This package is a port of rust-headless-chrome to Luau, built for Lune.
pesde add synpixel/chrome
local fs = require("@lune/fs")
local chrome = require("@pkg/chrome")
local browser =
local tab = browser:newTab()
-- Navigate to wikipedia
-- Wait for network/javascript/dom to make the search-box available
-- and click it.
-- Type in a query and press `Enter`
-- We should end up on the WebKit-page once navigated
local element = tab:waitForElement("#firstHeading")
assert(tab:getUrl():sub(-6) == "WebKit")
-- Take a screenshot of the entire browser window
local jpeg = tab:captureScreenshot({ format = "jpeg", fromSurface = true })
-- Save the screenshot to disc
fs.writeFile("screenshot.jpeg", jpeg)
-- Take a screenshot of just the WebKit-Infobox
local png = tab:waitForElement("#mw-content-text > div > table.infobox.vevent"):captureScreenshot({ format = "png" })
-- Save the screenshot to disc
fs.writeFile("screenshot.png", png)
-- Run JavaScript in the page
local result = element:callJsFunction([[
function getIdTwice () {
// `this` is always the element that you called `callJsFunction` on
const id =;
return id + id;
assert(result.value == "firstHeadingfirstHeading")