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Tenzir Python

The Python package of Tenzir provides a flexible control plane to integrate Tenzir with other security tools.

Note The Python effort is still highly experimental and subject to rapid change. Please do not consider it for production use.


To get started, clone the Tenzir repository and install the Python package via Poetry:

git clone
cd tenzir/python
poetry install -E module


We recommend that you work with an editable installation, which is the default for poetry install.

Unit Tests

Run the unit tests via pytest:

poetry run pytest

Integration Tests

Run the integrations tests via Docker Compose and pytest:

./ pytest -v


The following instructions concern maintainers who want to publish the Python package to PyPI.

Note Our releasing scripts and CI run these steps automatically. You do not need to intervene anywhere. The instructions below merely document the steps taken.

Bump the version

Prior to releasing a new version, bump the version, e.g.:

poetry version 2.3.1

This updates the pyproject.toml file.

Publish to Test PyPI

  1. Add a Test PyPi repository:

    poetry config repositories.test-pypi
  2. Get the token from

  3. Store the token:

poetry config pypi-token.test-pypi pypi-XXXXXXXX
  1. Publish:

    poetry publish --build -r test-pypi

Publish to PyPI

  1. Get the token from

  2. Store the token:

poetry config pypi-token.pypi pypi-XXXXXXXX
  1. Publish

    poetry publish --build