YouCompleteMe for Atom
- Semantic code completion using autocomplete+
- Diagnostic display using linter
- Commands and context menus to query the type of variables or methods
- Commands and context menus to go to declaration or definition
- alt+y t Get Type
- alt+y p Get Parent
- alt+y g Go To
- alt+y i Go To Imprecise
- alt+y c Go To Declaration
- alt+y d Go To Definition
Open Atom and it will download ycmd automatically from Github. Depending on your Internet connection, it may take several minutes.
cd ~/.atom/packages/you-complete-me/ycmd
./ [--clang-completer] [--omnisharp-completer] [--gocode-completer]
Sometimes you have to rebuild them after upgrading the package. You will get notified in Atom if that happens.
You may notice that this package uses a fork of ycmd instead of the original one. It is necessary for all the awesome features because the upstream does not merge pull requests quickly enough or some essential changes are specific to Atom client and will not be merged into the upstream.
It is also possible to use this package with the original ycmd but some features may be limited. You can configure it in the settings.
For detailed instructions and troubleshooting on building ycmd, see YouCompleteMe's README.
Check your Python Executable config and make sure you are using python2 instead of python3.