Feedparser is an incredibly basic but powerful module. RSS Feeds are useful but a little complicated to parse which is where Feedparser comes in.
The next few days will be spent tinkering with Feedparser in all its glory!
This is a really quick module so today we're going to do it all. Watch the videos to set up your environment, Pull the Feed and Parse it.
Today you're going to learn a way to perform a sanity check when parsing your feed. Watch the Feedparser Sanity Check video.
Now use everything you've learned to pull and parse an RSS feed of your choice!
Time to wrap up this super quick set of lessons! Watch the Concepts video to recap what we've learned.
The challenge today is to come up with something to do with the data you're pulling with Feedparser!
Store it in a database or maybe email it out? Build some sort of an application around it. Maybe even let the user specify which RSS tags to pull down!
Have fun with it!
Be sure to share your last couple of days work on Twitter or Facebook. Use the hashtag #100DaysOfCode.
Here are some examples to inspire you. Consider including @talkpython and @pybites in your tweets.
See a mistake in these instructions? Please submit a new issue or fix it and submit a PR.