐 I am obsessed with creating great code architecture that scales
- 🐘 I have been coding backend services for over 5 years and I have worked a lot with languages like Go, Ruby, and PHP
- 🏊 I love swimming
- 🎻 I love classical music (Debussy and Bach have my heart. And yes, I play the violin too)
- Etheruem and Blockchain Technology
- Kubernetes: My Notes From Courses I took
- Go: Algorithms & Data Structures
- Go: Design Patterns
- Python: Algorithms & Data Structures
- A Clone Of My Github Profile Querying Github's GraphQL API Built With Vanilla JS & CSS
- Vue & Nuxt: Talent Management website
- Laravel & Vue: A Simple Social Network
- Ruby: A Simple Event Management App
- Laravel & Vue: Hotel Booking Manager
Here are a few articles and forum anwers by me