Strelka is a real-time, container-based file scanning system used for threat hunting, threat detection, and incident response. Originally based on the design established by Lockheed Martin's Laika BOSS and similar projects (see: related projects), Strelka's purpose is to perform file extraction and metadata collection at enterprise scale.
Strelka differs from its sibling projects in a few significant ways:
- Core codebase is Go and Python 3.9+
- Server components run in containers for ease and flexibility of deployment
- OS-native client applications for Windows, Mac, and Linux
- Built using libraries and formats that allow cross-platform, cross-language support
- Installation
- Quickstart
- Deployment
- Architecture
- Design
- Scanners
- Tests
- Use Cases
- Contributing
- Related Projects
- Licensing
Strelka is one of the second generation Soviet space dogs to achieve orbital spaceflight -- the name is an homage to Lockheed Martin's Laika BOSS, one of the first public projects of this type and from which Strelka's core design is based.
File metadata is an additional pillar of data (alongside network, endpoint, authentication, and cloud) that is effective in enabling threat hunting, threat detection, and incident response and can help event analysts and incident responders bridge visibility gaps in their environment. This type of system is especially useful for identifying threat actors during KC3 and KC7. For examples of what Strelka can do, please read the use cases.
It depends -- we recommend reviewing the features of each and choosing the most appropriate tool for your needs. We believe the most significant motivating factors for switching to Strelka are:
- More scanners (40+ at release) and file types (60+ at release) than related projects
- Modern codebase (Go and Python 3.9+)
- Server components run in containers for ease and flexibility of deployment
- Performant, OS-native client applications compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux
- OS-native client applications for Windows, Mac, and Linux
- Built using libraries and formats that allow cross-platform, cross-language support
Due to differences in design, Strelka's scanners are not directly compatible with Laika BOSS, File Scanning Framework, or Assemblyline. With some effort, most scanners can likely be ported to the other projects.
Strelka shouldn't be thought of as an IDS, but it can be used for threat detection through YARA rule matching and downstream metadata interpretation. Strelka's design follows the philosophy established by other popular metadata collection systems (Bro, Sysmon, Volatility, etc.): it extracts data and leaves the decision-making up to the user.
Everyone has their own definition of "at scale," but we have been using Strelka and systems like it to scan up to 250 million files each day for over a year and have never reached a point where the system could not scale to our needs -- as file volume and diversity increases, horizontally scaling the system should allow you to scan any number of files.
Maybe! Strelka's client applications provide opportunities for users to use as much or as little bandwidth as they want.
No! Strelka clusters run CPU-intensive processes that will negatively impact system-critical applications like Bro and Suricata. If you want to integrate a network sensor with Strelka, then use the [filestream
] client application. This utility is capable of sending millions of files per day from a single network sensor to a Strelka cluster without impacting system-critical applications.
Please file an issue or contact the project team at
Strelka can be installed on any system that can run containers. For convenience, the project ships with docker-compse configuration files for standing up a "quickstart" cluster (found under the build/
directory). We do not recommend using and do not plan to support OS-native installations.
Strelka's core client apps are written in Go and can be run natively on a host or inside of a container. The following are multiple ways to install each of the apps.
- Build the binary directly from github
go build
Clone this repository
git clone /opt/strelka/
Build the application
cd /opt/strelka/src/go/cmd/strelka-fileshot/ go build -o strelka-fileshot .
Clone this repository
git clone /opt/strelka/
Build the container
cd /opt/strelka/ docker build -f build/go/fileshot/Dockerfile -t strelka-fileshot .
- Build the binary
go build
Clone this repository
git clone /opt/strelka/
Build the application
cd /opt/strelka/src/go/cmd/strelka-oneshot/ go build -o strelka-oneshot .
Clone this repository
git clone /opt/strelka/
Build the container
cd /opt/strelka/ docker build -f build/go/oneshot/Dockerfile -t strelka-oneshot .
- Build the binary
go build
Clone this repository
git clone /opt/strelka/
Build the application
cd /opt/strelka/src/go/cmd/strelka-filestream/ go build -o strelka-filestream .
Clone this repository
git clone /opt/strelka/
Build the container
cd /opt/strelka/ docker build -f build/go/filestream/Dockerfile -t strelka-filestream .
Strelka's core server components are written in Go and Python 3.9+ and are run from containers. The simplest way to run them is to use docker-compose -- see build/docker-compose.yaml
for a sample configuration.
Clone this repository
git clone /opt/strelka/
Build the cluster
cd /opt/strelka/ docker-compose -f build/docker-compose.yaml up -d
By default, Strelka is configured to use a minimal "quickstart" deployment that allows users to test the system. This configuration is not recommended for production deployments, but may suffice for environments with very low file volume (<50k files per day). Using two Terminal windows, do the following:
# Ubuntu 23.04
sudo apt install -y wget git docker docker-compose golang jq && \
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && \
newgrp docker
git clone && \
cd strelka
rm configs/python/backend/yara/rules.yara && \
git clone configs/python/backend/yara/rules/ && \
echo 'include "./rules/index.yar"' > configs/python/backend/yara/rules.yara
Note: You can skip the go build
process and use the Strelka UI
to analyze files.
docker-compose -f build/docker-compose-no-build.yaml up -d && \
go build
Note: You can skip the go build
process and use the Strelka UI
to analyze files.
docker-compose -f build/docker-compose.yaml build && \
docker-compose -f build/docker-compose.yaml up -d && \
go build
Use any malware sample, or other file you'd like Strelka to analyze.
wget -P samples/
./strelka-oneshot -f samples/ -l - | jq
- Strelka determined that the submitted file was an encrypted ZIP (See: taste.yara backend.yaml)
- ScanEncryptedZip used a dictionary to crack the ZIP file password, and extract the compressed file
- The extracted file was sent back into the Strelka pipeline by the scanner, and Strelka determined that the extracted file was an EXE
- ScanPe dissected the EXE file and added useful metadata to the output
- ScanYara analyzed the EXE file, using the provided rules, and added numerous matches to the output, some indicating the file might be malicious
The following output has been edited for brevity.
