This is a simple feature wich contains a functioning CKEditor installation (using the CKEditor module).
It sets up a new "ckeditor" text format. Using it you got a correctly set up CKEditor on your textarea with not too much and not too small buttons.
It also lets you add .img-right
, .img-left
or .img-mid
class to your inline images (using the "Style" dropdown). So you can set these in your theme's stylesheet. (The editor is set to use the style.css of your Drupal theme instead of the default stylesheet of CKE.)
(This feature is tested with 3.6.x versions of CKE but not with 4.x versions.)
drush make [WEBDIR]
- Install Drupal (
drush si [YOUR OPTIONS]
) - Enable Features module (
drush en -y features
) - Enable Tanarurkerem CKEditor feature at admin/structure/features (
drush en -y tanarurkerem_ckeditor
) - Revert Tanarurkerem CKEditor settings (
drush fr -y tanarurkerem_ckeditor
drush make --no-core --tar tanarurkerem_ckeditor
- Mac OSX - bsdtar 2.8.3 - libarchive 2.8.3
tar -x -s /tanarurkerem_ckeditor// -C [YOUR DRUPAL WEB DIR] < tanarurkerem_ckeditor.tar.gz
- Ubuntu - (GNU tar) 1.25
tar -x -z --xform s/tanarurkerem_ckeditor// -C [YOUR DRUPAL WEB DIR] < ./tanarurkerem_ckeditor.tar.gz
- add the following lines to your make file:
projects[features][subdir] = "contrib"
projects[ckeditor][subdir] = "contrib"
libraries[ckeditor][download][type] = "file"
libraries[ckeditor][download][url] = ""
projects[tanarurkerem_ckeditor][type] = module
projects[tanarurkerem_ckeditor][subdir] = features
projects[tanarurkerem_ckeditor][download][type] = git
projects[tanarurkerem_ckeditor][download][url] = git://