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GitOps with Red Hat ACM

Configure OpenShift client context for cluster admin access

You should have three OCP managed cluster and one OCP hub cluster

# Login into hub cluster
oc login -u admin -p XXXX --insecure-skip-tls-verify https://api.YOURACMCLUSTER.DOMAIN:6443
# Set the name of the context
oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) hubcluster
# Login into 1st cluster (A environment)
oc login -u admin -p XXXX --insecure-skip-tls-verify https://api.YOURCLUSTER1.DOMAIN:6443
# Set the name of the context
oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) cluster1
# Login into 2nd cluster (B environment)
oc login -u admin -p XXXX --insecure-skip-tls-verify https://api.YOURCLUSTER2.DOMAIN:6443
# Set the name of the context
oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) cluster2
# Login into 3rd cluster (C environment)
oc login -u admin -p XXXX --insecure-skip-tls-verify https://api.YOURCLUSTER3.DOMAIN:6443
# Set the name of the context
oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) cluster3

Deploying and Managing a Project with GitOps

This lab will use cluster1, cluster2 and cluster3. The first step is to ensure that no resources currently exist in the simple-app namespace.

# Use the `oc` command to list deployments
oc --context cluster1 -n simple-app get deployment

No resources found.

Deploy the application

The simple application we are using is an Apache web server serving a default index page.

The simple application includes the following resources:

The assets contains definitions to deploy these resources. For example: the simple Apache deployment template

1- Change the directory acm

cd acm

2- Ensure to load the "hubcluster" context

oc config use-context hubcluster

3- Create namespace

oc create -f 01_namespace.yaml

4- Create channel

oc create -f 02_channel.yaml

5- Create application

oc create -f 03_application.yaml

6- Create placementrule for putting application just on Openshift cluster1

oc create -f 04_placement_cluster1.yaml
oc create -f 04_placement_cluster2.yaml
oc create -f 04_placement_cluster3.yaml

7- Create subscription

oc create -f 05_subscription_cluster1.yaml
oc create -f 05_subscription_cluster2.yaml
oc create -f 05_subscription_cluster3.yaml

Verify that the application is running

Verify that the various resources have been deployed.

# The command below will display objects in the simple-app namespace
oc --context cluster1 -n simple-app get deployments,services,pods

Expose a route to allow for external ingress and verify the application can be queried.

# Expose the route for the httpd service
oc --context=cluster1 -n simple-app expose service httpd
# Get the Route hostname
url="http://$(oc --context=cluster1 -n simple-app get route httpd -o jsonpath='{}')"
# We will wait 5 seconds to allow for proper propagation
sleep 5
# Access the route
curl -s $url | grep "This page"

State Recovery

We are going to delete the deployment and watch RHACM will notice that the status is unhealthy and redeploy the deployment.

# Use the `oc` command to delete the httpd deployment object
oc --context cluster1 -n simple-app delete deployment httpd

As you can see the deployment is missing.

# Use the `oc` command to list deployments in the simple-app namespace
oc --context cluster1 -n simple-app get deployments

The deployment is missing so let's check to ensure RHACM deploying

# Use this `oc` command to check application status
oc describe deployable -n simple-app  httpd-deployable

              Federation - Deployment - Httpd:
                Last Update Time:  2020-06-03T08:18:48Z
                Phase:             Subscribed
                Resource Status:
                  Available Replicas:  1
                    Last Transition Time:  2020-06-03T08:17:15Z
                    Last Update Time:      2020-06-03T08:17:15Z
                    Message:               Deployment has minimum availability.
                    Reason:                MinimumReplicasAvailable
                    Status:                True
                    Type:                  Available
                    Last Transition Time:  2020-06-03T08:16:39Z
                    Last Update Time:      2020-06-03T08:17:15Z
                    Message:               ReplicaSet "httpd-54b9dfb679" has successfully progressed.
                    Reason:                NewReplicaSetAvailable
                    Status:                True
                    Type:                  Progressing
                  Observed Generation:     1
                  Ready Replicas:          1
                  Replicas:                1
                  Updated Replicas:        1

Verify the deployment is once again present after the synchronization.

Please note: you may have to wait few seconds before the resources are correctly re-created.

# Use the `oc` command to list deployments in the simple-app namespace
oc --context cluster1 -n simple-app get deployments

Connecting to RHACM WebUI you should see a topology like this:

Lab 4 Topology



GitOps with Red Hat ACM






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