"file": {
"depth": 0,
"flavors": {
"mime": ["application/zip"],
"yara": ["encrypted_zip", "zip_file"]
"scanners": [
"scan": {
"encrypted_zip": {
"cracked_password": "infected",
"elapsed": 0.114269,
"total": {"extracted": 1, "files": 1}
"file": {
"depth": 1,
"flavors": {
"mime": ["application/x-dosexec"],
"yara": ["mz_file"]
"name": "29D6161522C7F7F21B35401907C702BDDB05ED47.bin",
"scanners": [
"scan": {
"pe": {
"address_of_entry_point": 5168,
"base_of_code": 4096,
"base_of_data": 32768,
"checksum": 47465,
"compile_time": "2015-03-31T08:53:51",
"elapsed": 0.013076,
"file_alignment": 4096,
"file_info": {
"company_name": "In CSS3",
"file_description": "Note: In CSS3, the text-decoration property is a shorthand property for text-decoration-line, text-decoration-color, and text-decoration-style, but this is currently.",
"file_version": "1.00.0065",
"fixed": {"operating_systems": ["WINDOWS32"]},
"internal_name": "Callstb",
"original_filename": "NOFAstb.exe",
"product_name": "Goodreads",
"product_version": "1.00.0065",
"var": {"character_set": "Unicode", "language": "U.S. English"}
"yara": {
"elapsed": 0.068918,
"matches": [
"tags": [
Strelka's UI is available when you build the provided containers. This web interface allows you to upload files to Strelka and capture the events, which are stored locally.
Navigate to http://localhost:9980/ and use the login strelka/strelka.
Strelka's core client apps are designed to efficiently integrate a wide-range of systems (Windows, Mac, Linux) with a cluster. Out of the box client apps are written in Go and custom clients can be written in any language supported by gRPC.
This client app is designed to one-shot upload files and retrieve their results. This app can be applied in many scenarios, including on-demand file scanning from analysts triaging malware, scheduled file scanning on remote systems, and one-time file scanning on during incident response.
This client app is designed to be used to submit a single file from command line and receive the result for it immediately. This is useful if you want to test the functionality of Strelka without having to write a config file (like with strelka-fileshot).
An example execution could look like:
$ strelka-oneshot -f foo.exe
$ cat strelka-oneshot.log | jq .
This client app is designed to continuously stream files and retrieves their results. This app is intended for use on systems that continuously generate files, such as network security monitoring (NSM) sensors, email gateways, and web proxies. Note that this client application moves files on the filesystem before sending files for scanning.
This client app is designed to recursively scrape websites, upload their contents, and retrieve the results. This app is intended for monitoring websites for third party compromise or malicious code injection.
This server component is the frontend for a cluster -- clients can connect directly a single frontend or to many frontends via Envoy.
This server component is the backend for a cluster -- this is where files submitted to the cluster are processed.
This server component manages portions of Strelka's Redis databases.
This server component is a Redis server that coordinates tasks and data between the frontend and backend. This component is compatible with Envoy's Redis load balancing capabilities.
This server component is a Redis server that acts as a temporary event cache. This component is not compatible with Envoy's Redis load balancing capabilities.
Strelka uses YAML for configuring client and server components. We recommend using the default configurations and modifying the options as needed.
For the options below, only one response setting may be configured.
- "conn.server": network address of the frontend server (defaults to
- "conn.cert": local path to the frontend SSL server certificate (defaults to empty string -- SSL disabled)
- "conn.timeout.dial": amount of time to wait for the client to dial the server (defaults to 5 seconds)
- "conn.timeout.file": amount of time to wait for an individual file to complete a scan (defaults to 1 minute)
- "conn.concurrency": number of concurrent requests to make (defaults to 8)
- "files.chunk": size of file chunks that will be sent to the frontend server (defaults to 32768b / 32kb)
- "files.patterns": list of glob patterns that determine which files will be sent for scanning (defaults to example glob pattern)
- "files.minsize": Checks the file size for a file to be scanned. If size does not exceed this number (in bytes), ignore file. (If no specified, no check is run).
- "files.maxsize": Checks the file size for a file to be scanned. If size exceeds this number (in bytes), ignore file. (If no specified, no check is run).
- "files.limitpattern": Checks the amount of files submitted in this scan. If total scanned in a specific pattern is greater than this number, scan no more in that pattern. (If no specified, no check is run).
- "files.limittotal": Checks the amount of files submitted in this scan. If total scanned is greater than this number, scan no more. (If no specified, no check is run).
- "files.modified": Checks last modified time of file and if time is greater than this number (in hours), ignore. (If no specified, no check is run).
- "files.mimetypes": List of inclusion mimetypes to be scanned. Mimetypes not in the list will not be scanned. (If no specified, no check is run).
- "files.delay": artificial sleep between the submission of each chunk
- "files.delete": boolean that determines if files should be deleted after being sent for scanning (defaults to false -- does not delete files)
- "files.gatekeeper": boolean that determines if events should be pulled from the temporary event cache (defaults to true)
- "response.log": location where worker scan results are logged to (defaults to /var/log/strelka/strelka.log)
- "": frequency at which the frontend reports the number of files processed (no default)
For the options below, only one response setting may be configured.
- "conn.server": network address of the frontend server (defaults to
- "conn.cert": local path to the frontend SSL server certificate (defaults to empty string -- SSL disabled)
- "conn.timeout.dial": amount of time to wait for the client to dial the server (defaults to 5 seconds)
- "conn.timeout.file": amount of time to wait for an individual file to complete a scan (defaults to 1 minute)
- "conn.concurrency": number of concurrent requests to make (defaults to 8)
- "files.chunk": size of file chunks that will be sent to the frontend server (defaults to 32768b / 32kb)
- "files.patterns": list of glob patterns that determine which files will be sent for scanning (defaults to example glob pattern)
- "files.delete": boolean that determines if files should be deleted after being sent for scanning (defaults to false -- does not delete files)
- "files.processed": directory where files will be moved after being submitted for scanning (defaults to "", and files stay in staging directory)
- "response.log": location where worker scan results are logged to (defaults to /var/log/strelka/strelka.log)
- "": frequency at which the frontend reports the number of files processed (no default)
- "delta": time value that determines how much time must pass since a file was last modified before it is sent for scanning (defaults to 5 seconds)
- "staging": directory where files are staged before being sent to the cluster (defaults to example path)
For the options below, only one response setting may be configured.
