Fast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript.
Sublime's fuzzy search is... sublime. I wish everything used it. So here's an open source js version.
npm i fuzzysort
> require('fuzzysort').single('t', 'test')
{ score: -3, indexes: [0], target: 'test' }
<script src=""></script>
<script> console.log(fuzzysort.single('t', 'test')) </script>
var result = fuzzysort.single('query', 'some string that contains my query.')
result.score // -59
result.indexes // [29, 30, 31, 32, 33] // some string that contains my query.
fuzzysort.highlight(result, '<b>', '</b>') // some string that contains my <b>query</b>.
fuzzysort.single('query', 'irrelevant string') // null
// exact match returns a score of 0. lower is worse
fuzzysort.single('query', 'query').score // 0
fuzzysort.go('mr', ['Monitor.cpp', 'MeshRenderer.cpp'])
// [{score: -18, target: "MeshRenderer.cpp"}, {score: -6009, target: "Monitor.cpp"}]
let promise = fuzzysort.goAsync('mr', ['Monitor.cpp', 'MeshRenderer.cpp'])
promise.then(results => console.log(results))
if(invalidated) promise.cancel()
fuzzysort.go(search, targets, {
threshold: -Infinity, // Don't return matches worse than this (faster)
limit: Infinity, // Don't return more results than this (faster)
key: null, // For when targets are objects (see its example usage)
keys: null, // For when targets are objects (see its example usage)
scoreFn: null, // For use with `keys` (see its example usage)
fuzzysort.highlight(fuzzysort.single('tt', 'test'), '*', '*') // *t*es*t*
You can help the algorithm go fast by providing prepared targets instead of raw strings. Preparing strings is slow, do this ahead of time and only prepare each target once.
myObj.titlePrepared = fuzzysort.prepare(myObj.title)
fuzzysort.single('gotta', myObj.titlePrepared)
fuzzysort.single('go', myObj.titlePrepared)
fuzzysort.single('fast', myObj.titlePrepared)
Search a list of objects by key
fuzzysort.go('mr', [{file:'Monitor.cpp'}, {file:'MeshRenderer.cpp'}], {key: 'file'})
// When using `key`, the results will have an extra property, `obj`, which referencese the original obj
// [{score: -18, target: "MeshRenderer.cpp", obj}, {score: -6009, target: "Monitor.cpp", obj}]
Search a list of objects, by multiple fields, with custom weights.
let objects = [{title:'Favorite Color', desc:'Chrome'}, {title:'Google Chrome', desc:'Launch Chrome'}]
let results = fuzzysort.go('chr', objects, {
keys: ['title', 'desc'],
// Create a custom combined score to sort by. -100 to the desc score makes it a worse match
scoreFn(a) => Math.max(a[0]?a[0].score:-1000, a[1]?a[1].score-100:-1000)
var bestResult = results[0]
// When using multiple `keys`, results are different. They're indexable to get each normal result
fuzzysort.highlight(bestResult[0]) // 'Google <b>Chr</b>ome'
fuzzysort.highlight(bestResult[1]) // 'Launch <b>Chr</b>ome'
bestResult.obj.title // 'Google Chrome'
Multiple instances, each with different default options.
const strictsort ={threshold: -999})
- Inverted scores; they're now negative instead of positive, so that higher scores are better
- Added ability to search objects by
with custom weights - Removed the option to automatically highlight and exposed
- Removed all options from
and moved them intofuzzysort.go
optional params
- init