This is an extension for the Telescope plugin which implements a picker for yadm files.
The picker get files tracked by yadm. It can be configured using options.
Once installed, the extension has to be loaded using standard Telescope's API:
-- Load extension.
An example of the shortcut to open recent files:
-- Map a shortcut to open the picker.
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<Leader>gy",
[[<cmd>lua require('telescope').extensions.yadm.pick()<CR>]],
{noremap = true, silent = true})
Extension options can be configured in the Telescope's setup:
require("telescope").setup {
defaults = {
-- Your regular Telescope's options.
extensions = {
yadm = {
-- This extension's options, see below.
The extension provides the following options:
).The list of file patterns to ignore in the picker. These are the standard Lua patterns. If you're opening some logs or other temporary files, you can configure the ignore patters in order not to clutter the pickers.
).Show only files in the cwd.