- "server": network address of the frontend server (defaults to :57314)
- "coordinator.addr": network address of the coordinator (defaults to strelka_coordinator_1:6379)
- "coordinator.db": Redis database of the coordinator (defaults to 0)
- "coordinator.blockingpoptime": If set (and >0) use redis blocking calls for task results. Incompatible with Envoy!
- "gatekeeper.addr": network address of the gatekeeper (defaults to strelka_gatekeeper_1:6379)
- "gatekeeper.db": Redis database of the gatekeeper (defaults to 0)
- "gatekeeper.ttl": time-to-live for events added to the gatekeeper (defaults to 1 hour)
- "response.log": location where worker scan results are logged to (defaults to /var/log/strelka/strelka.log)
- "": frequency at which the frontend reports the number of files processed (no default)
- "coordinator.addr": network address of the coordinator (defaults to strelka_coordinator_1:6379)
- "coordinator.db": Redis database of the coordinator (defaults to 0)
The backend configuration contains two sections: one that controls the backend process and one that controls how scanners are applied to data.
- "logging_cfg": path to the Python logging configuration (defaults to /etc/strelka/logging.yaml)
- "limits.max_files": number of files the backend will process before shutting down (defaults to 5000, specify 0 to disable)
- "limits.time_to_live": amount of time (in seconds) that the backend will run before shutting down (defaults to 900 seconds / 15 minutes, specify 0 to disable)
- "limits.max_depth": maximum depth that extracted files will be processed by the backend (defaults to 15)
- "limits.distribution": amount of time (in seconds) that a single file can be distributed to all scanners (defaults to 600 seconds / 10 minutes)
- "limits.scanner": amount of time (in seconds) that a scanner can spend scanning a file (defaults to 150 seconds / 1.5 minutes, can be overridden per-scanner)
- "coordinator.addr": network address of the coordinator (defaults to strelka_coordinator_1:6379)
- "coordinator.db": Redis database of the coordinator (defaults to 0)
- "coordinator.blocking_pop_time_sec": If set (and >0) use redis blocking calls to retrieve file tasks. Incompatible with Envoy!
- "tasting.mime_db": location of the MIME database used to taste files (defaults to None, system default)
- "tasting.yara_rules": location of the directory of YARA files that contains rules used to taste files (defaults to /etc/strelka/taste/)
The "scanners" section controls which scanners are assigned to each file; each scanner is assigned by mapping flavors, filenames, and sources from this configuration to the file. "scanners" must always be a dictionary where the key is the scanner name (e.g. ScanZip
) and the value is a list of dictionaries containing values for mappings, scanner priority, and scanner options.
Assignment occurs through a system of positive and negative matches: any negative match causes the scanner to skip assignment and at least one positive match causes the scanner to be assigned. A unique identifier (*
) is used to assign scanners to all flavors. See File Distribution, Scanners, Flavors, and Tasting for more details on flavors.
Below is a sample configuration that runs the scanner "ScanHeader" on all files and the scanner "ScanRar" on files that match a YARA rule named "rar_file".
- positive:
- '*'
priority: 5
length: 50
- positive:
- 'rar_file'
priority: 5
limit: 1000
The "positive" dictionary determines which flavors, filenames, and sources cause the scanner to be assigned. Flavors is a list of literal strings while filenames and sources are regular expressions. One positive match will assign the scanner to the file.
Below is a sample configuration that shows how RAR files can be matched against a YARA rule (rar_file
), a MIME type (application/x-rar
), and a filename (any that end with .rar
- positive:
- 'application/x-rar'
- 'rar_file'
filename: '\.rar$'
priority: 5
limit: 1000
Each scanner also supports negative matching through the "negative" dictionary. Negative matches occur before positive matches, so any negative match guarantees that the scanner will not be assigned. Similar to positive matches, negative matches support flavors, filenames, and sources.
Below is a sample configuration that shows how RAR files can be positively matched against a YARA rule (rar_file
) and a MIME type (application/x-rar
), but only if they are not negatively matched against a filename (\.rar$
). This configuration would cause ScanRar
to only be assigned to RAR files that do not have the extension ".rar".
- negative:
filename: '\.rar$'
- 'application/x-rar'
- 'rar_file'
priority: 5
limit: 1000
Each scanner supports multiple mappings -- this makes it possible to assign different priorities and options to the scanner based on the mapping variables. If a scanner has multiple mappings that match a file, then the first mapping wins.
Below is a sample configuration that shows how a single scanner can apply different options depending on the mapping.
- positive:
- 'x509_der_file'
priority: 5
type: 'der'
- positive:
- 'x509_pem_file'
priority: 5
type: 'pem'
Strelka's client apps and server components support encryption and authentication (EA) via Envoy.
Envoy is a highly regarded, open source proxy created by Lyft and used by many large organizations. One Envoy proxy can provide EA between clients and frontends while many Envoy proxies can provide end-to-end EA. This repository contains two Envoy proxy configurations to help users get started, both are found in misc/envoy/*
If users do not have an SSL certificate managing system, then we recommend using certstrap, an open source certificate manager created by Square.
The following are recommendations and considerations to keep in mind when deploying clusters.
Strelka's container-based design allows for significant flexibility in designing a distributed system that works for your environment. Below are some recommended design patterns.
The quickstart pattern is intended for demonstration and integration testing. With this pattern, all server components run on a single host. Not intended for clusters scanning more than 10k files per day or large bursts of files.
The short stack pattern is intended for small-to-medium environments. With this pattern, server components are distributed onto at least three hosts -- one running a frontend, one running Redis databases, and one or more running backends. Horizontally scaling backends allows users to scan many more files per day and handle large bursts of file activity.
The tall stack pattern is intended for large-to-huuuuuuge environments. With this pattern, server components are fully distributed across many hosts -- one running two instances of Envoy, multiple running frontends, multiple running backends, and multiple running Redis databases. Horizontally scaling frontends, backends, and Redis databases allows you to handle any volume of files you want.
The following recommendations apply to all clusters:
- Do not over-allocate backend CPUs
- .75 backend per CPU is recommended
- On a server with 4 CPUs, 3 are used by backends
- On a server with 8 CPUs, 6 are used by backends
- .75 backend per CPU is recommended
- Allocate at least 1GB RAM per backend
- If backends do not have enough RAM, then there will be excessive memory errors
- Big files (especially compressed files) require more RAM
- Allocate as much RAM as reasonable to the coordinator(s)
Multiple variables should be considered when determining the appropriate size for a cluster:
- Number of file requests per second
- Diversity of files requested
- Binary files take longer to scan than text files
- Number of YARA rules deployed
- Scanning a file with 50,000 rules takes longer than scanning a file with 50 rules
The best way to properly size a cluster is to start small, measure performance, and scale out as needed.
