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Demoing hot to use html5ever through kuchiki to speed up html parsing and css-selecting.


parse_file and parse_text return a parsed Document, which then lets you select elements by css selectors using the select method. All elements are returned as strings


Create a python 3.6+ venv and activate it. Install html-py-ever in there (python install). To get a readable benchmark, run test/ To get a real benchmark, run pytest or pytest Both have a --benchmark-histogram option.

Example benchmark results

Running on Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz with python 3.6 and rustc 1.30.0-nightly (aaa170beb 2018-08-31)

monty-python.html 1400
Parse lxml  0.013675s 0.114107s  8.344x
Parse py    0.013675s 0.191262s 13.986x
Select lxml 0.004283s 0.001122s  3.818x
Select py   0.004047s 0.001122s  3.608x
empty.html 0
Parse lxml  0.000050s 0.000250s  5.027x
Parse py    0.000050s 0.000091s  1.834x
Select lxml 0.000047s 0.000011s  4.452x
Select py   0.000034s 0.000011s  3.263x
small.html 0
Parse lxml  0.000050s 0.000408s  8.221x
Parse py    0.000050s 0.000341s  6.860x
Select lxml 0.000048s 0.000006s  7.700x
Select py   0.000116s 0.000006s 18.739x
rust.html 733
Parse lxml  0.034088s 0.269182s  7.897x
Parse py    0.034088s 0.423923s 12.436x
Select lxml 0.006814s 0.004962s  1.373x
Select py   0.006792s 0.004962s  1.369x
python.html 1518
Parse lxml  0.134979s 1.440968s 10.675x
Parse py    0.134979s 2.271023s 16.825x
Select lxml 0.036732s 0.006711s  5.474x
Select py   0.036882s 0.006711s  5.496x

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmark: 10 tests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in us)                                           Min                       Max                      Mean                 StdDev                    Median                    IQR            Outliers           OPS            Rounds  Iterations
test_bench_parsing_rust[empty.html]                      6.1110 (1.0)            513.7940 (1.0)              7.4792 (1.0)           9.5990 (1.0)              6.3950 (1.0)           0.2948 (1.0)      649;4746  133,704.3206 (1.0)       27203           1
test_bench_parsing_rust[small.html]                     19.3520 (3.17)           788.8010 (1.54)            22.1472 (2.96)         16.8692 (1.76)            19.8700 (3.11)          0.5373 (1.82)     393;1818   45,152.4211 (0.34)      16177           1
test_bench_parsing_python[empty.html]                   57.6250 (9.43)        38,060.2320 (74.08)           72.3809 (9.68)        457.3842 (47.65)           59.6890 (9.33)          3.0377 (10.31)      11;948   13,815.7902 (0.10)       6939           1
test_bench_parsing_python[small.html]                  290.9070 (47.60)        2,750.8890 (5.35)           345.1972 (46.15)       178.1737 (18.56)          301.0480 (47.08)        26.8838 (91.21)     103;362    2,896.8951 (0.02)       2477           1
test_bench_parsing_rust[monty-python.html]          12,943.2440 (>1000.0)     21,217.3930 (41.30)       13,930.9700 (>1000.0)   1,687.9115 (175.84)      13,393.0260 (>1000.0)     493.4407 (>1000.0)       6;7       71.7825 (0.00)         65           1
test_bench_parsing_rust[rust.html]                  27,254.8300 (>1000.0)     44,283.6160 (86.19)       29,939.0300 (>1000.0)   3,770.0365 (392.75)      28,366.1800 (>1000.0)   2,199.8490 (>1000.0)       4;4       33.4012 (0.00)         30           1
test_bench_parsing_rust[python.html]               117,097.9310 (>1000.0)    139,946.1370 (272.38)     124,982.5736 (>1000.0)   7,679.8512 (800.07)     124,375.9720 (>1000.0)  10,055.3265 (>1000.0)       2;0        8.0011 (0.00)          8           1
test_bench_parsing_python[monty-python.html]       181,122.6270 (>1000.0)    221,371.7280 (430.86)     191,845.8776 (>1000.0)  16,849.9999 (>1000.0)    186,777.4470 (>1000.0)  15,766.5518 (>1000.0)       1;1        5.2125 (0.00)          5           1
test_bench_parsing_python[rust.html]               384,658.8340 (>1000.0)    423,217.7400 (823.71)     406,878.9022 (>1000.0)  17,625.0831 (>1000.0)    413,173.2850 (>1000.0)  31,943.3840 (>1000.0)       1;0        2.4577 (0.00)          5           1
test_bench_parsing_python[python.html]           2,195,261.3770 (>1000.0)  2,249,598.2990 (>1000.0)  2,221,196.6530 (>1000.0)  23,091.9237 (>1000.0)  2,212,574.4390 (>1000.0)  38,692.2310 (>1000.0)       2;0        0.4502 (0.00)          5           1

