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Memory Game Project A Udacity project developed using HTMl, CSS and JavaScript.
How To Play: This is a memory matching card game. The goal is to match each card's icon with its pair. There are 16 cards and 8 pairs total. Click on a card, remember its icon and spot in the grid, then continue clicking other cards until you find its match. The game ends once all pairs are matched.
Keep track of progress in the score panel area by viewing the star rating guide. You'll also see how many moves have been made and the time it took to finish the game.
There was starter code for this project:
This repository is the starter code for all Udacity students. Therefore, we most likely will not accept pull requests.
For details, check out CONTRIBUTING.md.
======= Memory Game Project
A Udacity project using HTMl, CSS and JavaScript.
How To Play: This is a memory matching card game. The goal is to match each card's icon with its pair. There are 16 cards and 8 pairs total. Click on a card and find its match on the game board. You will have one try before the card flips back so choose carefully.The game ends once all pairs are matched.
Keep track of progress in the score panel area by viewing the Star Rating, how many moves have been made and how long it takes to finish the game.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Acknowledgments Udacity provided starter code. W3Schools modal tutorials. Mike Wale's Udacity study session.