Below is a list of container-related considerations to keep in mind when running a cluster:
- Share volumes (not files) with the container
- Strelka's backend will read configuration files and YARA rules files when they startup -- sharing volumes with the container ensures that updated copies of these files on the localhost are reflected accurately inside the container without needing to restart the container
- Increase shm-size
- By default, Docker limits a container's shm size to 64MB -- this can cause errors with Strelka scanners that utilize
- By default, Docker limits a container's shm size to 64MB -- this can cause errors with Strelka scanners that utilize
- Set logging options
- By default, Docker has no log limit for logs output by a container
Due to its distributed design, we recommend using container orchestration (e.g. Kubernetes) or configuration management/provisioning (e.g. Ansible, SaltStack, etc.) systems for managing clusters.
Strelka's architecture allows clients ("client(s)") to submit files to one or many intake servers ("frontend(s)") which coordinate requests with caching (Redis) and processing servers ("backend(s)"). In combination, all server components create a "cluster." During file processing, files are sent through a series of data and file extraction modules ("scanners") via a user-defined distribution system ("tastes" and "flavors"); file scan results are sent back to the client and can be intercepted by the frontend, from which they can be sent to downstream analytics platforms (e.g. ElasticStack, Splunk, etc.).
This architecture makes the following deployments possible:
- 1-to-1 cluster (one client to one backend)
- 1-to-N cluster (one client to N backends)
- N-to-1 cluster (N clients to one backend)
- N-to-N cluster (N clients to N backends)
The most practical deployment is an N-to-N cluster -- this creates a fully scalable deployment that can be modified in-place without requiring significant cluster downtime.
Clients and frontends communicate using gRPC, frontends and backends communicate using Redis.
gRPC uses protocol buffers (protobuf) as its messaging format. File requests are converted into gRPC-valid protobuf (defined in src/go/api/strelka/
and src/python/strelka/proto/
) and represent a strict contract for how clients should communicate with a cluster. New clients can be written in any language supported by gRPC.
Configuration files are written in YAML format. Events are output as JSON using snakecase-formatted fields. Timestamp metadata follows ISO 8601 when appropriate.
Communication occurs through a combination of gRPC and Redis.
Client-to-frontend communication uses bi-directional gRPC streams. Clients upload their requests in chunks and receive scan results one-by-one for their request. If a file request is successful, then clients will always receive scan results for their requests and can choose how to handle these results.
Frontend-to-backend communication uses one or many Redis server, referred to as the 'coordinator' or 'coordinators'.
The coordinator acts as a task queue between the frontend and backend, a temporary file cache for the backend, and the database where the backend sends scan results for the frontend to pick up and send to the client. The coordinator can be scaled horizontally via Envoy's Redis proxy.
Frontend-to-gatekeeper communication relies on one Redis server, referred to as the 'gatekeeper'.
The gatekeeper is a temporary event cache from which the frontend can optionally retrieve events. As file chunks stream into the frontend, they are hashed with SHA256 and, when the file is complete, the frontend checks the gatekeeper to see if it has any events related to the requested file. If events exist and the client has not set the option to bypass the gatekeeper, then the cached file events are sent back to the client.
Strelka's file distribution assigns scanners (src/python/strelka/scanners/
) to files based on a system of "flavors" and "tastes". Flavors describe the type of file being distributed through the system and come in three types:
- MIME flavors -- assigned by libmagic (e.g. "application/zip")
- YARA flavors -- assigned by YARA rule matches (e.g. "zip_file")
- External flavors -- assigned by a parent file (e.g. "zip")
As files enter the system, they are tasted (e.g. scanned with YARA), their flavor is identified, and the flavor is checked for a corresponding mapping in the scanners configuration (configs/python/backend/backend.yaml
, see scanners for more details) -- flavors are the primary method through which scanners are assigned to files.
Below is a description of the keys included in the ScanFileRequest
protobuf. All keys are optional unless otherwise specified as required. This protobuf can be used to create new client apps in other programming languages supported by gRPC.
- "bytes": file data (required)
- "": string used to identify the request
- "request.client": string used to identify the Strelka client app
- "request.source": string used to identify the system or source of the request
- "attributes.filename": string containing the name of the file in the request
- "attributes.metadata": map of strings that contains metadata associated with the request
Below is a description of the keys included in the ScanHttpRequest
protobuf. All keys are optional unless otherwise specified as required. This protobuf can be used to create new client apps in other programming languages supported by gRPC.
- "url": url from which file data will be retrieved (required)
- "": string used to identify the request
- "request.client": string used to identify the Strelka client app
- "request.source": string used to identify the system or source of the request
- "attributes.filename": string containing the name of the file in the request
- "attributes.metadata": map of strings that contains metadata associated with the request
Strelka backend can currently emit tracing telemetry to otel and jaeger compatible collectors.
Traces allow you to put a microscope to the lifecycle of Strelka requests to look at problems with individual scanners and files.
Configure the backend with one of the following sections, depending on your environment:
sampling: 1.0
exporter: otlp-grpc
addr: strelka_tracing_1:4317
exporter: otlp-http
addr: http://strelka_tracing_1:4318/v1/traces
# Jaeger Thrift Collector
exporter: jaeger-http-thrift
addr: http://strelka_tracing_1:14268/api/traces
# Jaeger Thrift Agent
exporter: jaeger-udp-thrift
addr: strelka_tracing_1:6831
Sampling is a float between 0.0 and 1.0 that represents the percentage of traces that should be emitted. If the volume of traces is too large for your collector or storage, reducing this value to 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 is recommended.
Strelka ships with a Jaeger all-in-one docker container for visualizing traces.
Navigate to the Jaeger UI at http://localhost:16686/ to view traces.
Each scanner parses files of a specific flavor and performs data collection and/or file extraction on them. Scanners are typically named after the type of file they are intended to scan (e.g. "ScanHtml", "ScanPe", "ScanRar") but may also be named after the type of function or tool they use to perform their tasks (e.g. "ScanExiftool", "ScanHeader", "ScanOcr").