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ benchmark: 10 tests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in us)                                         Min                    Max                   Mean                StdDev                 Median                   IQR            Outliers           OPS            Rounds  Iterations
test_bench_selector_rust[empty.html]                   1.3180 (1.0)          63.8790 (1.0)           1.5361 (1.0)          0.9402 (1.0)           1.4420 (1.0)          0.0630 (1.0)     1884;6084  651,005.8803 (1.0)       84775           1
test_bench_selector_rust[small.html]                   1.5300 (1.16)        112.5220 (1.76)          1.7647 (1.15)         1.0319 (1.10)          1.6590 (1.15)         0.0630 (1.00)    2215;7135  566,666.9515 (0.87)      96507           1
test_bench_selector_python[empty.html]                20.1260 (15.27)       532.0720 (8.33)         22.9150 (14.92)       12.8876 (13.71)        20.8190 (14.44)        0.5280 (8.38)     818;1965   43,639.4426 (0.07)      18434           1
test_bench_selector_python[small.html]                26.5540 (20.15)       890.5700 (13.94)        29.7362 (19.36)       14.8236 (15.77)        27.4300 (19.02)        0.7265 (11.53)    762;2109   33,629.0076 (0.05)      17413           1
test_bench_selector_rust[monty-python.html]          691.8140 (524.90)    2,925.7400 (45.80)       851.7575 (554.50)     222.7539 (236.93)      802.9160 (556.81)      79.2970 (>1000.0)     43;69    1,174.0430 (0.00)        843           1
test_bench_selector_rust[rust.html]                1,220.5940 (926.10)    6,789.2340 (106.28)    1,509.8102 (982.90)     540.7908 (575.20)    1,352.9600 (938.25)     361.6030 (>1000.0)       8;6      662.3349 (0.00)        240           1
test_bench_selector_python[monty-python.html]      3,851.9600 (>1000.0)   8,077.7510 (126.45)    4,260.0542 (>1000.0)    675.4977 (718.48)    4,063.3380 (>1000.0)    216.4488 (>1000.0)     20;26      234.7388 (0.00)        245           1
test_bench_selector_python[rust.html]              6,437.3910 (>1000.0)  11,348.6070 (177.66)    7,033.6536 (>1000.0)  1,050.6394 (>1000.0)   6,739.6810 (>1000.0)    363.3680 (>1000.0)     12;13      142.1736 (0.00)        151           1
test_bench_selector_rust[python.html]              6,504.3130 (>1000.0)  12,934.9650 (202.49)    7,557.5249 (>1000.0)  1,398.7101 (>1000.0)   6,976.7700 (>1000.0)    965.8090 (>1000.0)     17;16      132.3185 (0.00)        143           1
test_bench_selector_python[python.html]           36,145.0260 (>1000.0)  46,582.5100 (729.23)   38,058.3009 (>1000.0)  2,960.4055 (>1000.0)  36,630.3450 (>1000.0)  1,389.9710 (>1000.0)       4;5       26.2755 (0.00)         23           1