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Java application to download crawls from WASAPI


Gradle is the build tool.

You can create a build from the current source code by running this command from the project root:

./gradlew build installDist

An example invocation of the downloader after building:

./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --collectionId 123 --crawlStartAfter 2014-03-14

You can print usage info and current config state with the -h or --help argument:

./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --help

Since --help prints the combined configuration state, including values of the command line args, it can be useful in conjunction with other args if you're unsure whether you're providing the correct settings/arguments.

Getting started

  1. git clone
  2. cd wasapi-downloader
  3. ./gradlew jar (compile the code)

One Time Setup


  • java (7)


Gradle, with wrapper, is the build tool. To compile and run the tests:

`./gradlew check`


Capistrano is used for deployment.

  1. On your laptop, run


to install the Ruby capistrano gems and other dependencies for deployment.

  1. Deploy code to remote VM:

    cap dev deploy

This will also build and package the code on the remote VM with Gradle wrapper.