The table below describes each scanner and its options. Each scanner has the hidden option "scanner_timeout" which can override the distribution scanner_timeout.
Scanner Name | Scanner Description | Scanner Options | Contributor |
ScanAntiword | Extracts text from MS Word documents | tempfile_directory -- location where tempfile writes temporary files (defaults to /tmp/ ) |
ScanBatch | Collects metadata from batch script files | N/A | |
ScanBase64 | Decodes base64-encoded files | N/A | Nathan Icart |
ScanBzip2 | Decompresses bzip2 files | N/A | |
ScanCcn | Flags files containing credit card formatted numbers | N/A | Ryan O'Horo |
ScanCuckoo | Sends files to a Cuckoo sandbox | url -- URL of the Cuckoo sandbox (defaults to None)priority -- Cuckoo priority assigned to the task (defaults to 3 )timeout -- amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the task to upload (defaults to 10 )unique -- boolean that tells Cuckoo to only analyze samples that have not been analyzed before (defaults to True )username -- username used for authenticating to Cuckoo (defaults to None, optionally read from environment variable "CUCKOO_USERNAME")password -- password used for authenticating to Cuckoo (defaults to None, optionally read from environment variable "CUCKOO_PASSWORD") |
ScanDonut | Decrypts, extracts config and embedded payloads from Donut loader payloads ( using donut-decrypt ( | Ryan O'Horo | |
ScanDmg | Collects metadata from Mac DMG and other disk images, and extracts archived files | limit -- maximum number of files to extract (defaults to 1000 ) |
ScanDocx | Collects metadata and extracts text from docx files | extract_text -- boolean that determines if document text should be extracted as a child file (defaults to False ) |
ScanElf | Collects metadata from ELF files | N/A | |
ScanEmail | Collects metadata and extract files from email messages | N/A | |
ScanEncryptedDoc | Attempts to extract decrypted Office documents through brute force password cracking | password_file -- location of passwords file for encrypted documents (defaults to /etc/strelka/passwords.dat ) |
ScanEntropy | Calculates entropy of files | N/A | |
ScanExiftool | Collects metadata parsed by Exiftool | tempfile_directory -- location where tempfile writes temporary files (defaults to /tmp/ )keys -- list of keys to log (defaults to all) |
ScanFalconSandbox | Sends files to an instance of Falcon Sandbox | server -- URL of the Falcon Sandbox API inteface priority -- Falcon Sandbox priority assigned to the task (defaults to 3 )timeout -- amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the task to upload (defaults to 60 )envID -- list of numeric envrionment IDs that tells Falcon Sandbox which sandbox to submit a sample to (defaults to [100] )api_key -- API key used for authenticating to Falcon Sandbox (defaults to None, optionally read from environment variable "FS_API_KEY")api_secret -- API secret key used for authenticating to Falcon Sandbox (defaults to None, optionally read from environment variable "FS_API_SECKEY") |
ScanFooter | Collects file footer | length -- number of footer characters to log as metadata (defaults to 50 ) encodings -- list of output encodings, any of classic , raw , hex , backslash |
ScanGif | Extracts data embedded in GIF files | N/A | |
ScanGzip | Decompresses gzip files | N/A | |
ScanHash | Calculates file hash values | N/A | |
ScanHeader | Collects file header | length -- number of header characters to log as metadata (defaults to 50 ) encodings -- list of output encodings, any of classic , raw , hex , backslash |
ScanHtml | Collects metadata and extracts embedded files from HTML files | parser -- sets the HTML parser used during scanning (defaults to html.parser ) max_links -- Maximum amount of links to output in hyperlinks field (defaults to 50 ) |
ScanIni | Parses keys from INI files | N/A | |
ScanIqy | Parses Microsoft Excel Internet Query (IQY) files | N/A | |
ScanIso | Collects and extracts files from ISO files | limit -- maximum number of files to extract (defaults to 0 ) |
ScanJarManifest | Collects metadata from JAR manifest files | N/A | |
ScanJavascript | Collects metadata from Javascript files | beautify -- beautifies JavaScript before parsing (defaults to True ) |
ScanJpeg | Extracts data embedded in JPEG files | N/A | |
ScanJson | Collects keys from JSON files | N/A | |
ScanLibarchive | Extracts files from libarchive-compatible archives. | limit -- maximum number of files to extract (defaults to 1000 ) |
ScanLnk | Collects metadata from lnk files. | N/A | Ryan Borre, DerekT2, Nathan Icart |
ScanLzma | Decompresses lzma files | N/A | |
ScanMacho | Collects metadata from Mach-O files | tempfile_directory -- location where tempfile writes temporary files (defaults to /tmp/ ) |
ScanManifest | Collects metadata from Chrome Manifest files | N/A | DerekT2 |
ScanMsi | Collects MSI data parsed by Exiftool | tempfile_directory -- location where tempfile writes temporary files (defaults to /tmp/ )keys -- list of keys to log (defaults to all ) |
ScanOcr | Collects metadata and extracts optical text from image files | extract_text -- boolean that determines if document text should be extracted as a child file (defaults to False )split_words -- split output text into a list of individual words (Default: True)tempfile_directory -- location where tempfile will write temporary files (defaults to /tmp/ ) |
ScanOle | Extracts files from OLECF files | N/A | |
ScanPcap | Extracts files from PCAP/PCAPNG using Zeek | limit -- maximum number of files to extract (defaults to 1000 ) |
Ryan O'Horo |
ScanPdf | Collects metadata and extracts streams from PDF files | N/A | |
ScanPe | Collects metadata from PE files | N/A | |
ScanPgp | Collects metadata from PGP files | N/A | |
ScanPhp | Collects metadata from PHP files | N/A | |
ScanPkcs7 | Extracts files from PKCS7 certificate files | N/A | |
ScanPlist | Collects attributes from binary and XML property list files | keys -- list of keys to log (defaults to all ) |
ScanQr | Collects QR code metadata from image files | support_inverted -- Enable/disable image inversion to support inverted QR codes (white on black). Adds some image processing overhead. |
Aaron Herman |
ScanRar | Extracts files from RAR archives | limit -- maximum number of files to extract (defaults to 1000 )password_file -- location of passwords file for RAR archives (defaults to /etc/strelka/passwords.dat ) |
ScanRpm | Collects metadata and extracts files from RPM files | tempfile_directory -- location where tempfile will write temporary files (defaults to /tmp/ ) |
ScanRtf | Extracts embedded files from RTF files | limit -- maximum number of files to extract (defaults to 1000 ) |
ScanSave | Exposes raw file data in the output response in an encoded and compressed format | compression -- compression algorithm to use on the raw file data (defaults to gzip - bzip2 , lzma , and none are available)encoding -- JSON compatible encoding algorithm to use on the raw file data (defaults to base64 - base85 also available) |
Kevin Eiche |
ScanSevenZip | Collects metadata and extracts files from 7z files, including encrypted varieties | limit -- maximum number of files to extract (defaults to 1000 )crack_pws -- enable password crackinglog_pws -- add cracked passwords to eventpassword_file -- location of wordlist file (defaults to /etc/strelka/passwords.dat )brute_force -- enable brute force password crackingmin_length -- minimum brute force password lengthmax_length -- maximum brute force password length |
Ryan O'Horo |
ScanStrings | Collects strings from file data | limit -- maximum number of strings to collect, starting from the beginning of the file (defaults to 0 , collects all strings) |
ScanSwf | Decompresses swf (Flash) files | N/A | |
ScanTar | Extract files from tar archives | limit -- maximum number of files to extract (defaults to 1000 ) |
ScanTlsh | Scans and compares a file's TLSH hash with a list of TLSH hashes | "location" -- location of the TLSH rules file or directory (defaults to "/etc/tlsh/") "score" -- Score comparison threshold for matches (lower = closer match) |
ScanTnef | Collects metadata and extract files from TNEF files | N/A | |
ScanTranscode | Converts uncommon image formats to PNG to ease support in other scanners | output_format one of gif webp jpeg bmp png tiff (default jpeg ) |
Ryan O'Horo |
ScanUdf | Collects and extracts files from UDF files | limit -- maximum number of files to extract (defaults to 100 ) |
Ryan O'Horo |
ScanUpx | Decompresses UPX packed files | tempfile_directory -- location where tempfile will write temporary files (defaults to /tmp/ ) |
ScanUrl | Collects URLs from files | regex -- dictionary entry that establishes the regular expression pattern used for URL parsing (defaults to a widely scoped regex) |
ScanVb | Collects metadata from Visual Basic script files | N/A | |
ScanVba | Extracts and analyzes VBA from document files | analyze_macros -- boolean that determines if macros should be analyzed (defaults to True ) |
ScanVhd | Collects and extracts files from VHD/VHDX files | limit -- maximum number of files to extract (defaults to 100 ) |
Ryan O'Horo |
ScanVsto | Collects and extracts metadata from VSTO files | N/A | |
ScanX509 | Collects metadata from x509 and CRL files | type -- string that determines the type of x509 certificate being scanned (no default, assigned as either "der" or "pem" depending on flavor) |
ScanXL4MA | Analyzes and parses Excel 4 Macros from XLSX files | type -- string that determines the type of x509 certificate being scanned (no default, assigned as either "der" or "pem" depending on flavor) |
Ryan Borre |
ScanXml | Log metadata and extract files from XML files | extract_tags -- list of XML tags that will have their text extracted as child files (defaults to empty list)metadata_tags -- list of XML tags that will have their text logged as metadata (defaults to empty list) |
ScanYara | Scans files with YARA rules | location -- location of the YARA rules file or directory (defaults to /etc/strelka/yara/ )compiled -- Enable use of compiled YARA rules, as well as the path.store_offset -- Stores file offset for YARA matchoffset_meta_key -- YARA meta key that must exist in the YARA rule for the offset to be stored.offset_padding -- Amount of data to be stored before and after offset for additional context. |
ScanZip | Extracts files from zip archives | limit -- maximum number of files to extract (defaults to 1000 )password_file -- location of passwords file for zip archives (defaults to /etc/strelka/passwords.dat ) |
ScanZlib | Decompresses gzip files | N/A |
As Strelka consists of many scanners and dependencies for those scanners. Pytests are particularly valuable for testing the ongoing functionality of Strelka and it's scanners. Tests allow users to write test cases that verify the correct behavior of Strelka scanners to ensure that the scanners remain reliable and accurate. Additionally, using pytests can help streamline the development process, allowing developers to focus on writing new features and improvements for the scanners. Strelka contains a set of standard test fixture files that represent the types of files Strelka ingests. Test fixtures can also be loaded remotely with the helper functions get_remote_fixture
and get_remote_fixture_archive
for scanner tests that need malicious samples.
The best way to run Strelka's test suite is to build the docker containers. Some of Strelka's scanners have OS level dependencies which make them unsuitable for individual testing.
docker-compose -f build/docker-compose.yaml build backend
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.6, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /strelka
plugins: mock-3.10.0, unordered-0.5.2
collected 92 items
tests/ .
tests/ .
tests/ .
tests/ .
tests/ .
tests/ .
tests/ ..
tests/ ..
tests/ ..
tests/ .
tests/ .
tests/ ..
======================= 92 passed, 29 warnings in 27.93s =======================
If you're testing with the default backend.yaml and taste.yara, enable CONFIG_TESTS
to assure the configuration works as expected.
docker-compose -f build/docker-compose.yaml build --build-arg CONFIG_TESTS=true backend
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.6, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /strelka
plugins: mock-3.10.0, unordered-0.5.2
collected 155 items
tests_configuration/ .............................................................................
tests_configuration/ ..............................................................................
======================= 155 passed, 4 warnings in 8.55s ========================
Below are some select use cases that show the value Strelka can add to a threat detection tech stack. Keep in mind that these results are parsed in real time without post-processing and are typically correlated with other detection/response tools (e.g. Bro, Volatility, etc.). The file metadata shown below was derived from files found in VirusShare torrent no. 323 and from a test file in the MaliciousMacroBot (MMBot) repository.
Strelka scanners can decompress and unarchive child files from a wide variety of common file formats, including gzip, ISO, RAR, tar, and ZIP. Child files can also be extracted from files that are not typically thought of as file containers, including MZ, HTML, and XML. Child files are recursively scanned by the system and retain their relationship to parent files via unique identifiers (tree.node
, tree.parent
, and tree.root
Below is a partial scan result for a ZIP file that contains DLLs, MZ, and text files -- this shows which scanner extracted the child files and the order in which Strelka extracted them.
Strelka supports scanning some of the most common types of malicious script files (JavaScript, VBScript, etc.). Not only are these scripts parsed, but they are also extracted out of relevant parent files -- for example, JavaScript and VBScript can be extracted out of HTML files and VBA code can be extracted out of OLE files.
Below is a partial scan result for an HTML file that contains a malicious VBScript file that contains an encoded Windows executable file. HTML hyperlinks are redacted to prevent accidental navigation.
"file": {
"filename": "VirusShare_af8188122b7580b8907c76352d565616",
"depth": 0,
"flavors": {
"yara": [
"mime": [
"scanner_list": [
"size": 472513
"tree": {
"node": "7b9b9460-7943-4f9b-b7e0-c48653a1adbd",
"root": "7b9b9460-7943-4f9b-b7e0-c48653a1adbd",
"hash": {
"md5": "af8188122b7580b8907c76352d565616",
"sha1": "2a9eef195a911c966c4130223a64f7f47d6f8b8f",
"sha256": "5f0eb1981ed21ad22f67014b8c78ca1f164dfbc27d6bfe66d49c70644202321e",
"ssdeep": "6144:SCsMYod+X3oI+YUsMYod+X3oI+YlsMYod+X3oI+YLsMYod+X3oI+YQ:P5d+X3o5d+X3j5d+X315d+X3+"
"entropy": {
"entropy": 4.335250015702422
"header": {
"header": "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Trans"
"html": {
"total": {
"scripts": 10,
"forms": 1,
"inputs": 1,
"frames": 0,
"extracted": 7,
"spans": 11
"title": "目前学生信息已获0条得1-益民基金",
"hyperlinks": [
"forms": [
"method": "post"
"inputs": [
"type": "text",
"name": "q",
"value": "请输入搜索内容"
"scripts": [
"src": "/template/news/xbwseo02/static/js/common.js",
"type": "text/javascript"
"src": "/template/news/xbwseo02/static/js/forum.js",
"type": "text/javascript"
"src": "/template/news/xbwseo02/static/js/forum_viewthread.js",
"type": "text/javascript"
"type": "text/javascript"
"language": "VBScript"
"spans": [
"class": [
"file": {
"filename": "script_5",
"depth": 1,
"flavors": {
"mime": [
"external": [
"source": "ScanHtml",
"scanner_list": [
"size": 113073
"tree": {
"node": "153e9833-3d47-4a4d-a098-41efcc6f799e",
"parent": "7b9b9460-7943-4f9b-b7e0-c48653a1adbd",
"root": "7b9b9460-7943-4f9b-b7e0-c48653a1adbd",
"hash": {
"md5": "64659f52fd89e89171af1f7d9441f2f2",
"sha1": "763b46a4493e413f74e25b191c553a504e1ce66b",
"sha256": "5a07bc83f2de5cbf28fdeb25a792c41686998118c77ee45a9bb94072ab18a170",
"ssdeep": "1536:cyLi+rffMxqNisaQx4V5roEIfGJZN8qbV76EX1UP09weXA3oJrusBTOy9dGCsQSz:cyfkMY+BES09JXAnyrZalI+YG"
"entropy": {
"entropy": 4.0084789402784775
"header": {
"header": "<!--\nDropFileName = \"svchost.exe\"\nWriteData = \"4D5"
"vb": {
"tokens": [
"names": [
"operators": [
"strings": [
Strelka supports parsing executables across Linux (ELF), Mac (Mach-O), and Windows (MZ). Metadata parsed from these executables can be verbose, including logging the functions imported by Mach-O and MZ files and the segments imported by ELF files. This level of detail allows analysts to fingerprint executables beyond todays common techniques (e.g. imphash).
Below is a partial scan result for an MZ file that shows PE metadata.
"filename": "VirusShare_0b937eb777e92d13fb583c4a992208dd",
"depth": 0,
"scanner_list": [
"size": 1666443
"total": {
"sections": 8
"timestamp": "1992-06-19T22:22:17",
"machine": {
"id": 332,
"image_magic": "32_BIT",
"stack_reserve_size": 1048576,
"stack_commit_size": 16384,
"heap_reserve_size": 1048576,
"heap_commit_size": 4096,
"entry_point": 50768,
"image_base": 4194304,
"image_characteristics": [
"imphash": "03a57449e5cad93724ec1ab534741a15",
"imports": [
"import_functions": [
"import": "kernel32.dll",
"functions": [
"import": "user32.dll",
"functions": [
"import": "oleaut32.dll",
"functions": [
"import": "advapi32.dll",
"functions": [
"import": "comctl32.dll",
"functions": [
"resources": [
"type": "RT_ICON",
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"language": "LANG_DUTCH",
"sub_language": "SUBLANG_DUTCH"
"type": "RT_ICON",
"id": 1043,
"offset": 87092,
"size": 1384,
"sha256": "dc785b2a3e4ea82bd34121cc04e80758e221f11ee686fcfd87ce49f8e6730b22",
"sha1": "6881cba71174502883d53a8885fb90dad81fd0c0",
"md5": "0a451222f7037983439a58e3b44db529",
"language": "LANG_DUTCH",
"sub_language": "SUBLANG_DUTCH"
"type": "RT_ICON",
"id": 1043,
"offset": 88476,
"size": 744,
"sha256": "ca8fc96218d0a7e691dd7b95da05a27246439822d09b829af240523b28fd5bb3",
"sha1": "b849a2b9901473810b5d74e6703be78c3a7e64e3",
"md5": "90ed3aac2a942e3067e6471b32860e77",
"language": "LANG_DUTCH",
"sub_language": "SUBLANG_DUTCH"
"type": "RT_ICON",
"id": 1043,
"offset": 89220,
"size": 2216,
"sha256": "3bbacbad1458254c59ad7d0fd9bea998d46b70b8f8dcfc56aad561a293ffdae3",
"sha1": "f54685a8a314e6f911c75cf7554796212fb17c3e",
"md5": "af05dd5bd4c3b1fc94922c75ed4f9519",
"language": "LANG_DUTCH",
"sub_language": "SUBLANG_DUTCH"
"type": "RT_STRING",
"id": 0,
"offset": 91436,
"size": 754,
"sha256": "2c0d32398e3c95657a577c044cc32fe24fa058d0c32e13099b26fd678de8354f",
"sha1": "4f9885ae629e83464e313af5254ef86f01accd0b",
"md5": "bbf4b644f9dd284b35eb31573d0df2f7",
"language": "LANG_NEUTRAL",
"sub_language": "SUBLANG_NEUTRAL"
"type": "RT_STRING",
"id": 0,
"offset": 92192,
"size": 780,
"sha256": "840989e0a92f2746ae60b8e3efc1a39bcca17e82df3634c1643d76141fc75bb3",
"sha1": "ff0db7d2f48d85ceb3539b21ebe9d0ca3443f1da",
"md5": "ac2a0551cb90f91d779ee8622682dfb1",
"language": "LANG_NEUTRAL",
"sub_language": "SUBLANG_NEUTRAL"
"type": "RT_STRING",
"id": 0,
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"type": "RT_STRING",
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"type": "RT_STRING",
"id": 0,
"offset": 93976,
"size": 174,
"sha256": "34973a8a33b90ec734bd328198311f579666d5aeb04c94f469ebb822689de3c3",
"sha1": "1f5e4c73965fea1d1f729efbe7568dcd081a2168",
"md5": "4bd4f3f6d918ba49d8800ad83d277a86",
"language": "LANG_NEUTRAL",
"sub_language": "SUBLANG_NEUTRAL"
"type": "RT_GROUP_ICON",
"id": 1033,
"offset": 94152,
"size": 62,
"sha256": "44b095a62d7e401671f57271e6cada367bb55cf7b300ef768b3487b841facd3c",
"sha1": "4aa3239c2c59fa5f246b0dd68da564e529b98ff4",
"md5": "f6262f462f61a1af1cac10cf4b790e5a",
"language": "LANG_ENGLISH",
"sub_language": "SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US"
"type": "RT_VERSION",
"id": 1033,
"offset": 94216,
"size": 936,
"sha256": "317a33004d3895b035961ccd83e22cdb39378708df0374387d389dd47f365c39",
"sha1": "91d40710682b935fe1f3c66379901f90c444bac3",
"md5": "6918486caeb42f838f9d8f0cc4d692dd",
"language": "LANG_ENGLISH",
"sub_language": "SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US"
"type": "RT_MANIFEST",
"id": 1033,
"offset": 95152,
"size": 649,
"sha256": "6cc41297efef410e2c23b74b2333cafa10b1e93e7dbcf4c683f37ad49ac1e92a",
"sha1": "901d01bf4040d01986ed704587cb1c989d7f3b93",
"md5": "c047a23817cac3cf4b6ade2cce0f2452",
"language": "LANG_ENGLISH",
"sub_language": "SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US"
"sections": [
"name": "CODE",
"flags": [
"name": "DATA",
"flags": [
"name": "BSS",
"flags": [
"name": ".idata",
"flags": [
"name": ".tls",
"flags": [
"name": ".rdata",
"flags": [
"name": ".reloc",
"flags": [
"name": ".rsrc",
"flags": [
Strelka supports extracting body text from document files (MS Word, PDF, etc.) and optical text from image files (using Optical Character Recognition, OCR). Extracted text is treated like any other file -- it is hashed, scanned with YARA, and parsed with text-specific scanners. This makes it relatively easy to track patterns in phishing activity, especially when threat actors leverage indirect methods of malware delivery (e.g. sending the target a hyperlink in an email body).
Below is a complete scan result for a text file that appears to be a shell script containing an IP address. The IP address is redacted to prevent accidental navigation.
"file": {
"filename": "VirusShare_1860271b6d530f8e120637f8248e8c88",
"depth": 0,
"flavors": {
"mime": [
"scanner_list": [
"size": 1856
"tree": {
"node": "c65e5d0a-3a7d-4747-93bd-7d02cb68e164",
"root": "c65e5d0a-3a7d-4747-93bd-7d02cb68e164"
"hash": {
"md5": "1860271b6d530f8e120637f8248e8c88",
"sha1": "ca5aaae089a21dea271a4a5f436589492615eac9",
"sha256": "779e4ae1ac987b1be582b8f33a300564f6b3a3410641e27752d35f61055bbc4f",
"ssdeep": "24:cCEDx8CPP9C7graWH0CdCBrCkxcCLlACCyzECDxHCfCqyCM:g9LPnPWesnV"
"entropy": {
"entropy": 4.563745722228093
"header": {
"header": "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || c"
"url": {
"urls": [
At release, Strelka supports sending files to a Cuckoo sandbox and sending VBScript files to a networked instance of MMBot.
Below is a partial scan result for a document file that contains VBA/VBScript, this shows the maliciousness prediction and metadata retrieved from MMBot.
"file": {
"filename": "/samples/benign.xlsm",
"depth": 0,
"scanner_list": [
"size": 10906
"tree": {
"node": "12db8e8b-cfea-4290-85e0-8314ec00289f",
"root": "12db8e8b-cfea-4290-85e0-8314ec00289f"
"file": {
"filename": "ThisWorkbook.cls",
"depth": 2,
"flavors": {
"yara": [
"mime": [
"source": "ScanVba",
"scanner_list": [
"size": 305
"tree": {
"node": "c32ae623-9f48-4d0e-ac48-2ca68770863c",
"parent": "13cb69ec-c7ce-433d-bd2e-14ebbfee1e3f",
"root": "13cb69ec-c7ce-433d-bd2e-14ebbfee1e3f"
"hash": {
"md5": "b59c5dbc9757e748ff31c4ef3478af98",
"sha1": "4a864f065b59cd4ebe031f2cbc70aecd5331a2de",
"sha256": "14de0425a62586687c3d59b7d3d7dc60268f989ab7e07a61403525064d98502a",
"ssdeep": "6:YhH0shm7FWSvVG/4H3HcM25E3YRV3opedT1Xdv8SAFYDsoS:Y7gZWaVW4B25dTJaoS"
"entropy": {
"entropy": 4.838185555972263
"header": {
"header": "Attribute VB_Name = \"ThisWorkbook\"\r\nAttribute VB_B"
"vb": {
"tokens": [
"names": [
"operators": [
"strings": [
"yara": {
"flags": [ "compiling_error" ]
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